Hua Ye squinted his eyes and said:

"If you really want to bully your sister, you just 'aggressed' in front of your face, do you think you will let her go?"

"Hundan!" Gabriel frowned immediately, and punched, "You really thought about sister flowers!"


"You're too much."

Hua Ye stretched out his hand to grab the blown fist of the crippled angel, and pulled her directly into his arms.

Although it is a useless cat and a lazy cat, most of the time it is a salted fish that comes ashore, and only occasionally jumps up and down, but when it comes to the elder sister's problem, this useless angel is very firm.

"Sure enough, we should talk after kissing."

"You can't even think about..."

Gabriel struggled, but unfortunately she was too small and weak to resist at all.

After a while.


A rocket head hammer hit Hua Ye's chest, and the face of the useless angel turned red like a ripe apple: "hentai! Where are you touching?"

Hua Ye has a very thick skin and is not ashamed at all. He said solemnly:

"Manual breast enhancement, find out."

"I understand your sister!" Gabriel was panting, her killing intent determined, "If there is another time, I will blow your head off!"

"Hurry up." Gabriel covered her chest with her right hand, gritted her silver teeth, "Don't stay in my room!"

Hua Ye stood up and was about to leave when the useless angel suddenly grabbed his sleeve again: "Wait..."

"doing what?"

"You drag the floor before you go."


Hua Ye twitched the corner of his mouth and dragged the rest silently.

"It's almost seven o'clock..."

Gabriel raised her hand and rubbed her belly, then turned to look at Hua Ye who had finished mopping the floor: "What's for dinner?"

Hua Ye said: "I can solve my own affairs by myself."

"Obviously it's your business." The crippled angel plausibly said, "You have killed so many brain cells just now, you have to take responsibility."

Hua Ye looked disgusted: "Is it for you to eat?"

"Come here." Gabriel smiled, pinching her fingers 'slap', "Die, hentai!"

Hua Ye turned and went out: "Soba noodles tonight, do you want to eat?"

"Tch, it's buckwheat noodles again..." The useless angel curled his lips, "Under Tiantian, I don't want to eat any."

You have to show some face, every time you say you don't want to eat, but when you are called to eat noodles, you have a limited expression of "really delicious"!


Half past nine.

Hua Ye was playing games in the apartment when there was a knock on the door in frustration.

When I opened the door, there was actually a dull-haired girl named Liuhua outside the door.


Liuhua was wearing a Q-version little tiger pajamas, and a pair of rabbit slippers on her feet. She obviously just ran out from home, her eyes were slightly red, and her first sentence was: "Sister is leaving!"

Shihua wants to leave?

'Leave' should be a literal meaning, not the death of serious injuries, leaving the world.

Hua Ye let the door open: "Come in and we'll talk."

Liuhua walked into the living room, sat on the sofa, hugged her knees with her hands, her hair was as dull as a mood detector, and now she was completely listless.

"Have a cup of barley tea."

Hua Ye poured a cup of barley tea and handed it to Liuhua.

"Thank you brave..."

Liuhua thanked her in a low voice, reached out to take the teacup, and said pitifully, "My sister just came back. After she finished taking a shower, I remembered what the brave man said in the evening, so I asked her what she was doing with so many phone calls every day."

"As a result, my sister said that she was applying for a visa and handing over, and was going to fly to Italy..."

"It's Italy, not Italy." Hua Ye corrected, "Business or tourism?"

Traveling is unlikely, but business trips are more likely. To take care of her own sister, Shihua has no time to travel.

"Neither of them." Liuhua shook her head, hugged her knees with both hands, pitifully, "The catering hotel where my sister works recently wanted to open a branch in Yidali. She said that she would let her be the acting store manager, and she agreed..."

Liuhua raised her small face, and there was a faint mist in her eyes: "Sister will fly to Italy in a few days. After going, I don't know when I will be back..."

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