"Hey, what do you mean?" Alice was a little dazed, completely unaware of the relationship between going to the rooftop and helping others.

Hua Ye's eyes moved down and landed on the chest of this short Douding: "You are also in the category of helping others."

"The eyes are so obscene, you must be thinking about sex/sex, right?" The little bean took a step back, "I don't need you to help others!"

As he spoke, he stuck out his tongue, turned around and ran: "Slightly slightly slightly."

Do you know what a flag is?

Generally, people like you are setting the flag!


Entering the classroom through the back door, one can see Satania and Vinay standing beside Gabriel talking at a glance.

"Attendant, what do you think is different about me?" Seeing Hua Ye, Silly Meow pinched his waist with his right hand and raised his chin, revealing a beautiful white neck, with a proud smile waiting for praise.

Hua Ye looked over and immediately noticed the difference in this idiot

Lips become extra moist and pink!

I didn't wear lipstick before, it was just a slightly moist pink color, but now my lips have become extra moist, like fruit juice jelly sold in the supermarket, making people want to taste it, obviously because I put on lipstick.

"Where did Satania get her lipstick?" Wei Nai pursed her lips and asked curiously.

"I won it by playing games when I was shopping yesterday afternoon." Silly Meow said, "The attendants and Lafite won more lipsticks."

"Did you go shopping yesterday?"

Gabriel squatted on the table, looking sideways.

what to see?

You, the guy who runs home to play games immediately after school, shopping is not in your dictionary at all!


A silver-haired girl appeared behind Satania, and hugged the idiot with open arms: "His Royal Highness Satania, what can I do for you?"

"I didn't look for you." Satania struggled, "Let go, your chest is against me."

Wei Nai also complained: "Don't Lafite always appear suddenly, it's scary, okay?"

"Hmm, as long as His Royal Highness Satania mentions me, no matter where I am, I will appear instantly." The black-bellied girl rested her chin on Satania's shoulder with a happy smile, "You are saying what?"

"Talking about lipstick."


The dark-bellied girl's eyes flickered, she glanced at Hua Ye lightly, then stretched out a slender finger, and shook it slightly: "I was shopping with Satania and Liuhua yesterday afternoon, and I happened to find a big 'lipstick'. "Battle" game, so I called classmate Hua Ye to help, and won several lipsticks."

Instead of hiding it with a guilty conscience, it is better to say it openly. Anyway, when eating rouge, Sata and Liuhua are not around, so they are not afraid of revealing their secrets.

While speaking, the black-bellied girl blinked at Hua Ye.

"Ding: Pleasure value +1."

Hua Ye has a very thick skin and has no shame at all: "If you want lipstick, go get it together today."

"No." Gabriel said weakly, lying on the table, "I'm going back to make a copy, it's so troublesome to put on lipstick."

Wei Nai also shook her head: "Several cats have cat moss, I'm going to help apply the ointment."

"I'll go, I'll go." Silly Meow raised his hand excitedly, "Shall we go to the showdown today?"

Hua Ye looked disgusted: "No."

Satania puffed up her cheeks and blurted out: "You're biased!"


One sentence suddenly made the atmosphere more delicate.

Wei Nai and Hua Ye glanced at each other, their faces turned slightly red.

Lafite, the tax-evading girl, squinted her eyes and smiled cheerfully.

Only Gabriel is still lying on the table, like a salted fish that has lost its vitality after going ashore for a long time.

Hua Ye twitched the corner of his mouth and was about to speak when the bell rang suddenly.

"The bell is ringing, Lafite, go back quickly." Wei Nai heaved a sigh of relief, "Go and sit down."


After school in the afternoon.

"Student Hua Ye, come here for a ride?" Hoshino Xia sent a location message, "Let the driver take us to the hotel later."

After all, the female teacher who topped the ranking list with 'big breasts and a kind heart' would definitely have a lot of trouble if she was seen riding in the same car with the students, so the car parked a little farther away.

"This is the past."

Hua Ye replied a message, and before he reached the school gate, Igarashi stopped him halfway: "Where are you going?"

Hua Ye said, "Xia Hoshino asked me to take the car."

"Hmph, I'll go with you." The poor-breasted star followed Hua Ye, "Otherwise, that big-breasted monster will definitely play tricks on you."

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