Hua Ye opened the curtains and opened the window to look out. He could see the cherry blossom tree on the corner of the street, and the autumn leaves were already falling.

After closing the door and going downstairs, Gabriel naturally wouldn't get up at this point, and Liuhua didn't show up either. It seemed that she couldn't break free from the seal of the quilt.

Hua Ye walked to the small bridge alone, and looked up to see two girls standing on the bridge feeding the fish with bread.

It was Wei Nai and Nitro.

A crisp autumn morning.

The sun was shining brightly.

With the blue sky and white clouds as the background and the breeze blowing by, the skirts and hair tips of the two girls fluttered gently in the wind.

Hua Ye walked onto the small bridge.

"Good morning."

Niatz greeted her lightly, her smile was as quiet and gentle as ever. After her hearing recovered, Niati had transferred from the special education school, but she did not transfer to the school where Hua Ye and Wei Nai were, but another public high school. She is still the pink-haired girl who likes to be quiet, likes to feed the fish, and always smiles gently.

"I'm going first, you guys feed the fish."

After chatting briefly for a few days, Nitzi handed the bread to Hua Ye, then waved away.

Wei Nai's pretty face flushed, and she came over angrily: "What are you looking at?"

Hua Ye said, "Did you wear lipstick today?"

"No." Wei Nai shook her head, "This is lip balm, lipstick is lip balm, they are different."

Lip balm is mainly colorless or light-colored, even if it is light-colored, it basically does not color, mainly to moisturize the lips, solve the problem of dry and peeling lips, and then has a certain moisturizing effect.

For example, now, Wei Nai's lips look extraordinarily pink and moist, and people can't help but want to kiss them and taste the taste.

"Don't mess around." Seeing Hua Ye's eyes getting hotter, Wei Nai hurriedly took a step back.

Hua Ye said, "What does the lip balm taste like?"

"Huh?" Wei Nai subconsciously licked her lower lip, "It seems to smell like strawberries."

Hua Ye said seriously, "Shall I try it?"

Wei Nai was startled, but suddenly came to her senses, gritted her silver teeth and said, "Shameless!"


Lunch break.

Club room.

"Hey, Shihua is going to work in Italy?" Raphael sat by the window, and the afternoon sun shone in, making the silver-haired girl shine brightly.

Wei Nai nodded and said: "Sister Shihua is worried about Liuhua, and told me that if Liuhua can't adapt to a person's life, she might let Liuhua transfer to her hometown again."

"No!" Silly Meow hugged Liuhua, "I don't want Liuhua to transfer!"

Liuhua put one hand on the blindfold: "Don't worry, I have seen the trajectory of fate, it's not time to part now..."

"It shouldn't be difficult to live alone, right?" Alice asked curiously, "Nowadays, many high school students come out to work and rent houses alone."

" a special situation." Wei Nai thought for a while, "She will be scared when she is alone at home, and she can't get up in the morning. Is there anything you can do?"

"Set the alarm clock?"

"Alarm clocks can't wake up people who can't sleep."

"It's not staying in bed, it was sealed by magic." Liuhua retorted, her face tightened, and she said seriously, "It's a terrible sealing spell. Every morning, I have to go through all kinds of hardships to reach the school."

"If you're scared at night, how about turning on the light?" Machiko suggested, "It's a bit harsh to turn on the light, but you can wear an eye mask, so you won't be very scared."

Lafite rested his chin on his knees, smiling cheerfully: "It seems that the monitor is very experienced."

Machiko blushed, her eyes wandered, "I, I heard it from others..."

Watching a horror movie scares me so much that I dare not turn off the lights and go to bed at night, how can I say something so embarrassing.

"Hey, is that so?" The black-bellied girl raised her hand and tapped her lips, "I thought the monitor had watched a horror movie and was too scared to sleep alone."

Did Machiko lean back and guess the truth so casually?

The Great Demon King Lafite is really terrifying.

Liuhua walked up to Hua Ye and said, "You don't have to worry, the Holy Registrar has entrusted me to the Brave, and it will be fine if I sleep with the Brave at night..."

"Hey, sleeping together?!" Machiko looked up in surprise.

"It means living together." Liuhua said nonsense in a serious manner, "the ancients said, 'Qiyue has no clothes, and you share the same robe with your son', which means that comrades in arms can sleep in the same bed..."

Your sister, don't talk nonsense! The original meaning of "Qiyue Wuyi, and Zi Tongpao" refers to wearing the same style of clothes, generally referring to soldiers and companions, rather than the literal meaning of "You have no clothes, so I took off my clothes for you to wear." what!

It was only later that the extended meaning of wearing the same pair of pants came into being, but no matter how extended it was, there was no reason to sleep under the same bed!

That's not the love of comrades-in-arms, but the love of fighting for the base!



Hua Ye raised his hand and tapped a chestnut chisel.

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