"it is good."

Hua Ye went downstairs to the classroom.

When he was about to pass by the door of the women's bathroom, he happened to see Silly Meow coming out of it.

Hua Ye twitched the corner of his mouth, and stopped. Unfortunately, this idiot had good eyesight. He saw Hua Ye at a glance, and then ran over excitedly: "Aide, let's guess punches!"

Sure enough, the opening remark was this sentence. I didn't meet him on the way to school in the morning. I guess it's unbearable right now!

Hua Ye said expressionlessly, "No."

"Why." Satania puffed up her cheeks, unhappy, "I've already prepared the photos, don't try to play tricks."

So before guessing, are you ready to lose?

There are a lot of people who say "don't think about victory, think about failure first", but this idiot is certainly not among them.

The reason why Satania prepared in advance was obviously because her intuition told her that she would still lose!

"I also took a new photo... Is it okay to dress up as a maid?"

Hua Ye was curious: "Where did you get the maid outfit?"

Satania murmured, "Lafite came to sleep with me again last night. The bed is not too small, so he insisted on hugging me to sleep. It's so troublesome..."

Hua Ye said with a blank face: "Let's get to the point."

"Forgot, when Lafite came, he was still carrying a maid outfit and a sweater with his chest exposed, and was in charge of helping to take pictures. He also said that if he used this kind of photos as a bet, he could fight with you twice a day."

"But I only took photos of the maid's outfit last night, not the sweater." Satania tilted her head, wondering, "I always think that sweater looks weird..."

Hua Ye couldn't help complaining, "Open-chested sweater, let's find out."


A silver-haired girl appeared behind Satania, with a bright smile on her face: "Student Hua Ye, good afternoon."

Satania hurriedly took a step away and said vigilantly:

"Where did you come from?"

Rafael clasped his hands together and said with a smile, "As long as classmate Satania summons me, I will naturally appear."

So don't use god-walking and serious obstacles indiscriminately, be careful that one day will be like that useless angel, before the person arrives, only a fat one will fall from the sky!

"What are you talking about?" Rafael asked curiously with his hands behind his back.

Hua Ye said, "Satania said you bullied her in bed at night."

"I didn't bully."

Rafael puffed up his cheeks, stretched out a light-white slender jade finger, and swayed gently: "Look, to describe a boy's relationship is good, it is said to wear a pair of pants, so to describe a girl's relationship is good, you should sleep on a quilt right……"

To your uncle, what kind of fallacy is this!Wearing a pair of trousers is a metaphor and an exaggeration. It’s like flying down three thousand feet. However, the Lushan Waterfall is actually only more than one hundred meters high, which is far from three thousand feet. You really slept with Satania I got a quilt!

"That's right, good friends should sleep in the same quilt to keep each other warm." The corners of Lafite's lips curled up, his eyes curved into two crescents, that is, squinting, "This is the proof of friendship."

Hua Ye's poker face: "Should I still give you a certificate?"

Don't think that if you secretly replace your best friend with a friend, others won't be able to hear it!That's all for two girls, are two men going to wrestle under the covers!

Chapter 1062 Bite the Towel

Hua Ye looked at this troublesome tax-evading girl, and said with a straight face:

"where are your photos?"

I told you earlier that there is a price to pay for doing things.

"Hey, what did classmate Hua Ye just say?" The black-bellied girl listened intently, "I didn't hear clearly."

"The attendant asked for your photo." Satania repeated eagerly.

"I still can't hear you." The black-bellied girl stretched out a finger, "Class is about to start, I seem to have forgotten something..."

"Ah, I almost forgot, there is no boxing game yet."

Silly Meow was immediately distracted, and stretched out his fist in front of Hua Ye: "Hurry up, guess the punch."

"Your Highness Satania, come on. (~~▽~)~"

Lafite clasped his hands together, and shouted with a smile.

Satania asked vigilantly, "Why do you hear it again now?"

"A few small things, don't care about it."

The black-bellied girl waved her hand, winked quietly at Hua Ye, and mouthed: "Hua Ye, come on, maid outfit, open-chested sweater, nude apron, nurse outfit, and disgusting face to show you how fat you are!" Second-rate……"

Hua Ye looked disgusted: "I refuse."

Although covering three points with one finger has no deterrent effect on idiot meow at all, but I will not bully idiots with you, because bullying idiots is against the law.

"So angry, I lost again..."

Satania puffed up her cheeks. If it was someone else, she would have given up now. Unfortunately, this idiot is quite stubborn. He has been defeated repeatedly, but he is not discouraged. "Tomorrow I will continue to challenge. One day, I will Win it back!"

"Shouldn't we have to wait until tomorrow?" Lafite stretched out a finger, "Didn't Satania take a photo of the maid costume yesterday? Hua Ye should be interested, and you can get another chance to challenge."

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