
In Hua Ye's view, this was nothing at all.

It's just going to Italy. If Shihua can walk like a ghost, he can be a store manager in Italy during the day, and he can come back at night to make lunch for you to go to school the next day.

Although Liuhua always called her the holy adjuster in the "Invisible Boundary" Administration Bureau, when my sister really wanted to leave, she was really reluctant to part with her.

Liuhua hugged her knees, her tone was rare to lose: "If my sister leaves too, I will be the only one left..."

After getting along for so long, Hua Ye naturally knew about Liuhua's family situation.

When I was young, my father passed away, my mother went away, my sister was studying cooking abroad, and Liuhua lived with her grandparents. However, she couldn’t accept the sudden disintegration of her family, so she hoped that her father would survive so that the family could live happily together again. Together, the result is to become a girl with secondary illness.

Liuhua's grandfather, Hua Ye, once met him. He was a rigid and serious old man who didn't understand the real cause of Liuhua's middle school illness. One just wanted to correct it, while the other chose to escape, so the relationship between Liuhua and his grandfather was not good. Not as close as the relationship between Chibi Maruko and Grandpa Sakura Yuzo in Chibi Maruko Momoji.

Fortunately, Liuhua's grandma is a very kind person, a very gentle old man. Liuhua probably had some friends with secondary illnesses in the past, so she didn't grow crooked.

Hua Ye didn't speak, but just stretched out his hand to the top of Liuhua's head, smoothing his hair gently.


Like a cat, Liuhua grunted softly, accepting Hua Ye's smooth hair.

"Brave, what should we do?"

Upright officials can hardly break housework.

Shihua went to Italy for work and further studies, and there was no reason to hinder the other party's progress.

Hua Ye had heard that Shihua Middle School used to be a master gymnast in the gymnastics department, and wanted to become a gymnast.But because of his father's death, he had to give up his ideals. After graduating from high school, he gave up his studies and changed to cooking. He became an Italian chef and took on the responsibility of raising his younger sister Liuhua alone.

For the sake of her younger sister, Shihua had already given up college. Now that Liuhua has grown up, is it wrong to pursue her own life?

Obviously not.

Liuhua also knew this, so she only asked Hua Ye what to do instead of saying "Let's keep my sister here together".

Hua Ye stretched out his hand and gave his opinion: "Video chat, let's find out."

Chapter 985

"Huh?" Liuhua raised her face, her eyes lit up, and the hair on her head stood up, "Video chat?"

Hua Ye nodded and said:

"Your sister just went to Italy to study, and it's not like she's gone forever. If you want to see her, you can video chat every day."

"But... But if my sister leaves, I will be the only one left in the family." Liuhua said, the hair on the top of her head wilted again.

Hua Ye said, "You can find someone to sleep with."

"One, sleep together?" Liuhua didn't know what to think of, her little face flushed suddenly, and she hurriedly put on a defensive posture in the second class, "Yong, does the brave want to live with me? That's right, after all, he is a comrade who entrusted his life , cohabitation or something, it's not impossible..."


With a blank expression on his face, Hua Ye raised his hand and tapped a chisel.

"Pain, pain, pain..." Liuhua squatted with tears in her eyes, covering her head, "The brave bully people!"

Hua Ye said with a straight face: "I let you live with Satania, that idiot must welcome you very much."

"Sata Meow is not an idiot." Liuhua justified her little friend, "She is just wise and foolish."

As the saying goes, 'If you tell too many lies, it becomes the truth', this sentence is tailor-made for the two of you!

The phone rang suddenly.

Hua Ye took out his mobile phone and glanced at the caller, it was Shihua's call.

Click to connect.

"Is Liuhua at your house?"

Shihua's voice was still cold, but there was a touch of tension inside.

Hua Ye nodded: "Here I am."

"Hey, is it sister?"

Liuhua pricked up her ears and sat on the sofa to eavesdrop.

"It's fine with you." Shihua breathed a sigh of relief, "Come downstairs, I have something to tell you."


Hua Ye put away his mobile phone and let Liuhua play the game by himself, then went downstairs, and soon saw Shihua standing next to a bench.

Shihua should have just taken a shower, her long hair was still wet with moisture, and was draped behind her shoulders wetly. She was wearing the same little tiger pajamas, but it was two sizes too big.

Hua Ye walked over: "What do you want from me?"

"Liuhua has already told you that I'm going to work in Italy in a few days, right?" Shihua stretched her arms around the hem of her skirt and sat down on the bench, her expression as cold as ever, which could be said to be facial paralysis.

Hua Ye nodded: "I just heard about it."

"Sit down and talk." Shihua patted the bench, then tilted her head slightly, looking sideways with her beautiful wine-red eyes, "What do you say?"

What do I say?

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