It's just a super simple thing to stimulate the hair roots and let the hair regenerate super fast.

Igarashi gritted his teeth: "Then you come."

Normally, you don't even think about touching your head, but now the situation is special, for the sake of your hair, let's endure it first.

Hua Ye stretched out his right hand and landed on the top of Igarashi's head. The poor-breasted star subconsciously wanted to dodge, but he endured it.

I will endure!

It's not too late for a gentleman to take revenge for ten years, endure this wave first, and then settle accounts with this guy later!

Hua Ye rubbed Igarashi's hair, only to find that it was quite smooth and supple, as silky as chocolate milk.

"Hey, you bastard, didn't you say that on purpose to touch my head?" Igarashi gritted her silver teeth and looked at it, but unfortunately she was in the shape of a young girl, sitting on the bed at the moment, looking up from the bottom up , without the slightest majesty, "If it is you, you will die!"

Hua Ye raised his face and said, "You think too much."

There is no pleasure in touching your head, who would rub you for no reason!

Hua Ye said: "When the hair is stimulated to grow faster later, it may be a little itchy."

"Don't worry, I can bear it."

For the sake of the hair, bleeding can be tolerated, but what is itching?

"That's good."

Hua Ye continued to smooth his hair, gentle energy spread from his palm, and a sense of comfort like soaking in a hot spring flooded his heart, making Igarashi rub Hua Ye's palm subconsciously.

The little star with small breasts blushed slightly, and was about to argue, when she suddenly noticed that her scalp began to itch slightly. She turned her head and looked out of the corner of her eye, and saw the hair hanging on her shoulders, which began to grow at a slow speed. Immediately surprised and happy.

"Really grown?"

"The speed is not too slow, so I can see people again soon!"

It's just that the itching on the scalp gradually intensified. At first, the poor-breasted star gritted his teeth and endured it. After a while, he couldn't help asking: "Hey, how long will it take?"

Hua Ye said: "Take your time, if you go too fast, you won't be able to bear it."

"It's almost unbearable now!"

"Put a towel in your mouth?" Hua Ye thought for a while and gave a suggestion.

"Pervert! Don't even think about stuffing that kind of thing into my mouth!"

Hua Ye said, "Then continue tomorrow?"

"No!" Igarashi yelled, "I want my hair to grow back today!"


Continue Igarashi has already made a decision, Hua Ye will not stop it, so continue to follow Mao.


This poor-breasted star soon let out a moan full of distress. She had already grasped the sheet under her body, but unfortunately she gradually felt that grabbing the sheet was useless, so she continued to look for other substitutes. , touched Hua Ye's pants, and then accidentally grabbed some kind of strange object.

Hua Ye said with black lines all over his face, "Let go!"

Thor's lustful/angry dragon maid talks about catching young men every day, but she only talks but doesn't do it, you just do but don't talk, really.



At this moment, Igarashi also realized what he had accidentally grabbed, and his little face flushed suddenly, like a ripe red apple, and he could feel the amazing heat through the air.It's a pity that Hua Ye yelled at him, and his rebellious temper broke out again, and he began to lose his temper again: "I won't let go! I'm very uncomfortable now, and you don't want to be comfortable!"

As he spoke, instead of letting go, he clenched the object even harder.

Hua Ye's face turned even darker.

Your uncle!Do you know that you are playing with fire like this, and you are basically probing on the verge of death!

As for your primary school student body, if you force it, it will split open, cause serious injury and hemorrhage, and then really kill yourself!

After a moment.

Hua Ye withdrew his right hand and said with a dark face:

"All right."

Under the stimulated roots, Igarashi's hair has grown back to its original length, looking exactly the same as before.

The numbness on his body slowly disappeared, and soon reached a tolerable range. Igarashi withdrew his right hand with a blushing face, and wiped it on the quilt with disgust, "You really showed your ugly face, right? It's disgusting!"


Hua Ye squinted his eyes and looked, you who are holding on to [beep——], how can you say such a thing!

Seeing that Hua Ye's expression was very bad, Igarashi was also a little scared. After all, I heard that it was very fragile there. What if I scratched it so hard just now, what should I do?

"Who, who told you that it would be so itchy if you didn't say it clearly?" Igarashi turned his head and looked to the side, muttering in a low voice, "And I personally helped you do that kind of thing with my hands... You should feel honored! Others envy you I can't be envious!"

Hua Ye said with a straight face, "You have a hard mouth, don't you?"

"Mouth, mouth?"

Igarashi's eyes suddenly widened to the limit, and he hurriedly raised his hand to cover his mouth. His eyes were frightened and angry, and he shouted angrily: "Disgusting! Sex/emotion maniac! A male beast in heat! Big pig's hooves! You actually want me to use my mouth!" Do that for you?!"

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