Although Satania blushed before, she has slowly adapted to it now. After all, she is a careless fool, and the emotion of shyness cannot exist for more than ten minutes.

"By the way, we haven't had a boxing match today!"

Satania looked up and said.

Hua Ye was speechless: "You want to compare?"

"Of course it's a comparison." Silly Meow puffed up her chest, revealing the little canine tooth at the corner of her mouth. Under the bright sunshine, she was unexpectedly very happy. "Anyway, I took several pictures of that kind. If I lose Just drop it and send it to you directly."

"Stupid attendant, don't think that I will lose to you today."


Hua Ye suddenly regretted breaking the silence.

That idiot Meow who blushed just now because of shyness, is actually a little cuter, but it's a pity that it's gone like a flower in the epiphyllum, never to return.

Since Satania insisted on another round of competition, Hua Ye would not refuse.

"bring it on."

"Let's get started, I want to concentrate all my luck for the whole day on my right hand..."


As a result, needless to say, Satania lost again.

"I lost again, so angry..."

Satania did not bend forward in frustration this time, but she was a little dejected. She put her hand into her pocket and was about to take her mobile phone, when she saw Lafite and Alice coming from the opposite side.

"Good morning, Satania."

With a flash, Lafite appeared behind Satania.

"Of course you don't occupy my bed."

Satania pinched her waist with one hand and didn't take out her phone. Even if she was an idiot, she wouldn't send a message in this situation.

"It's not occupying the bed, it's keeping warm, keeping warm with each other." Lafite stretched out a finger, "The weather is getting colder and colder now, if the two of you hug each other to sleep, you can save on heating bills."

Satania said: "I sleep alone, so I don't need to turn on the heat!"

"Ann, don't worry about such small things." Lafite looked over with a smile again, "Did Hua Ye compete with Satania just now?"

"It's rock-paper-scissors, right?" Alice hugged Raphael's arm, "I heard from Master Baiyu that he actually used the method of 'I'll tell you what happens next time' to bully Satania, it's too much, bite you!"

Hua Ye looked disgusted: "Do you two want to compare?"

"Compared to..."

Alice is eager to try. During the last boxing match, she practiced the tea ceremony and piano at home, so she couldn't be there, so it was inevitable that she felt a little regretful.

"No comparison." Lafite stretched out his hand to hold Alice, "Student Hua Ye and Satania are so good at guessing punches, we just need to cheer by the side."

The black-bellied girl looked at Satania and said with a smile, "Did Your Highness Satania win today?"

"I just lost." Silly Meow was a little discouraged.

Lafite clenched his fists and made a puffing gesture: "Come on, Santania, as long as you don't give up the challenge, you will win one day. Persistence is victory."

Hua Ye looked disgusted, "You are enough."

Persistence may not necessarily lead to victory, but the journey must be full of shameful memories!

Chapter 1043 Looking forward to your performance

"Master Bai Yu?"

Alice blinked her eyes, looking puzzled, she didn't understand why Rafael didn't let her try fist-guessing.

Lafite leaned close to Alice's ear, and whispered in a voice just enough for others to hear: "Because classmate Hua Ye is a pervert, if he loses in the boxing game, he will make terrible demands on us..."

Satyr, right?

Don't think that you can pass the test just by pretending to be a fool, you have to take photos, don't try to escape!

"That's it."

Alice shook her head quickly.

Being bullied by Hua Ye in the hotel that night is still fresh in my memory, so I definitely don't want to experience such a shameful scene a second time.

The black-bellied girl turned around and hugged the idiot Meow, raised her hand with a smile and said, "Satania, I would like to recommend myself to be your lighting engineer and photographer."

Don't think that Mao Sui's self-recommendation had a good ending, that Mao Sui only had lip service, led the soldiers to attack after the self-recommendation, failed in the first battle, and then committed suicide after being defeated!

There is also Kuang Heng, who chiseled the wall and stole the light. It was true that he worked hard when he was a child, but unfortunately after becoming an official, he became a super corrupt/official, and was finally demoted to a commoner, and died in depression.

"I don't want you to help me take pictures!" Satania shouted vigilantly, how could someone help me with a photo covering three points with one finger, "You must be trying to bully me again?"

"No." Lafite shook his head, "How can you say bullying about a good girlfriend?"



into the classroom.

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