"Woo~ Wei Nai is so ruthless!"


Soon they were outside Gabriel's room.

Wei Nai rang the doorbell, "Xiao Jia, open the door."

Footsteps sounded, and Gabriel with shaggy hair poked her head out.

"Eh? Wei Nai, Lafite?" Gabriel blinked, looked at the girls at the door, and asked curiously, "Why are you all here?"

"There is a very important exam this weekend, so we made an appointment to come and review with you." Wei Nai said.

"What? An exam?" Gabriel was taken aback, "Why didn't you tell me earlier!"

Wei Nai put on a pretty face, "We only found out this morning, and even if we told you earlier, wouldn't you know how to read at home?"

"This..." Gabriel hurriedly smiled cutely, "Anyway, you guys come in first."

Hua Ye didn't intend to get involved, and went back to the room directly.

However, the voices from the next door still came faintly.

"Xiao Jia! It's only been a day, why is the room so messy again!" Wei Nai's speechless voice rang out, "Snacks are fine, why didn't you tidy up your clothes?"

"Because the weather has been bad recently, there's nothing to do with your clothes..." Gabriel explained with a guilty conscience.

"Buy two drying racks. Hair dryers are not safe. Clothes will dry quickly with drying racks." Wei Nai sighed, "Okay, let's review quickly."

"That..." Gabriel's voice sounded, "I just started the team just now, why don't you guys wait for me... for half an hour?"


Chapter 107 The Trembling Wei Nai

"The exam is two days away. Reviewing is much more important than playing games!" Wei Nai put on a pretty face.

"But, I can't live up to the trust of my teammates!" Gabriel clenched her fists, "My teammates have entrusted me with their backs. For this trust, even if there are mountains of swords and seas of fire ahead, they will never stop me! "

Ah, the country did not award you the trophy of 'National Good Teammate', I am really sorry for you.

"Besides, there are still two days left for the review. It seems that there is still a lot of time."

"Xiaojia..." Wei Nai said quietly.


"kill you."

"Yes!" Gabriel laughed dryly, wiped the cold sweat from his brow, rolled his eyes and said, "I'll call the guy next door to come over and help us fight."

Then the doorbell of Hua Ye's room rang.

"What are you doing?" Hua Ye sipped his drink and opened the door.

"Are you okay now?" Gabriel blinked and said, "If it's okay, can you help me fight?"

"No." Hua Ye resolutely refused.

"No! The team has already started. Without my healer, the team will be blown up." Gabriel clasped her hands together, her eyes begging, "Help me out, I'll treat you to lunch tomorrow... "

Under the softness and toughness of this lazy angel, Hua Ye finally agreed.

When I arrived at Gabriel's room next door, I saw Wei Nai and others sitting around the table reading and reviewing.

Seeing Hua Ye coming in, the girls all said hello.

Wei Nai frowned: "Student Hua Ye, after helping Xiaojia finish beating, you should go back to read as soon as possible."

Xiaoniao Youliuhua: "The brave are the brave."

Satania: "Hmph, my stupid attendant~"

"Hurry up." Gabriel urged.

Hua Ye sat down at the computer desk.

He used to play this game for a long time under the leadership of Gabriel, but because it was not a competitive game, but a group game type, he quickly gave up. big problem.

The house quickly quieted down.

Because of the dark sky, the incandescent lights have been turned on.

Bright lights sprinkled every corner of the house.

The sound of the ticking rain outside the window, the click of the keyboard, and the rustle of the pen tip across the paper combine to create an indescribably subtle atmosphere.

However, this atmosphere only lasted for a short moment.

"Vina, what's going on with this question, why can't I understand it at all!" Satania asked.

"Huh? Is it equations and inequalities?" Wei Nai explained the exercises conscientiously.

Turning around, I saw Xiaoniao Youliuhua spreading out the exercise book, concentrating on writing something.

"Liuhua, you are very attentive." Wei Nai praised, looked curiously, and the smile on her face froze immediately.

"What are you drawing?"

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