The visa has been completed, and it is obvious that I have made up my mind to go to Italy, and other people's opinions are not important at all!

Hua Ye squinted his eyes: "I have no objection."

"Liuhua is already a high school student, and will soon be sixteen."

Shihua put one hand on the back of the chair, raised her right leg, and folded it on top of her left leg. Her exposed calf was particularly white and delicate under the moonlight: "Sixteen years old is no longer a child. It is no problem to take care of myself. I am in high school. When I was a child, I lived alone in a rented house..."

"Letting her live alone now can be regarded as an experience." Shihua turned her head and looked, "So Liuhua entrusted her to you."

Hey, what do you mean by entrusting me?

You are just going to Italy to work, and you are not separated from heaven and man, so don't use the word "entrust" casually!It sounds like standing FLAG!

Hua Ye squinted his eyes and said:

"I think it's more appropriate for you to ask Wei Nai."

Shihua nodded: "Vina is really nice, she is kind and responsible, she is completely trustworthy, but she lives a little far away, so I am sorry to bother people often."

"So if you bother me, there's no problem!"

"All in all, during the time I'm going to Italy, Liuhua will be counting on you." Shihua smiled half a smile, with a dangerous arc on his lips, "When I'm not here, you want to do something excessive to Liuhua , it doesn't matter."


Hua Ye suddenly understood why Zhuge Liang "sweated all over his body, lost his hands and feet, cried and bowed to the ground, and kowtowed and bled" after hearing Liu Xuande's words when he was in Baidi City.

He said "it doesn't matter if you do something too much", but the narrowed eyes are full of warning light, "you dare to do something too much, watch your head carefully" ah!

If you believe it, you will definitely be cheated to pieces!

Hua Ye stood up and said, "Farewell."

"Wait a minute." Liuhua reached out to stop him, "I have something to trouble you."

Hua Ye stopped.

"Recently, my shoulders are a little sore." Shihua thumped her shoulder lightly, her wine-red eyes looked over with anticipation, "Can you give me a massage?"

Last week near the tram station, Hua Ye helped massage her shoulders. The feeling of comfort throughout the body is still fresh in Shihua's memory. Now she is going to fly to Italy for work soon, and she doesn't know when she will be back. Ye helped out with a massage again.

Hua Ye looked disgusted: "I refuse, let Liuhua go back and give you a massage."

It's not the technician of the massage parlor. If you say massage, you will massage it for you. Don't lose face!

"Liuhua can't do it, I don't have any strength at all." Shihua crossed his arms and looked up, "Why, are you in a hurry?"

"No rush."

"So you want something in return?" Ten Flowers nodded lightly, "It's normal to work hard and get something in return... just forget about the money, and don't mention money in front of local tyrants."

Shihua looked over with a half-smile: "I heard that you like girl's stockings, do you want me to give you a pair of stockings that you have worn?"

Hua Ye said with black lines all over his face, "It's absolutely unnecessary."

Rumors about liking girls' stockings, who spread the word!Others give gifts like fruits and gifts, but what are you doing with stockings?

And while talking about sending stockings, your eyes have already narrowed your eyes. If you nod your head and agree, you will definitely not take off the stockings, but just throw them over with a spoon!

"Sit down." Hua Ye sighed and walked behind Shihua.

Because she just took a bath, the fragrance on Shihua's hair is particularly strong, it is the scent of green apple shampoo that smells very good. Like Liuhua, she has a dull hair on the top of her head. She has just taken a bath. Now The dull hair has stood up again.

Hua Ye stretched out his hand to press down, but Daimao soon swayed up again.

Hua Ye stretched out his hand and began to smooth the hair.



An elbow hit.

Shihua didn't turn her head, but there was a hint of embarrassment in her voice: "Be honest with me, if you mess around, you will be at your own risk!"

"No touch."

Hua Ye started to massage his shoulders.


Shihua exhaled, closed her eyes, and began to fall asleep. The sense of comfort came in waves, as if a heavy burden had been lifted, and the feeling was intoxicating.

"All right."

Hua Ye's voice reached his ears.

"So soon?" Shi Hua opened his eyes, with a lingering regret on his face.

Hua Ye said with a straight face, "Ten minutes have passed."

"Then see you next time."

It's not your personal masseur, there will be no next time!

Shihua stood up from the bench, feeling extremely comfortable all over her body, couldn't help but open her arms, stretched vigorously, and then...


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