
"Swimming and fitness, understand?"

Hua Ye's face darkened, and he was about to speak when the big-breasted loli raised her hand and tapped her head. She tilted her head and said maliciously, "Because I haven't been exercising recently, I feel like I've gained weight, so I want to invite classmate Hua Ye to go." Put on some sunscreen for me..."

Hua Ye was speechless: "Do you need me to put on sunscreen?"

I really want to find someone to put on sunscreen for you, all you need to say is, the boys in line can circle the school twice!

"Please!" Hoshino Xia clasped her hands together, opened her eyes wide, and said pitifully, "There is only one request, please Hua Ye please agree to me!"



It was noon in a blink of an eye.

After Hua Ye had lunch, he received the news that Igarashi went to the rooftop to drink tea again.

"Bang bang."

Hua Ye raised his hand and knocked on the door.

The maid opened the door, bowed to Hua Ye, and then winked quietly at Hua Ye before leaving.


Hua Ye turned his gaze, only to realize that Igarashi crossed his arms, turned his head to look into the distance, and didn't speak, obviously angry.

"what happened?"

I don't know why she was angry. Anyway, this poor-breasted star has always had a bad temper. Hua Ye walked over and sat down, took a pour of black tea and drank it.


Igarashi turned his face away, and said angrily, "Are you going to hang out with that monster with big breasts?"

Hua Ye nodded: "I met at the stairs in the morning, and she begged me to go swimming in the open-air swimming pool in the afternoon."

"She begged you, did you just go?" Igarashi gritted her silver teeth, "That big-breasted monster must have malicious intentions, maybe he just wanted to take the opportunity to do such and such things to you!"

No matter how you look at it, the big-breasted loli who is number one on the campus popularity list will not suffer you if you do such and such things to you!There must be countless people who are envious and jealous after speaking out, wishing to replace her with their own bodies!

"That monster with big breasts actually sent me a special message." Igarashi knocked on the table with a 'bang' sound, "Damn it! She was just provoking me! If I knew this, I shouldn't have let her go that day of!"

"No, I'm going to the hotel with you in the afternoon!"

"You?" Hua Ye looked down, "If you go swimming in the hotel, you need to wear a swimsuit."

"What kind of eyes are you looking at?" The poor-breasted star frowned immediately, almost jumping up in anger, "I'm going, I must show that big-breasted monster, I am no longer the former Igarashi! "

Chapter 987 You are biased! (fourth more)

"I'm no longer the Igarashi I used to be!"

After saying this without shame, the star with poor breasts soon withered again.

Although the breast volume has indeed increased to a certain extent under the unremitting efforts of manual breast augmentation, she still can only wear children's swimsuits, not to mention bikinis, even ordinary swimsuits can't hold up.

Igarashi looked at Hua Ye who was drinking tea, "Do you have a way to make your breasts bigger temporarily?"

"Yes." Hua Ye nodded.

"Hey, there really are?" Igarashi's eyes lit up, and then he raised his hands to cover his chest, and said vigilantly, "There can be no sequelae, don't even mention silicone or something."

"There will be no sequelae."

"Speak quickly."

Hua Ye put down his teacup and said, "Catch a few bees and let them sting you a few times, then your chest will swell up, at least two sizes bigger than now."

"You said there were no sequelae?!" Igarashi gritted his silver teeth and punched him in anger.

Hua Ye stretched out his hand to block it: "You are talking about side effects. Side effects and sequelae are not the same concept. After a bee sting, the swelling will subside in two days without leaving any sequelae."

"Let the bee sting..."

Igarashi subconsciously imagined that scene, and then couldn't help shivering.

It's fine to let you play, but you still want to be stung by bees, why don't you go to heaven!


When Hua Ye came down from the rooftop, he happened to meet Alice, who was holding two bottles of juice drinks.

Alice tiptoed curiously: "Big/pervert, did you come down from the rooftop?"

Hua Ye nodded: "Yes."

"Isn't the roof locked?" the little bean asked curiously.

Hua Ye said: "It's locked, you can use the key to open it again, don't you know?"

"Of course I know that the key can open the lock. The question is where did you get the key!" Alice couldn't help complaining, "Could it be conjured out of thin air!"

The girl with twin ponytails opened her eyes wide and looked curiously: "What are you doing on the rooftop?"

Hua Ye thought for a while and said, "It's fun to help others."

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