"Okay, let's go drink tea." Jing Keai called out, "Don't do anything excessive, kid, or you'll serve me with your fists."


The door is closed.

The air suddenly became quiet.

The decoration in the luxury suite is very luxurious. There is a dining room, a study room, an open-air swimming pool and even a small bar. Hua Ye glanced around, but didn't see Igarashi, so he walked towards the bedroom, knocked on the door first, and then Push the door and walk in.

At two or three o'clock in the afternoon, the light should have been extraordinarily bright, but in the bedroom, the curtains were firmly drawn, making it extraordinarily dark.

An irritable voice sounded: "I told you, don't bother me..."

"it's me."

Hua Ye spoke calmly.

Sitting on the bed, the poor-breasted star with his hands on his knees was shocked, and quickly turned to look at Hua Ye: "You, how did you get in here?!"

After finishing speaking, I realized that I grabbed the quilt and covered my body: "Get out, hurry up and get out! No matter how far you go, I will be annoyed when I see you!"

Hua Ye already understood why the maid Kawachi Mei called him over.

Because most of the star's hair was cut off, and now it has short hair that only reaches the shoulders. Needless to say, Igarashi must not have cut it off by himself. Now it suddenly looks like this, no wonder Willing to go out and meet people.

Hua Ye asked, "What happened to your hair?"

"You've seen it all, so why ask?" A muffled voice came out from under the quilt, especially irritated, "Laugh if you want to laugh! Don't appear in front of me again!"

Hua Ye was puzzled: "Why are you laughing at me?"

"You must feel stupid and ugly with your hair cut in such an ugly way!"

Hua Ye said, "I think it's very cute."


"Hmph, men are big pigs! Even if you say that, I don't want to see you." Igarashi paused, and continued to shout under the quilt, "Get out quickly!"

It seems that all girls are very concerned about their hair, and this star with small breasts is no exception.

Hua Ye thought for a while and said:

"If you care about your hair, I can help you grow it back to its original shape."


Half a small face poked out from under the quilt, and Igarashi was finally willing to meet people, both nervous and looking forward to it: "Can you really make my hair grow back?"

"Yes." Hua Ye nodded.

As we all know, hair is not an organ, it does not contain nerves and blood vessels, and its main component is protein, and it is only cut short, without damaging the hair roots. It is much easier to regenerate hair at a super speed than to regenerate a broken limb.

"Then hurry up and help, what are you still doing there?"


Hua Ye half-closed his eyes and looked over.

"I-I was wrong..."

Igarashi turned his head away, bowing his head reluctantly to admit his mistake.

He apologized because he wanted something from Hua Ye at this moment, otherwise, even if Hua Ye pressed him on the bed and spanked him, he would never give in. A star with a hard mouth is just that hard.

Hua Ye walked to the bedside.

"Sit down quickly." Igarashi sat up in the posture of a duck, and said expectantly, "How should I grow my hair?"

The poor-breasted star said and shook his fist: "If you tell me to eat walnuts, black rice, peanuts, almonds, etc., I will fight you!"

Walnuts, black rice, etc. are all common hair growth foods on the Internet, why do you know so much!

Hua Ye suddenly thought of a word, "a long-term illness becomes a doctor".

For example, the more weight loss knowledge a person knows, the fatter he must be.

The more you know about breast enhancement, the flatter your breasts will be.

The more hair growth knowledge you know, the more bald your head will be!

"You don't need to eat, just stimulate the roots of your hair." Hua Ye beckoned, "Sit closer."

Igarashi moved to Hua Ye's side.

This star with small breasts is full of fragrance. He is only wearing a long black dress at the moment. Under the white and slender neck is a delicate and lovely collarbone. Obviously, he is not wearing a bra.

But when you think about it, it’s an airport that Ping A can’t afford, but now he hides in the room and refuses to see people, wearing a bra is a waste.

"What do you want me to do?" Igarashi asked, "Or prepare something?"

Hua Ye shook his head: "You don't need to prepare anything, just sit down and let me pat your head."

"So simple?"

Igarashi is skeptical.

"Otherwise what do you think?"

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