"Hurry up, I'll be waiting for you."


Jing Keai's mouth is very casual, but she has silently bit her lips.

Last time when I was in the lounge of the gymnasium, I accidentally made a super embarrassing sound. I felt that it was too bad when I heard it. This time I made up my mind and never made the same mistake again.

She took out her mobile phone and tried to divert her attention by watching the news.

It has to be said that the mobile phone has become the soul mate of human beings who stay around the body for [-] hours. When playing with the mobile phone, even the comfort that makes people want to cry out can be suppressed.


The glasses girl quietly breathed a sigh of relief. Although the current scene is still a bit bad, it is still within the acceptable range. As long as the massage is finished, she can leave.

As a result, just as she was relieved, she heard an extremely seductive moan coming from Jing Keai's phone.


Jing Keai's hand shook, she couldn't hold the phone firmly, and it fell directly on the floor, and then there were high-pitched cries one after another. Anyone who has seen the small film can smile knowingly.

The glasses girl trembled in fright, and covered her mouth with her hand.

"What is Teacher Jing doing?"

"Okay, you seem to be watching something like that?"

"But why do you want to watch it at this time!"

"It's terrible, it's terrible, it's terrible..."

Jing Keai picked up the phone as if nothing had happened: "This is a spoof video that a friend sent me just now. The dubbing is just cut out. If you don't believe me, watch it for yourself."

Having said that, there is still a rare blush on Jing Keai's face. While receiving massage with her upper body naked, playing this kind of music in front of two students is really embarrassing and throwing it at grandma's house !

"No, no need!"

The glasses girl hurriedly shook her head, for fear of seeing an indescribably terrifying scene.

"Student Kitano, come and have a look." Jing Keai said.

In order to prove his innocence, it is natural for Kitano Haruka to see it with his own eyes, otherwise his teacher's image will collapse.


The glasses girl didn't dare to refuse, she walked over pitifully in small steps, then looked down at the phone.

Although the dubbing was terrible, what was played on the mobile phone was indeed a very ordinary outdoor spoof video. Kitano Haruka covered her ears with tears in her eyes: "Teacher Jing, hurry up and turn it off..."

"See clearly?"

Jing Keai coughed lightly, and then realized that something was wrong, and hurriedly looked back from the corner of her eyes, and saw Hua Ye sitting there, as if she hadn't heard at all, and she was still massaging calmly, she was relieved, in case Once because of this piece of music to add to the fun, let yourself suffer innocent injustice, there is really no place to cry.

Jing Keai turned off the phone as if nothing had happened: "It's not that you haven't taken a physical health class, so don't worry about it."

How could you not care!

Teacher Jing, whom I have always admired and looked forward to, can actually discuss this kind of thing. The image of the campus boss with a cigarette in his hand, wearing a windbreaker, and talking and laughing is completely shattered!

In order to avoid similar embarrassment from happening again, Jing Keai turned off her mobile phone and silently waited for the end of the massage treatment. Unfortunately, it did not end, but...


A crisp slap sounded.

Hua Ye raised his hand and slapped her on the back, then ordered:

"Change your position."

Chapter 980 Taboo Teacher-Student Relationship (Second)

"Eh?" Jing Keai was taken aback, and asked in doubt, "What did you say? Let me change my position?"

Hua Ye nodded: "Front side up."

"doing what?"

"Remember what I told you last time?"

"Which word are you referring to?" Jing Keai turned her head to look.

Hua Ye said:

"Tuina therapy is not a massage. The idea of ​​'push where it hurts' doesn't work. When I checked just now, I found that you have pulled a new muscle, so you need abdominal massage."

In daily life, many patients with acute waist sprain go to a massage club for massage, and the condition becomes even worse the next day, because they can only "push where the pain is" and fail to find the root of the lesion , leading to a worsening of the condition.

"Is the situation serious?" Jing Keai hesitated.

After all, there is less shame in lying on your stomach. If you change to face up, and everyone faces each other face to face, the shame will definitely increase sharply.

Hua Ye thought for a while: "It's not very serious. It will be fine after half a month's rest. However, during this period, strenuous exercise is not allowed. If you slip your waist again, the consequences will be very serious."

"Stop talking." Jing Keai gritted her teeth, "Just change your posture."

Half a month is such a long time, and I am a person who loves sports. If I walk around carefully every day and dare not make the slightest movement, I feel unbearable when I think about it.

In contrast, it’s just abdominal massage, and you don’t need to take off your bra. In fact, it’s no different from back massage.

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