"Wow meow..."

With tears in her eyes, Liuhua squatted down with her head in her arms.

Facing the girls who came to look at her one after another, Hua Ye said that he would not take the blame: "I never promised."

"That's good..." Machiko breathed a sigh of relief.

As a result, when he looked up, he met Lafite's smiling eyes, and was so frightened that he hurriedly covered his face with a book.

A group of girls chattered and discussed for a long time, but still couldn't solve Liuhua's problem, until Hua Ye couldn't help but said, "Can't you just sleep with Liuhua in the past?"


Liuhua refused to leave the house, so let there be one more person in the family. Such a simple question, I have no idea what is being discussed.

"Student Hua Ye is so amazing." Raphael stretched out a finger and shook it gently, "The first night of Liuhuajiang belongs to me."

Silly Meow refused: "No, Liuhua's first night should belong to me!"

"Okay, don't discuss this issue." Wei Nai stopped embarrassingly.

In this way, there should be nothing wrong with living together... right?


After school in the afternoon.

Hua Ye returned to the apartment.

The ghost event will only appear at night, and it is not too late to go in the evening.Before that, because Ilya left to kill the clone of the evil god, the matter of making spiritual biscuits fell to Hua Ye again.

"Bang bang bang."

There was a brisk knock on the door.

Opening the door, the personal maid Hanoi Mei bowed to Hua Ye, but unfortunately she was also flat-chested, then opened the handbag, took out a pair of plush slippers and placed it in the entrance.

Igarashi stood behind with his arms folded, his chin raised high, looking as if the queen was patrolling the territory.

Hua Ye said speechlessly:

"There are slippers in the shoe cabinet, you don't have to bring them yourself every time."

"Impossible." The poor-breasted star turned his head and snorted, "Didn't you dislike my athlete's foot when I came here for the first time? Even if I jumped from upstairs, I wouldn't wear your slippers!"

Hey, how long will you remember this grudge!Is it so terrible for girls to hold grudges!

Chapter 996 The Queen's Declaration (Sixth)

Not long after Igarashi entered the room, Natsu Hoshino, who had "big breasts and a kind heart", also knocked on the door.

The two usually come together front and rear. Although Hoshino Xia is a "female beast in heat" in Igarashi's mouth, I have to say that Hoshino Xia is actually a very conservative and self-respecting person. When alone, she never has physical contact with Hua Ye. In contact, I have never done anything, at most it is just maliciously acting cute.

Because of yesterday afternoon's 'pool party' incident, it was rare for the rivals to quarrel without seeing each other.

"Student Hua Ye, this is the fruit I bought by chance on the way here." Hoshino Xia was holding a large shopping bag of fruits, including apples, bananas, grapes, strawberries, etc. In Japan, a country where fruits are extremely expensive , such a generous shot, it really is a rich loli who owns a mine at home.

"Hmph, I will use this method to buy people's hearts." Igarashi snorted, "Disgusting."

Hoshino Xia felt aggrieved and said, "Does Hua Ye feel the same way? If you don't like it, I won't buy fruit next time..."

Hua Ye shook his head: "I don't think so."

As the saying goes, it is not surprising that many people give gifts. Naturally, there is no reason to dislike gifts from others.

Although Hua Ye doesn't like to eat fruit, the waste angel next door likes it very much. It's much better than Coke potato chips.

"Student Hua Ye said he likes me." Hoshino Xia looked at Igarashi, crossed her arms, and launched a counterattack with her absolute milk volume.

"It's not that I like you." Igarashi stood up from the sofa, gritted his silver teeth and said, "You horny bitch, don't die!"

"The antonym of dislike is of course like."

"You didn't say that on purpose."

"Shut up."

Hua Ye spoke in a deep voice, interrupting the confrontation between the two.

After yesterday's 'pool party' incident, he has figured out how to get along with these two

It is absolutely impossible to let it go, the two of them will be endless, there is no possibility of shouting tired and stopping the fight, instead they will escalate from bickering to fighting. At this time, we should forcefully suppress whoever makes trouble.

What should I do if someone is dissatisfied?

After a few more slaps, naturally no one will be dissatisfied.


The process of baking biscuits is very simple. Just make the model and push the biscuit into the oven. The hard part is how to seal the aura in the biscuit and prevent the aura from being lost.

In the beginning, it was inevitable that some people would think "you can do it, I can do it", but unfortunately, after wasting a lot of spiritual things, I gradually realized that except for Hua Ye, everyone else really couldn't do it.

After setting the baking time, Hua Ye sat on the sofa and took out his mobile phone to watch the news.

"Student Hua Ye, the fruit is washed, do you want to eat a grape?"

Hoshino Xia brought out a fruit plate from the kitchen, and even wore an apron around her waist, but she didn't treat herself as an outsider at all.

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