"Take it." Jing Keai said, "Drink a can and taste what it tastes like, you won't get drunk."


This girl with glasses was very cowardly and never dared to refuse others, so she reached out to take the beer pitifully, pulled the tab, took a small sip, and immediately raised her hand to cover her mouth and coughed, her little face wrinkled into a ball of bitterness.

Jing Kei laughed: "It's hard to drink?"

"Yeah." The glasses girl nodded hurriedly, a blush appeared on her small face, pitifully, "It tastes so strange and bitter...why do so many people like to drink beer?"

Jing Keai stretched out a finger, tapped it on her lips, thought for a while and said, "Maybe it's because life is more bitter?"

Hua Ye squinted his eyes: "You are enough."

You are a winner in life, shut up now!If you want good looks, a good figure, and money, you can't get married, and you're clearly a krypton gold player on Earth OL, okay?

"Hahaha." Jing Keai stroked the beer can with her fingers, "Beer is a potion for treating shyness, emotional depression, overthinking and rational thinking. I think it suits you well. Take another sip and it should taste better. "

Chapter 979 Change Your Position (First Change)

"Eh, is that so?"

The lady with glasses was dubious, opened her small mouth again, took a sip of beer, then frowned, and swallowed pitifully.

"It's still bitter..."

The teacher lied, the first sip was as bad as the second, and it didn't taste better at all.

"Don't drink it if you can't drink it, maybe you will like it in the future."

Jing Keai shook her head, her left leg was stacked on top of her right leg, her legs were not wearing stockings under her nightgown, her skin was like freshly peeled eggs, white and smooth, and the beautiful curve from knee to ankle was extra alluring.

"When I went to the hospital for an examination in the morning, the doctor told me that it is best to stay in the hospital for observation for a period of time."

"I don't want to stay in that hospital that smells like disinfectant, then I went to a massage club and asked a professional technician to help me with a massage... Some effects, but unfortunately the effect is not very obvious, it still hurts a little at the moment, and I can't move. convenient."

Jing Keai looked at Hua Ye: "So please give me a massage, the teacher still thinks your technique is the best..."

So, how many people's technologies have you tried before you come to this conclusion!

Hua Ye looked disgusted: "First check where the injury is."

"Yeah." Jing Keai said, "Don't go to the bedroom, just sit on the sofa?"

Male high school students had to guard against it. Maybe Hua Ye wanted to push it down when he saw the bed. Anyway, the sofa in the living room is big enough to lie on his stomach without any problem.

Hua Ye nodded: "Yes."

"Then I undressed?"

"Take it off."

Take it off as soon as you say it, Jing Keai is not coy or shy, and as for Yan Ni... not at all.

The feeling of low back pain is like Rong Rong holding a silver needle and stabbing you in the back one by one. At this time, even if it is a peaceful day, it is impossible for you to still have charming thoughts!

Unbuttoning the pajamas, he took off the pajamas easily, revealing his snow-white skin and smooth back, but he didn't need the glasses girl to help him undress again.

The conversation between the two was straightforward, and the action of undressing was quite neat. On the contrary, the glasses girl stood aside with a blank expression, her face was flushed, and she didn't know what to do.

Even though I've seen it once, I still find it super embarrassing.

"Teacher Jing, I, I'm going back first?"

The glasses girl said in a low voice.

"What's the rush?" Jing Keai naturally wouldn't agree, although there is no place for Kitano Haruka to help, but being by the side is the greatest effect, "You sit by the side and walk with him later."


The glasses girl was so pitiful that she didn't dare to refuse, so she obediently sat down on the sofa next to her.

Jing Keai was already on her stomach, with a pillow under her chin, and her pajamas were taken off to her hips, revealing her beautifully curved back. Her voice seemed a little lazy: "Take it off, let's start."

I always feel that if I say "Thank you for the hospitality, I'm starting" at this time, I will be kicked and broken by a broken bone!

Hua Ye sat next to her, put her hands on Jing's cute, jade-smooth, delicate and soft back, and began to check the injured area.


A muffled moan sounded.

"Take it easy, it hurts."

"It's already very light."


As Hua Ye brushed his hands across his back, Jing Keai made shameful noises from time to time, which made the glasses girl blush and dare not leave.

Hua Ye finished the examination quickly: "Your injury has worsened."

Jing Keai lay on the sofa and sighed: "I can't help it, that speeding gangster with yellow hair who bullies the girls in our school, can't just sit idly by?"

Seeing the injustice on the road, throwing a fist to help is the correct way for Jing Keai to open up.

"But that yellow hair is even worse. He can't get out of bed for at least a week."

Hua Ye squinted his eyes: "I started?"

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