Moreover, Hua Ye could roughly guess the reason why Hoshino Xia called.

"Then I'll wait for you at the end of the corridor on the fourth floor." Hoshino Xia seemed to be in a bad mood, instead of fighting with Igarashi, she just said, "I want to ask Hua Ye for something."

Hua Ye nodded: "Understood."

After hanging up the phone, Igarashi's anger shifted back again: "Why did you promise her?"

I was a little aggrieved as I said that, and I was thinking about other people's affairs before getting a massage. Could it be that big breasts are so attractive?

Hua Ye complained: "At least every time she comes to visit, she will bring fruit as a souvenir and help with housework."

"That kind of small favor bought you?" Igarashi said with a finger, "Big chest monster, big cow, flirty hoof, one thing on the mouth, one thing on the back, maliciously acting cute all day long... Ah!"

A short low cry sounded, Igarashi hurriedly gritted his teeth, but a blush suddenly flew up on his face: "Why are you sneaking at me!"

Hua Ye said calmly, "It's not touching, it's massage."

"Aren't they all the same?"

"To shut up."

"Not... huh?"

Chapter 1061 Proof of Friendship (Third)

After finishing the massage, Hua Ye got up and went downstairs regardless of the flushed, panting star with small breasts lying on the table.

Probably because she stayed on the rooftop for a long time this time, the maid Mei's eyes looked a little strange and curious, her eyes...

So where are your eyes looking?

The wrinkling of pants is the fault of Igarashi who can't let go, so it's not a bad reason!

and many more……

Grabbing and not letting go seems like a bad thing too?

The lunch break has passed most of the time, and it is almost time for the afternoon class.

Hua Ye came to the fourth floor. This floor is the classroom for art class and vocal music class. The corridor was empty and there was no one there. At a glance, he saw Xing Yexia lying on the railing, a little bit less of the usual smiles, Yan Yan, small face There was a touch of melancholy on the face.

"Student Hua Ye, are you here?"

When Hoshino Xia heard the footsteps, she turned her head to look over, and tilted her head to say hello. It was the first time she saw dark circles appear on her face, obviously lack of sleep.

Hua Ye didn't speak, and calmly waited for the other party's next words.

When he came, he roughly guessed what it was - if it was just an ordinary lump, he wouldn't have said anything about asking the other party to go to the hospital for examination last night.

"I went to the hospital for an examination." Hoshino Xia bit her lip, her voice was a little low, "The not very good."

There are many possibilities for the lump, and sometimes it may even be a false alarm. Unfortunately, Hoshino Xia has bad luck this time, very bad.

The lump that appeared happened to be malignant. Fortunately, it was discovered in time and could be treated with surgery, but there was no guarantee that it would not recur in the future.

Thinking of lying on a cold hospital bed, surrounded by a group of white coats holding scalpels, commenting like buying pork, and discussing where to get the knife, Hoshino Xia resolutely left the hospital.

Unless it was a last resort, she would never choose to be hospitalized for an operation. The feeling of leaving herself under the control of others is really bad.

She hugged her knees and lost sleep for half the night, and finally thought of Hua Ye.

The doctor said that this disease does not have typical symptoms and signs in the early stage, it is difficult to detect, and it is easy to be ignored. The reason why I went to the hospital for examination was Hua Ye's opinion.

and so……

"You found out last night, right?" Igarashi looked over pitifully.

Hua Ye nodded: "Yes."

It was only after discovering something that the other party was sent to the hospital for an examination.

"Then, can classmate Hua Ye help to cure it?" Hoshino Xia asked nervously with a hint of expectation in his eyes.

It should be possible to make hair grow to its original length in just a few minutes and help treat diseases, right?

Hoshino Xia blushed, bit her lip and said, "As long as it can be cured, even if I do the same thing as Igarashi... it's fine!"


Hua Ye was not surprised at all.

The one who knows you best is always the enemy. As the enemy of life, Natsu Hoshino naturally knows Igarashi deeply, not to mention that star with poor breasts has no city. You can guess what the two of them did on the rooftop.

As a dog with poor breasts, he has used papaya, milk, apples, etc., but unfortunately the nails on his chest have never changed, and now he has suddenly changed into a steamed bun. No matter how you think, it is all because of Hua Ye.

"Hua Ye, can you?" Hoshino Xia looked forward to coming.

Hua Ye nodded: "Yes."

"Hey, is it really possible?" Hoshino Xia's eyes lit up, "It won't be troublesome, right?"

Hua Ye thought for a while and said, "It's a little more troublesome than growing hair last night, just massage a few more times."

"Huh, that's fine..."

She was really afraid that Hua Ye would say something like 'you need to use white liquid to replenish the magic', 'swallow it, don't leave a drop', but luckily things didn't go in a bad direction.

A smile finally appeared on the face of this big-breasted loli, she bowed, and the little rabbit on her chest bounced up and down: "Then when we make cookies this afternoon, I will leave everything to classmate Hua Ye!"

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