Silly Meow said: "This is called 'unknown chestnut chewing'."


PS: Book push time!

"I, Ayumi Aikawa, Yuzu Chef"

Attach a brief introduction:

"May I ask this gentleman, did you drop this Yadi Ningning, or this river crab?"

Ayumi Aikawa dropped a crab and caught a river god.

"No, what I dropped was a Euclid."

"Ah, sir, what you dropped was Ayadi Ningning, right?"

"It's Eucliwood! Eucliwood."

"Then I'll give you this Lingdi Ningning."

"I told you it's not Ningning!"

"The Witch's Banquet" by Yuzu Club, if you are interested, you can collect it~~

Chapter 1021 Super Power (Part [-])

All in all, that's it for Monday.

There was a quiet autumn rain last night. When I got up this morning, the autumn coolness became stronger, and there were many autumn leaves falling on the street.

"Brave, good morning."

Liuhua stood at the gate of the apartment, with an expectant expression of 'come praise me, come praise me' on her face, "I didn't ask my sister to shout today, and I defeated the seal of the quilt by myself."

This dumb-haired girl is still wearing an eyepatch, and on the top of her head is a dumb hair that has escaped gravity. Her lower body is a wine-red skirt and black knee socks. The legs are slender and the body is petite.

A gust of autumn wind blew past, and Liuhua shivered a little.

Hua Ye said, "Wear long johns when it's cold."

"No long johns."

Liuhua hurriedly shook her head, pulled her skirt down, and complained slightly: "It's just that the safety pants are a bit uncomfortable..."

Hua Ye said, "You don't have to wear it."

Among the anti-human inventions selected online, safety pants firmly occupy the top few positions, and some perverted gentlemen even left an anonymous message: "Safety pants are a ladder that hinders human progress!"

There are so many perverts, the world is on jujube pills.

Liuhua said: "But if you don't wear safety pants, you will lose your clothes, right?"

When you were on vacation at the seaside, you only wore a two-piece swimsuit, and I never saw you worry about getting naked!If you don't wear fat times under the skirt, then it's called naked!

Liuhua looked over with her head tilted, and the hair on the top of her head swayed from side to side: "The holy conditioner told me that if you don't like wearing safety pants, you can wear men's boxers inside, it will be much more comfortable..."

So where did your sister know about this kind of thing!Have you experienced it yourself?

"But there are no boxers at home, can you give me your boxers, brave?"

To describe a good relationship between two people, it is usually "wearing a pair of pants", but wearing the same pair of underwear is very bad!Those girls who love cleanliness never wash their clothes with their clothes when they wash their clothes, but wash them by hand!

Hua Ye said expressionlessly:

"Go straight for [-] meters and turn left. After [-] meters, enter the supermarket, department store, and go shopping by yourself."

"It's so troublesome." Liuhua puffed up her cheeks, "My sister said, you can wear the boxer pants of the brave, but after you get it back, you must wash it first, otherwise you might get pregnant..."

Hua Ye's face was full of black lines: "Shut up."

Pregnant your sister!Have you returned your physical health knowledge to the teacher?Do you know [beep——] After leaving the body, you will die soon!


"Brave, brave, I recently awakened a new superpower." Liuhua raised her hand on the blindfold, and said nonsense in a serious manner, "The evil king's true eyes are evolving these days, and now they can see through the boundary between reality and illusion... ..."

"Crack." Hua Ye tapped a chisel, "Speak well."


Liuhua was pitiful: "In the past few days, there are always some translucent flocs floating in front of my eyes, are they catkins from another world? It must be? It must be that my call has received a response from another world, and a new supernatural being has awakened. Speaking of ability. (*^▽^*)”

Hua Ye sighed: "That's not a superpower."

"Eh?" Liuhua pursed her mouth, and said like a sharp-mouthed little beast: "The brave man is talking nonsense, obviously."

Huaye's poker face: "Floaters, let's find out."

Floaters are a very common ophthalmic symptom, manifested as floating translucent flocs in front of the eyes, especially when looking at a bright white background.

Most people have floaters. Many people don't understand the cause of this symptom. They think they have special superpowers, have dust in their eyes, or bugs, etc.

However, this is only a symptom caused by the liquefaction of the vitreous, and has nothing to do with superpowers.

In "Chibi Maruko-chan", who will never grow up in her life, she and her sister used to chase the flying mosquitoes in their eyes on summer afternoons.

Translucent floaters are not enough to affect life. If you don't look at them deliberately, you can't see them, and they won't cause trouble to your life.But if the disease of floaters worsens, the problem will become serious, because the number of floaters will increase, the size will increase, and the color will turn black. From a boring game to a torture that affects life, even if I went to the hospital, but there was no good way to treat it.

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