"That's right." Xiaoniaoyou Liuhua seconded and supported.

"This..." Wei Nai was dumbfounded for a moment.

In a sense, this statement does not seem to be wrong...

Seeing that Wei Nai was speechless, Satania said again: "For example, when I was watching TV yesterday, I found that on this month's hell book sales list, I couldn't see any of those serious and boring works. On the contrary, there was a This book has taken off suddenly, and it has sold [-] copies in just half a month."

"Huh?" Wei Nai was a little curious, "What book is so powerful?"

"It's Master Cirno's new book "After I Was Abducted by the Beastman..."."


Wei Nai who was drinking water almost choked.

What's up with such a bad title!

It will teach bad children!

Satania took out a book with a black gold cover from her backpack, "This is the book, I just snapped it up."

"I want to see, I want to see!" Xiaoniaoyou Liuhua raised her hand.

"Children are not allowed to watch." Wei Nai stretched out her hand to block it.

"Woo~ Wei Nai is bullying people!"

Hua Ye was eating the bento indifferently beside him. Hearing this, he became a little interested: "Qirunuo? Is that the little fairy who manipulates ice and snow?"

He turned his head and saw a short prologue written on the title page of the book

"It was an ordinary summer, I was sleeping next to the lake of mist, and an orc suddenly appeared and abducted me with a lollipop..."

you sir!

You, who will be kidnapped by a lollipop, have not only not increased your IQ over the years, but have actually declined!

This hell is eating jujube pills!

"Why did Sir Cirnuo write this kind of book?" Wei Nai said a little embarrassed.

"Hmph, isn't this name very attractive?" Satania said convincingly, "Only such an interesting book will make people want to read it! And many people in the comment area gave five-star praise what!"

"So it's normal to not be able to watch things that are not interesting at all, such as mathematics and physics." Satania concluded.

Wei Nai said with a blank expression, "We'll talk about it after you pass this exam first."

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo"" satania discouraged.

"There won't be such a thing!" Wei Nai complained, took a deep breath and said, "There are still three days before the exam, although the time is a bit short, but if you study carefully, it will definitely help... and Xiao Jia, Today, I actually asked for leave with the reason of feeling unwell, even though we went to the movies together yesterday."

Speaking of this, Wei Nai sighed, and looked at Satania, "Well, after school, I will help you and Liuhua with tutoring. If the location is... How about going to Xiaojia's?"

"Hmph, I will reluctantly promise you." Satania clasped her fists and hummed.

Wei Nai glanced at Hua Ye again, and said as if nothing had happened, "Your grades are too ideal... are you sure?"

"No problem." Hua Ye nodded.

"Forget it." Wei Nai puffed up her cheeks.

"Go to Xiaojia's place? I want to go too." An elegant and pleasant voice sounded from behind everyone.

The black-bellied meow Raphael appeared out of thin air again, and said with a smile, "Take me one."

"Eh?" Wei Nai blinked, "But Lafite, aren't your grades very good?"

"Grade grades are not important." Raphael put his finger on his lips, "But such an interesting thing, how can I miss it."

Immediately afterwards, Rafael turned his gaze, and said with a grin: "Your Highness Satania, what are you holding in your hand, can you show me?"

"I won't give it to you!" Satania put the book in her arms and said vigilantly.

"Really?" Raphael pointed to the side, "You don't want your pineapple bun?"

The voice fell, followed by the dog barking of "Wow, woof".

Satania turned her head to look, and saw a white stray dog, one of her old enemies, galloping vigorously.

"Ahhh! Why did this guy show up in school!" Satania was taken aback, "Damn stupid dog! Don't grab my pineapple bun!"


After eating the bento, the girls made an appointment to go to Gabriel's house to review their homework together after school.

Here in Japan, there is no such thing as evening self-study, and school is over very early, usually around four in the afternoon, followed by an hour of club activities.

However, among the people present, except for Wei Nai, the rest are all members of the Home Society.

In a blink of an eye, it's afternoon school time.

The sky became gloomy again, like a piece of wet cotton, water can be wrung out with just a pinch. Under such weather, Hua Ye naturally has no interest in hanging out, so it would be more comfortable to go home and play games.

When passing the small bridge, I stumbled across a newly opened cafe in the nearby snack street, and it was during the newly opened discount period.

"It's a coffee shop," Satania's eyes lit up, and she suggested, "Vina, why don't we go have coffee?"

"No." Wei Nai refused, "We are here to review, not to drink coffee, we will talk about it next time when we have time."

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