While agreeing, Gabriel blinked at Hua Ye, "Hurry up and take the mop, if you take the initiative, my sister won't say anything about me."

Hua Ye thought for a while: "Do your own thing."

"Hundan! You wait!"


"I have something to ask you." Jia Ailu looked at Hua Ye, "Shall we go to the balcony and talk?"

It stands to reason that for a great existence like Hua Ye, she should look up and be in awe, but when she saw the scene of Hua Ye kissing Gabriel that day, she couldn't be in awe at all!On the contrary, there is still a feeling of anger that the cabbage that I have worked so hard to raise is a pig!

Jia Ailu is actually a sister-in-law, but fortunately Hua Ye is not an ordinary person, otherwise, if someone else would hug and hold Jia Baili high, he would have been shattered by a divine punishment.

The two walked to the balcony.

Gabriel followed behind with a mop in her hand, trying to eavesdrop with her ears pricked up, but it was a pity that Gaairu directly cast an enchantment to block all the sound.

"Tch." Gabriel curled her lips, dawdling feebly, "Anyway, I can ask that hentai later, I know what you say..."

"Illya, your maid, seems to have left?" Gael asked. After she came to the world, she found that Illya's breath had disappeared, and she was even more sure that something had happened.

Hua Ye understood what Jia Ailu meant, and said calmly, "I'll ask her to go back and do something."

Jiaailu hesitated for a moment, blushing slightly: "Can you tell me what's going on?"

According to Hua Ye's orders, Yi Liya went to kill the clones of the evil gods, but those clones of the evil gods were scattered in multiple worlds, so it would be troublesome to kill them all by herself.As the devil king's secretary, naturally he doesn't need to do it himself, just mobilize the power of his subordinates directly.

The sudden large-scale transfer of personnel in the Demon Realm naturally attracted the attention of the Heaven Realm, so Jiaailu was sent to investigate the situation.

Hua Ye didn't hide anything, and said calmly:

"I killed an evil god and let Illya go and destroy the evil god's clone."

"Eh, evil god?"

Jiaairu couldn't help opening her eyes wide, shaking her hands, and accidentally knocked over a pot of cactus on the balcony, she quickly reached out to grab it, but ended up grabbing the potted plant, but she also fell over the railing.

Hua Ye reached out and grabbed Jia Ailu's arm, pulling her back. Although she wouldn't be hurt if she fell from the second floor, she couldn't sit idly by.


Jia Ailu blushed slightly, and quickly withdrew her hand, thanking her softly.

Hua Ye was about to speak when he suddenly felt two murderous eyes looking over him.

Turning his head, he saw Gabriel standing behind the door with his eyes wide open, his face tensed, and he was rarely serious and serious.

It's fine to take Wei Nai home at night, and you can pretend not to see if you sneak around with Lafite, but no matter what, you are not allowed to bully your sister!

Hua Ye twitched the corner of his mouth, stretched out his hand decisively to open the door, and broke the soundproof barrier by the way: "Just now your sister accidentally knocked the cactus down, I just gave her a hand, I didn't do anything else!"


Gabriel didn't speak, and continued to look over with a tense little face.

My sister is a powerful angel known as the hand of God, how could she knock down a potted plant like an ordinary person?

It must have something to do with you!

"I've finished talking." Hua Ye walked in.

Jiaairu hesitated, although she was very curious about the evil god, it was obviously not good to continue talking on the balcony at the moment.

Hua Ye stretched out his hand and said, "Give me the mop."

"Hmph!" Gabriel turned her head, "I'll drag it myself."

To be courteous for nothing, to rape or steal, and to help mop the floor all of a sudden, isn't it a guilty conscience?

I'll interrogate you later!

"Forget it." Hua Ye shrugged, "You continue."

"The soul is pale!"

"Gabriel, I'm going back first." Jiaailu waved her hand, and a magic circle appeared out of thin air. She was about to return to the heaven and report the news. Before she left, she did not forget to tell her sister again, "Don't forget our three chapters .”

When Jiaailu left, the useless angel immediately threw the mop away, pinching his fingers with a 'slap' sound: "Did you say it yourself, or did I hit you to say it?"

Hua Ye twitched the corner of his mouth: "You will get slapped if you talk like this."

Chapter 984 Ten Flowers and Itali (Part [-])

"Be honest, what did you do to your sister just now?"

Gabriel clenched her pink fist and asked with a tight face. Obviously, if Hua Ye gave a wrong answer, he would be beaten by the holy angel's sanctioning fist.

Hua Ye briefly explained the reason.

"Hey, that's it?" Gabriel blinked her eyes, and instead of entangled with the evil god, she asked again, "You really didn't bully my sister on purpose?"

Hua Ye poker face: "I'm not interested in your sister."

"Tch, all boys are hentai, and they can't walk when they see a beautiful girl..." The useless angel looked contemptuously, "Visual creatures! Animals whose lower body determines the head!"

It's as if girls are not visual creatures. Women can't walk when they see beautiful bags and clothes!

Gabriel's face was tensed, and she was extremely serious: "I don't care about other people, but you are not allowed to bully my sister, but this is absolutely not allowed!"

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