Hua Ye stopped and looked down at Liuhua: "Take off the blindfold."


Liuhua took a step back, and raised her hand to cover her chest, "No, no, if you undo the seal without authorization, the true eye of the evil king will go berserk."

Hua Ye said, "Hurry up, let me see what's going on."

If floaters get worse, it is not a joke, just like depression, whoever suffers suffers.

"Well, that's fine."

Liuhua responded, and took off the blindfold, revealing a pair of golden eyes: "Hurry up, brave, or the magic power will go berserk soon..."

"To shut up."

Hua Ye stretched out his right hand and landed on top of Liuhua's head, telling the dumb-haired girl to shut up, and then leaned forward to examine it carefully.

Four eyes facing each other.

You can clearly see the clear reflection of the two in each other's eyes.

The long eyelashes trembled quickly, Liuhua blushed and looked away, and gently twirled her two fingers in the air: "Yong, what does the brave want to do?"

The voice sounded a little shy.

"Yes, do you want to sign that kind of contract of life and death with me?"

"It's not impossible... Bi, after all, we are partners who fight together and entrust our backs..."

"I will suppress the magic power and cooperate well..."

Hua Ye said with black lines all over his face:

"Open your eyes."

Just take a look at what is going on in your eyes. If the floaters get worse, the consequences will be very serious, okay?You suddenly blushed and closed your eyes, and then stood on tiptoe, what a fuss!

Did you know that bullying an idiot is against the law, so I wouldn't do that to you!


But having said that, this hairy girl actually put on lipstick today. Her lips are as pink as cherry blossoms, but they are more tender and attractive. They should be as soft and sweet as marshmallows, right?

"Open, open your eyes?" Liuhua couldn't stop turning her two fingers, her voice was shy, but unfortunately she still didn't forget the middle two, "If you open your eyes, you will not be able to suppress the magic power of running away, and then affect the signing of the contract..."

Translate, it means that you can't suppress your shyness, and you will want to run away!

"You're overthinking." Hua Ye looked disgusted, "It's just checking your eyes for floaters."


Liuhua puffed up her cheeks, and then opened her eyes, but unfortunately, after a while, her eyes began to wander, and a delicate rosy red floated on her small face: "Not yet, are you alright?"

Hua Ye said, "Look at me, don't turn your head around."

Liuhua was wronged and wronged: "It's too much for a brave man to play with me like this..."

"Where did you play with you?"

"That's... watching/raping me?"

Chapter 1022 Autumn morning (second update)

Hua Ye checked carefully for a moment, then said:

"Nothing serious."

The condition of Liuhua's eyes is fine, there are no major problems, but there are many minor problems, obviously he does not pay attention to eye protection.

"You didn't take off your contact lenses while you were sleeping?"

Liuhua quietly opened her eyes a little, and saw that Hua Ye had stood up straight, and then said, "I accidentally fell asleep, and then I forgot."

Hua Ye said with a straight face: "Take off the contact lenses, don't wear them."

"No, no!" Liuhua raised her hand to cover her eyes, and shook her head like a rattle: "Only this is absolutely not allowed! It is a necessary item to seal the evil king's true eye. If you take it off, the world will be destroyed by the magic power of rampage." !"

Wanting to destroy the world at every turn, the world has provoked you!


Hua Ye raised his hand and knocked a chisel on the top of Liuhua's head, then said:

"I'll let you eat tomatoes and green peppers if you don't pick them."

"Woo...the brave is too much!"

The food this hairy girl is most afraid of is tomatoes and green peppers, but there are often these two foods in the bento made by Shihua, so every time when taking a lunch break, she will pick out tomatoes and green peppers for Satani for various reasons Ya.

In addition, Liuhua doesn't eat coriander, hates chopped green onion and minced garlic, and doesn't eat animal offal either, so she's much more picky eater than Kangna.

With tears in her eyes, Liuhua knelt down with her head in her arms: "Well, even if a brave man forces me to eat those terrible seeds, I won't agree to you. At worst, let them take root and sprout in my body..."

When I said this, an office worker woman wearing a small suit and a hip skirt happened to pass by.

After hearing Liuhua's words, the woman hurriedly moved a few steps away, looked over with vigilant and disgusted eyes, covered her chest with one hand, reached into her bag and took out her mobile phone, as if she was ready to call the police at any time.

Hua Ye looked over with a dark face.

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