Most of the melon-eating girls in the same class have arrived.

Not long after Hua Ye sat down, the lady with glasses came over to collect homework.

"Hua Ye, have you finished your homework?"

This girl with glasses has bob hair and a pair of big black-rimmed glasses on her face, hiding half of her small face behind the glasses. Her height can only be described as average, and her clothes are also ordinary. She looks a bit like He is a nerd, and in the class, he is regarded as a marginal figure.

But after her mother woke up, she gradually became less stupefied, "I can help if I haven't finished writing."

"Need not."

Hua Ye put down his phone and went to get his homework.

"Mom can already talk and eat simple liquid food. The doctor said it was a miracle, because the plant patient who has been sleeping for more than half a year, even if she wakes up, will definitely leave irreparable brain damage..."

The glasses girl said gratefully: "So, thank you, Hua Ye, for letting me do anything!"

Hua Ye shook his head: "No need."

He really didn't need the glasses girl's help to do anything.

"Well, that's okay." The glasses girl held her homework, looked left and right, saw that no one was paying attention here, so she opened her right hand, showing the [-] yen in her palm, and whispered, "This is the money I earned recently from part-time jobs." I will return some of the money to classmate Hua Ye first, and the rest will be returned later..."

Hey, do you still plan to pay in installments?

It took so long to earn [-] yen, and when you pay it off, won't it be next year?

What should I say at this time?

Do you want to say "pay the debt with your body" like the villains in the movie?

Forget it, the one who can say such a thing is not a villain, but a minion.

Hua Ye shook his head: "Don't pay in installments. When you have money, pay me back in one lump sum."

at the same time.

Hua Ye's cell phone on the table vibrated suddenly, and the screen lit up, it was Silly Meow who sent today's photos.

The glasses girl looked subconsciously. Although she only had a glimpse, she had already seen the person in the photo clearly. A face suddenly became hot, and her eyes also turned in circles.

"Just, just now...?!"

That kind of shameful pose for taking pictures, I remember seeing it in a vending machine in front of a bookstore when I was working part-time.

Hua Ye twitched the corner of his mouth, reached out and covered the phone on the table: "Don't talk nonsense."

"I, I won't say it!"

The glasses girl hurriedly raised her hand to cover her mouth, and kept shaking her head.

"Homework." Hua Ye took out the homework and handed it to Haruka Kitano.

The glasses girl collected her homework, returned to her seat in a daze, and began to think wildly.

(Why, why did Hua Ye receive such news?)

(Or, Hua Ye likes this kind of photo very much?)

(Yes, yes, after all, he is a boy. Although he is very calm, he must have needs in that regard...)

The glasses girl remembered Hua Ye's words of "looking forward to your performance", and her heart became even more entangled.

"Student Hua Ye has helped me so much, and now I don't need my help to refuse the love letter. There is no way to even thank you... Do, or should I take a photo like that?"


The fourth class in the morning is history class.

The history teacher is an old man who is about to retire. He is tall and thin. He wears a black gown all the year round. The girl who eats melons secretly complains about never changing his clothes. He also tends to be old-fashioned and serious. In the popularity ranking of teachers in the school, he was dumped by Hoshino Xia and Igarashi for more than ten blocks.

This history lesson is about world history and the Industrial Revolution.

"Every industrial revolution is a major event that affects the progress of mankind. In the first industrial revolution, mankind entered the age of steam, which allowed machines to replace manual work..."

"Poke poke."

Gabriel propped her chin with one hand, pointed at Hua Ye with her finger, and continued to make small movements.

In the first week of school, this useless angel urged Huaye to abide by campus discipline, but now he has completely trampled on campus discipline.

"Why did humans only enter the age of steam, not the age of steampunk?"

Steampunk is a compound word made up of the words steam and punk.Needless to say, steam refers to large-scale machinery, while punk is a non-mainstream cultural phenomenon, not a specific type of game.

Hua Ye replied: "Fate is full of uncertainties. The reason why I chose steam may be because of someone's random push."

"Tch." The crippled angel pouted, "It seems like you've seen it before."

Hua Ye said, "I have indeed seen it."


"In another plane, if you want to play, you can play, but there is no computer or Internet."

"Without computers and the Internet, would such a world still exist?" Gabriel waved her hand, "Don't bother me, I will work hard today!"

Hua Ye was surprised: "You worked hard?"

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