"No way, the rainy season is here after all." Wei Nai pursed her lips and said in a helpless tone.

Occasional rain may be called poetic, but once it rains four or five days in a week, it will make people very uncomfortable.

In fact, there are three semesters in Japan, so there are also three holidays, namely spring vacation, summer vacation, and winter vacation. The summer vacation is from July to August, so it is called "the never-ending August". Shorter, longer spring break.

Generally, high school students start school in early April, and it has been more than a month since school started, which happens to be the rainy season.

"Don't be afraid, I have the gun of eternity." Liuhua said quietly, and took out her royal automatic umbrella from her backpack.

"When I came here, I was a little worried that it would rain, so I brought an umbrella." Wei Nai took out an umbrella as she spoke, and then looked at Gabriel and Hua Ye, "How about you?"

"I didn't know it would rain..." Gabriel smiled awkwardly.

"No." Hua Ye simply replied.

Wei Nai covered her forehead and said, "So, there are five of us, but only two umbrellas? Why don't we go back and get the umbrellas..."

"It's so troublesome, and the rain might stop anytime soon." Gabriel shook her head.

"Forget it, fortunately, Kang Na is relatively small, and the three of them should be able to hold an umbrella..." Wei Nai sighed.

"I'm with Liuhua!" Gabriel hurriedly said, and glared at Hua Ye, "Anyway, I won't go with this pervert!"

Ah, I, a pervert, didn't untie your fat times in the morning, I was really negligent of my duty!

Next time, don't ask for your fat times!

"Coincidentally, I thought so too." Hua Ye snorted coldly.

"Then, let's go together with Liuhua..." Wei Nai hesitated, and said, "I will go with Hua Ye and Kang Na..."

"I don't need an umbrella..." Hua Ye shook his head.

"No! What if you get wet and get sick?" Wei Nai cast an angry look, reached out to hold Kang Na, and then handed the umbrella to Hua Ye, "Here, you are tall, so it's easier to hold an umbrella."

The three of them held an umbrella together, and walked quietly behind Gabriel and Rokka, listening to the rustling of the rain falling on the branches and leaves.

The atmosphere suddenly became a little subtle.

For some reason, Wei Nai's face seemed to have a faint blush.


Ten minutes later, they finally arrived at the agreed place.

But seeing the misty rain like sorrow, and the smoke rising from the river surface, it has a hazy beauty.

Looking from a distance, you can see a girl holding an umbrella standing on the bridge, stopping to stare at the rippling river, her long silver hair moving with the wind, as if walking from a painting.

"It's Rafael." Wei Nai was a little confused, and murmured to herself, "Strange, hasn't Satania arrived yet? Her house should be the closest..."

"Damn it! Stop chasing me!" A familiar voice suddenly came through the wind and rain.

Hua Ye followed the prestige, and saw under the cherry blossom tree beside the small river, a red-haired little devil was running away with his head in his hands, and he said as he fled: "I am the great big devil Hutaozawa Satania McVay! The consequences of angering me will be serious!"


"Big, big deal, I'll buy you some bread later! Don't chase me!"


However to no avail.

Because the guy chasing and killing Satania obviously couldn't understand human language—it was a white mighty general.

Not the kind of swan that sleeps on one leg, but the domestic goose among chickens, ducks and geese.

To be more specific, it is a burly, shiny feathered, energetic fighting king who specializes in biting people's ankles.

It is worth mentioning that do not think that geese will eat fish and shrimp after living in the water for a long time. In fact, domestic geese are vegetarians among geese and do not eat meat at all.

"What is Satania doing!" Wei Nai was dumbfounded.

Speaking of which, you are also a devil, but now you are being chased and killed by a house goose, it is too shameful!

"Vina, help me, Vinai!" Satania's eyes lit up when she saw Hua Ye and the others, and hurried over to ask for help.

There were many pedestrians passing by. Seeing this scene, they couldn't help but let out a "poof" laugh.

Wei Nai covered her face with her hands, as if I didn't know this person.

On the contrary, the blue-eyed young dragon Kang Na was a little curious, staring at the domestic goose with a pair of big sky blue eyes: "Look at——"

The domestic goose seemed to have noticed something, and hurriedly stopped, then flapped its wings, turned around and left with a quack.

"Huh, I'm saved..." Satania ran up to them, teary and sobbing, "Why do you have to chase me!"

Maybe it's because bullying the mentally retarded can not only please the mind, but also exercise the body?

"Damn it, I want to write you down in the notebook as the third old enemy besides Gabriel and that stray dog!"

Chapter 101 Marshmallow

"It should be said why others don't bully, but why they bully you!" Wei Nai couldn't help complaining.

"Hey, it's probably because Her Highness Santania is very popular with animals." Raphael came out from the side and said with a smile.

Satania put her hands on her hips and asked:

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