Thinking about it this way, Jing Keai propped up one arm and was about to change to a supine position, but in the end, she didn't know whether it was because she moved too much, or the life of the bra was at the end of her life, and the buckle of the black bra broke with a 'snap' sound. ...


The air was suddenly silent.

Hua Ye looked over subconsciously, and could see a touch of snow-white delicateness breaking free from its restraints, ready to come out. The subtle arc full of temptation, paired with a black lace bra, was very visually alluring.

Jing Keai stretched out her hands to cover her chest as if nothing had happened, covering the bra that almost fell off, and then said with a deadpan expression: "You go to the balcony to see the scenery first."

Hua Ye was speechless: "I don't want to see the scenery."


Jing Keai narrowed her eyes, with a murderous smile on her face.


Hua Ye twitched the corner of his mouth, turned around silently and walked towards the balcony.

There's nothing to be shy about, even if you stand naked in front of me, you won't be interested, okay?I don't want to be the hero of the book for teachers and students at all!

"Student Kitano." Jing Keai turned her head to look at the glasses girl again, "Go to the bedroom and help me get a piece of underwear, you can see it when you open the closet, just take any one."


The lady with glasses hurriedly got up and ran into the bedroom in small steps. The teacher Jing just now was very scary. It felt like a balloon full of air, as if it would explode if touched lightly.

Kitano Haruka walked into the bedroom quickly and took out a black bra: "Teacher, is this one okay?"

"Okay, thank you Kitano." Jing Keai reached out to take the bra, glanced at Hua Ye who was watching the scenery on the balcony, thought for a while and said, "Kitano, stand in front of me."


The glasses girl blinked her eyes, and didn't understand what she was going to do for a while, her expression was a little cute.

Jing Keai said, "Help me block the view from the balcony."

"I know, I know!"

Kitano Haruka hurried forward two steps, opened her arms, and stood in front of Jing's lovely body, her face was tense, her lips were pursed, and her expression was extremely serious.

"Don't be so nervous." Jing Keai shook her head and smiled, feeling a little better, then took off her bra, and started changing the bra in front of the glasses girl.

"Eh eh?"

Kitano Haruka opened her eyes wide, looking at the little rabbit in front of her, her little face flushed quickly, and she turned her head away.

"What's there to be shy about?" Jing Kei couldn't help but laugh, "I should be the one who should be shy at a time like this, right?"

It's a pity that he didn't mean to blush and shy at all when he said so, the aura of a big boss was undoubtedly evident.

After changing her bra, Jing Keai breathed a sigh of relief: "Okay, call classmate Hua Ye to come in."

The glasses girl ran to the balcony, "Student Hua Ye, Teacher Jing calls you back."


Hua Ye put away his phone and returned to the living room.I saw that Jing Keai put on a new bra, which was also black, and looked similar to the previous one.

At this moment, Jing Keai was lying on the sofa, her black hair was spread out under her body, and she crossed her arms in front of her chest: "Okay, you can continue."

Hua Ye responded, and landed his right hand on Jing's lovely belly, which was extraordinarily soft and delicate, smooth and flat, and began the unfinished massage treatment.

Following Hua Ye's movements, Jing Kei was obviously a little nervous, her body tensed subconsciously, and then the outlines of a few abdominal muscles clearly emerged in her palm.

Girls with abs can't be provoked, can't be provoked.

Hua Ye massaged gently: "Don't be nervous, relax, tense is not good for muscles."

Nonsense, you are not nervous if you say you are not nervous!If someone else dared to touch my belly, he would have been sent to heaven with a punch, okay?

Jing Keai said angrily, "How long will it take?"

When you are facing up to the sky, you can't look at your mobile phone naturally, otherwise the tragedy of the mobile phone hitting your face is very likely to happen. There is no way, Jing Keai can only use words to distract attention.

Hua Ye said, "Two minutes will be enough."

"Then hurry up."

It's a pity that as soon as she breathed a sigh of relief, Jing Keai felt Hua Ye's fingers move down the navel, and soon reached the edge of no-touch.

"what are you doing?!"

Jing Keai grabbed Hua Ye's arm and shouted in embarrassment.

Hua Ye said speechlessly, "I should ask you this, right?"

"Didn't you say abdominal massage?" Jing Keai clenched her silver teeth, her fists clenched, "Where do you want to touch now?"

Fortunately, Kitano Haruka came here, otherwise, as in the news, I will strip you naked and let you undergo shame therapy!

Hua Ye squinted his eyes: "Isn't this the abdomen?"

"Of course not!"

"In medical terms, the abdomen refers to the part of the body between the pelvis and the chest." Hua Ye drew a line with his fingers, and said with a blank expression, "That is to say, this area is the abdomen, and I did not exceed it." demarcated boundaries."

Jing Keai only felt a shudder in her skin, she tried her best not to let Xiao Yin blurt out, she gritted her teeth and said: "Hey, you boy, be honest with me! Just say it, don't move your hands!"

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