Under the pressure of Wei Nai's aura, the two had no choice but to carefully pick up some shredded pork with green peppers, and then bit down aggrievedly, and tasted it carefully.

"Eh?" Gabriel couldn't help but exclaimed in disbelief, "Is this really a green pepper? How could it be so delicious..."

"In comparison, what the hell was I eating before!" Gabriel clenched her fists angrily, "There are always people who want to hurt me! They actually used such unpalatable green peppers to hurt me. Sure enough, such a hateful world is still so delicious." Get rid of it!"

You are an angel anyway, don't just talk about destroying the world!

"Ju, it tasted so much!" Xiaoniaoyou Liuhua turned pale with shock, "It must have been infused with magic power!"

"Don't speak loudly." Wei Nai said angrily, looked at Kang Na, and asked gently: "Kang Na sauce, is it delicious?"

"Delicious." Connor replied.

"If it's delicious, eat more." After a gentle smile, Wei Nai looked at Hua Ye again, the tenderness on his face disappeared, and said seriously, "And you, you also want to eat some green peppers, Xiaojia and Liuhua ate them all, You can't beat them, can you?"

Hua Ye's face turned black.

What kind of tone is it that you, the head of the family, point out the country!

I'm really sorry for making you worry about this family!


After lunch, Gabriel lazily leaned on the sofa and watched TV. On the table were several cups of green tea that Wei Nai had just poured.

After taking a sip of tea, Gabriel suddenly said, "Vina, why don't we go to the movies together this afternoon?"

"Eh? Why do you want to go to the movies all of a sudden?" Wei Nai asked curiously.

"Because, because we haven't gone to the cinema to watch a movie together!" Gabriel explained, "It's hard to come here to go to school, so I have to go to the cinema to watch a movie, or it will be a pity, right?"

"It's true..." Wei Nai nodded.

"By the way, you can go too." Gabriel kicked Hua Ye and said nonchalantly.

Hua Ye was watching TV, and couldn't help but startled when he heard this.

You go to the movies and call me what to do!

If you don't have anything to show your courtesy, you can either rape or steal, you must have bad intentions!

Even Wei Nai looked puzzled.

"That, that." Gabriel rolled her eyes wildly, suddenly clenched her fists, and said, "Since we finally went to see a movie, of course we should call Liuhua and Raphael, so that it will be interesting."

"But if we girls are the only ones, we might be harassed. After all, there are a lot of street car idiots talking about it, and I heard that some people will do some terrible things in the movie theater... If you go with this guy, you can always protect us." Shall we go?"

Chapter 100 Sata Meow

Which idiot dares to show up when angels and demons gather!

Could it be the legendary god of idiots!

Even if it is, you will be beaten by the holy light of the angel and the fork of the devil until you can't take care of yourself!

"Don't go."

Hua Ye resolutely refused.

He just wants to play games quietly for a while now, and he can watch movies or something at home.

"No!" Gabriel opened her eyes wide, "Why don't you go?"

Seeing Wei Nai looking at her in surprise, Gabriel blinked her eyes, and quickly explained: "Well...Konna-chan will be going too, is it really okay if you don't take care of it?"

After finishing speaking, he looked down at Kang Na: "Kang Na sauce, there are a lot of delicious food next to the cinema, do you want to eat?"

"I want to eat." Kang Na nodded as expected.

Anyway, Hua Ye doubted whether this blue-eyed baby dragon would be abducted with a lollipop... But even if it was abducted, whether he could afford it was still a question.

"Are you in a hurry?" Wei Nai pursed her lips and suggested, "Why don't we go next week, after all, it's so sudden, I don't know if Rafael and Satania have time... "

"I won't be able to krypton gold next week!" Gabriel clenched her fist.

"Eh? Xiao Jia, what are you talking about?"

"No, it's nothing!" Gabriel shook her head and acted cutely, "As the saying goes, 'today's work, today's done,' things that can be done today, why have to wait until next weekend, that's a waste of life .”

Shut up!

It's fine for others, but you, a guy who cultivates immortality until dawn every day, and then sleeps until four or five in the afternoon, is not qualified to say this!

"Then it's a deal!" Gabriel took out her phone, "I'll call Lafite right now, she's definitely here."

"Okay, okay..." Seeing Gabriel's rare excitement, Wei Nai couldn't refuse, so she could only agree.

After talking on the phone soon, Gabriel breathed a sigh of relief: "Lafite is free, I made an appointment with her to meet at Xiaoqiao."

Wei Nai also nodded and said, "Satania is also free... Anyway, let's meet up first, discuss what movie we want to watch, and then go to the convenience store to order movie tickets."


So the group went out to the agreed place.

As a result, just halfway there, the sky suddenly darkened, and then there were raindrops falling down, forming a thin layer of mist like green smoke on the ground and roof.

"Damn it, why is it raining again?" Gabriel pouted.

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