Hua Ye paused: "Forget about Satania and Liuhua."

"Why!" Satania puffed up her cheeks, unhappy, "Why can't Liuhua and I learn?"

"That's right, Sata Meow is not stupid, but wise and foolish."

It's not that you are wise and stupid, it's that your IQ is in arrears!


In a blink of an eye, I arrived at the school.

When Hua Ye was changing shoes in the shoe cabinet, he met the glasses lady Haruka Kitano.

When the glasses girl saw Hua Ye, she immediately lowered her head in fright like a frightened little rabbit, but accidentally bumped into the shoe cabinet, making a "dong" sound.

Hua Ye said speechlessly, "Slow down."

Since you're so shy, don't post that kind of photo last night. It's not collecting stamps or skins. It's useless for you to post it. Besides, the snail girl repays her kindness with her body. You post an ordinary photo. What kind!

"Yes, I'm sorry!" The glasses girl hurriedly apologized, "I have caused trouble for classmate Hua Ye."

Hua Ye didn't want to talk about big reasons, anyway, it was the glasses girl's own choice, so she just said, "Don't force yourself."


The glasses girl responded in a low voice, pursed her lips, pinched the corner of her clothes nervously with her fingers, and said in a low voice, "Because, because classmate Hua Ye helped me a lot, and even saved my mother. If I don't do anything, I always feel very sad." sorry..."

So you really want to repay your favor?

Hua Ye never took the initiative to help, and the things he encountered were just random, and he never thought of asking her to repay her kindness.

But this is the glasses girl's own choice. Hua Ye has no fault of being a good teacher, so of course he will not influence other people's choices.

In fact, being able to make the choices you want and bear the corresponding consequences is a sign of a person's "mature", and there is nothing wrong with it, and there is no need for others to talk about it.

Hua Ye casually said, "Have you ever seen the Snail Girl?"

"Eh?" Kitano Haruka blinked and replied blankly, "Look, I've seen it."

Hua Ye said: "I feel sorry, I can learn from the snail girl."

"Eh, eh?" The glasses girl raised her hands to cover her chest, and looked timidly.

Hua Ye said calmly: "Because your photos have no practical value at all."

It's not those perverted gentlemen who can post photos and let silly meow take pictures, just because of a bet.

(It has no practical it because of its poor figure, so it is disliked?)

(Snail girl or something... Is Hua Ye implying me?)

(No, no! Hua Ye is not that kind of he?)


Since Liuhua came to school in the morning, she has been lying on the table sullenly, and finally found Hua Ye during the lunch break, and said pitifully, "Brave and brave, let's go see off my sister?"

Hua Ye said, "Didn't you say in the morning that you don't need to send ten flowers?"

Liuhua shook her head, it was rare that she didn't fall into the second class: "But sister will be very lonely by herself, right?"


Hua Ye thought for a while, took out his mobile phone, and sent a message to Jing Keai: "I have something to ask for leave, Liuhua is going to send Ten Flowers."

Jingai and Shihua are friends, and the two often drink together in izakaya. It is most appropriate to ask Jingai for leave without too much explanation.

"I see, you guys come to the school gate." Jing Keai quickly sent a reply.

When Huaye and Liuhua walked to the school gate, they saw a silver sports car parked by the side of the road. It was quite eye-catching in the sun. Unfortunately, during the lunch break, the school prohibited students from going out, but there were few people watching and taking pictures.

Jing Kei rolled down the car window, the breeze blew, her long hair fluttered, and she had a somewhat heroic aura, beckoning and saying: "Come here quickly."

Although the teacher's salary is high, it is impossible to afford a million-dollar sports car. Sure enough, there is a mine in the home of this older young man who hates marrying women!

Then the problem is coming.

She is obviously very beautiful, has a good figure, has a stable job, and even has a mine at home, so why can't she get married?

Hua Ye walked to the side of the car and said speechlessly, "Are you going too?"

"Why, I can't go?" Jing Keai glanced at Hua Ye, "Shihua and I are friends, and Shihua is going to work in Italy, of course I'm going to see him off."

Hua Ye got into the car: "Don't smoke."

"It's okay to smoke one once in a while." Jing Keai waved her hand and said casually, "I can't quit."

Liuhua said solemnly: "I read the news recently, saying that quitting smoking can prolong your life by ten years."

"Oh, I saw the news." Jing Keai complained, "Then I quit smoking after smoking, and if I do it a few more times, won't I be able to live forever?"

Hua Ye opened the car window and said, "I mean don't smoke in the car, Liuhua is inhaling second-hand smoke."

"Your kid is super annoying, do you know?" Jing Keai turned her head and waved her fist, revealing two rows of silver teeth that looked like braided shells. "See, a fist the size of a sandbag, do you believe it?"

"You can't." Hua Ye shook his head and said.

Jing Keai started the sports car, "Go to the gymnasium in the afternoon and have a showdown."

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