Hua Ye shook his head and refused: "No, it's very troublesome to dodge."

"How could it be possible to flash up to the waist?" Jing Keai looked from the rearview mirror, "Are you a teacher and I'm a paper."

Hua Ye said with disgust: "You told me the same way last time."


All in all, a safe trip to the airport.

Jing Keai found a parking space, and parked the car very gracefully and gracefully.

Hua Ye and Liu Hua got out of the car and came to the waiting hall. Looking at the bustling crowd, which looked like an ant nest, Liu Hua was a little nervous, and reached out to grab Hua Ye's clothes, fearing that if he was not careful, he would be drowned in the crowd.

Jing Keai took out her mobile phone and dialed Shihua's number.

"I'm here, and your sister and the angry kid are at the entrance, come here."

Not long after, I saw a straight, black girl with a bright eye, pulling a suitcase, passing through the crowd, and walking over with a cold expression.

It was ten flowers.

This seemed to be Shihua's first time wearing a windbreaker. She was wearing a brown windbreaker with a black sweater inside, making her waist look slimmer and her legs slender. Her cold face exuded an aura that strangers should not enter.

The image of the glamorous sister Yu made many passers-by look sideways.

"elder sister."

Liuhua yelled, her eyes lit up.

Shihua's eyes were slightly soft, and without asking why Liuhua came here, she nodded slightly and said, "You guys are here."

Jing Keai said, "Want to have a drink?"

Shihua nodded: "Okay."


Tao Li Chunfeng has a glass of wine, the lights of the rivers and lakes night rain for ten years.

The three major sufferings in life - not getting what you want, resentment and hatred, love and parting.

In ancient times, due to inconvenient transportation and harsh environment, every parting may be a parting of life and death.

Nowadays, with the rapid development of traffic, the sorrow of parting seems to have faded away, but when it's time to say goodbye, you can feel the faint pain of parting that lingers in your heart.

The pain of parting is like this in ancient and modern times.

Drinking, talking, and chatting, time flies by in the fingertips and cups, and the sound of registration and ticketing sounds unknowingly.

"I'm leaving."

Hearing the sound of check-in and check-in on the radio in the lobby, Shihua stood up, pulled up the suitcase, looked at Liuhua with a depressed expression, and stretched out her hand to rub Liuhua's hair: "I'll call you when I get off the plane .”


Liuhua bit her lip, her eyes were slightly red: "Sister, I will take good care of the house and wait for you to come back."

Liuhua has been looking for the "invisible boundary line", because she thinks that as long as she finds her missing father, her mother will come back, her sister will not have to go out to work, and the family will be together forever.

Her character is like Jia Baoyu in the Dream of the Red Chamber, it is best if everyone stays together.

It's just that people have joys and sorrows, and the moon waxes and wanes, which is difficult in ancient times.

There is such a line in the movie "Walk with Me": "Although I haven't seen him for ten years, I know that I will miss him forever. I never made friends as good as the gang at the age of twelve. , maybe everyone is like this?"

After all, there is no never-ending banquet in the world. When the time comes to say goodbye, what you can do is to silently engrave this beauty in your life.

Jing Keai crossed her arms and glanced at Hua Ye: "Go ahead, I'll take care of Liuhua and this kid."

Hey, it's fine if you are optimistic about Liuhua, what does it have to do with me!

Hua Ye didn't speak.He can't feel the pain of parting. For him, Italy and Japan are just a matter of teleportation.

Seeing Shihua's figure disappear at the boarding gate, Liuhua grabbed Hua Ye's hand and finally couldn't help wiping her eyes: "Sister really left."

Hua Ye said: "You can see it in the video at night."


Liuhua shook her head.

"Father, too, and mom too. After he leaves, he will never come back." Liuhua's expression was low, and the hair on the top of her head was wilting. "My sister is going to work in Italy. If you fall in love, maybe you will still care about Dali and settle down, maybe you will never come back again... The brave will not leave me alone, right?"

Jing Keai looked over with a half-smile.

Hua Ye shook his head and said, "No."

"The hook?"

Liuhua stretched out her little finger, ready to pull the hook.

Hua Ye looked disgusted: "I refuse."

"Woo..." Liuhua puffed up her cheeks, "If you don't pull the hook, you must be playing tricks in the future."

Are you a child, even if you are a child, no one takes the hook seriously!

"Okay, are you two going back to class?" Jing Keai asked, covering her forehead.

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