The duel between angels and demons is imminent.

The dignified and depressing breath made it hard to breathe.

So the script is wrong!

I just played a game of kung fu, what happened between you two!


"Vina, Vinai, do you think it tastes better in bamboo shoots or Mushroom Mountain?" Satania looked at Vinai with burning eyes, "It must be the bamboo shoot party!"

"Eh? Do you want me to tell you?" Wei Nai blinked and said hesitantly, "I think it's all delicious..."

"No!" Gabriel and Satania shouted in unison.

"How can you say that they are all delicious? They are obviously the best among bamboo shoots!" Satania snorted.

Gabriel also raised her eyebrows, "That's right, those who waver will not end well."

A drop of cold sweat fell on Wei Nai's forehead, she gently pulled the corner of her mouth, and finally said, "Then I'd better choose Mushroom Mountain, because it won't get my hands dirty when I eat it because it comes into contact with chocolate..."

"Damn it!" Satania screamed suddenly and fell to the ground.

"What? Mushroom Mountain and Bamboo Shoots?" Hua Ye felt that these two names were very familiar. It was not until he glanced at the snack packaging bags on the table that he finally came to his senses.

"Isn't this the brand of two kinds of chocolate biscuits!"


It turns out that the duel between angels and demons is to discuss whether the chocolate in Mushroom Mountain or the chocolate in bamboo shoots is better!

This is exactly the same as the debate about sweet tofu nao and salty tofu nao on the Internet... There is no difference in taste at all!

The question of which is more delicious, Mushroom Mountain or Bamboo the "top war" in the Japanese snack industry.

These two chocolate snacks are very popular in Japan, and can be bought in almost all convenience stores and supermarkets. It is worth mentioning that although the names are mushrooms and bamboo shoots, they are only similar in shape, and the raw materials are all chocolate. And biscuits, and it's made by the same company.

In addition, the battle over "mushrooms" or "bamboo shoots" has been debated for decades, and there is no result until now.

"Liuhua, Liuhua, which one do you think is tastier?" Satania cheered up, ready to recover from Xiaoniaoyou Liuhua.

Xiaoniaoyou Liuhua hesitated for a moment, then took out a coin and tossed it lightly.

After the coin settled down, the little bird You Liuhua raised his head and said seriously, "I choose the chocolate in the bamboo shoots..."

"Ahahaha——" Satania laughed, "It really is a wise choice!"

"You obviously made the decision after tossing the coin! This is too childish!" Wei Nai couldn't help complaining.

"No, not really."


Xiaoniao Youliuhua opened her mouth quietly, the hair on her head trembling: "This is the choice of fate... Hey, it hurts!"

"Hmph, Gabriel, it's a one-to-one tie!" Satania beamed with joy.

"Tch, it's not you who won." Gabriel curled her lips and looked at Rafael, "Rafi, which one do you think is tastier?"

"This choice is very embarrassing."

Rafael stretched out a finger, tapped it on his lips, and then smiled and said something terrible: "In this way, if anyone is willing to kneel on the ground and bark like a dog three times, then I will support him."

"How could someone agree to such a rude request!" Wei Nai continued to complain.

However, as soon as the words fell, the crisp dog barking sounded.

"Wow woof!—"

Satania was not ashamed at all, instead, she learned how to bark like a dog proudly, and proudly said on the ground: "Gabriel, you are doomed!"

"Ju, you really have to agree to such a rude request!" Wei Nai clenched her right fist and covered her chest, "What's wrong with you!"

"Xiao Jia, there is no other way." Rafael said with a smile, "I choose to support Her Highness Satania."

"Hmph!" Gabriel puffed up her cheeks, rolled her eyes, and said suddenly, "Wait! Isn't there someone in the room who didn't vote?"

Chapter 109 Your store manager is online

So the girls turned their gazes to Hua Ye in unison.


Hua Ye: "..."

"Hey, which flavor do you think tastes better?" Gabriel stared at it with wide-eyed eyes.

Satania clasped her hands on her chest and said triumphantly, "Sir, tell me your answer, and I will reward you, even pineapple buns."

Shut up!

Believe it or not, I'm going crazy when you ask me such a boring question while eating my snacks, and it's just chocolate biscuits, at worst, just eat them together.

"No! The Mushroom Party is just!" Gabriel raised her voice, "All the Bamboo Shoot Party are heretics!"

"Hmph, the Bamboo Shoot Party is the true love! Those of you who like the Mushroom Party are crooked cults!"

Gabriel: "Bah, bah, bah!"

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