Satania: "Slightly way!"

Hua Ye didn't speak, but just watched the two "fight" expressionlessly.

One is a useless angel who enjoys poking people, and the other is an embarrassing mentally handicapped person from time to time...

"Sure enough, no one wants to support it."

Hua Ye turned around and opened the drawer, took out a coin, and said, "Flip the coin to decide."


"Support Gabriel on the positive side, and support Satania on the negative side."

After finishing speaking, without giving the two of them a chance to refute, they tossed the coin casually, and the coin flew into the air.

With a crisp sound of "clang", after a while of tumbling, the coin finally stopped turning with heads up.

"Hmph, luck is on my side." Gabriel raised the corner of her mouth.

"Damn it! Why is this happening!" On Satania's side, she ran down the street in tears, her back turned gray.

At this time, Rafael suddenly looked over and asked curiously: "Student Hua Ye, what is that?"


"It's the golden membership card with the word hot spring written on it..."

Hua Ye looked over and quickly remembered.

"This is a membership card for a hot spring resort in the suburbs. If you go to play, you can get preferential discounts with the card."

This membership card was given by the manager Sachiko Hirata when the entrustment was completed before. After Hua Ye got it back, he threw it into the drawer. If Raphael didn't ask, he almost forgot about it.

"Hot spring resort?" Rafael's eyes lit up, "Xiaojia, Wei Nai, let's go to the hot spring this weekend!"

"Eh?" Wei Nai was taken aback, "Why did you say this so suddenly?"

"Because Hua Ye has a membership card here, you can get a lot of discounts if you go together." Rafael said with a smile.

Gabriel curled her lips: "No, soaking in hot springs or something, it's not as comfortable as playing games at home."

"Hmph, Gabriel, you must be scared!" Satania said triumphantly with her hands on her hips, "Even if you managed to draw with me this time, next time, I must be the one who wins! "

"Tch." Gabriel looked sideways, with a lazy expression of caring for the mentally retarded.

"Where is Liuhua? Are you interested?"

The dumb hair on Xiaoniaoyou Liuhua's head trembled slightly, and it was rare that he didn't speak the second line, but said silently: "I'll go back and ask my sister..."

In the end, it was Wei Nai who made the final decision: "Okay, let's talk about this later!"

"It's past half past five and it's still raining outside. Just in case, everyone should go home first."

"Finally we can go back to eat pineapple buns!" Satania cheered.

"I'll talk about the pineapple buns later," Wei Nai took out her phone with a straight face, "I created a chat group, you all should join it, and I will supervise your homework review at night."

"Oh, Wei Nai is bullying!"


Blink to the second day.

The weather was still gloomy, the clouds were like cotton soaked in water, and the pattering raindrops never stopped.

As the exam approached, the atmosphere in the class became more solemn, and even the laughter in the corridor was much less than usual.

It was rare for Gabriel to come to school today, although she still lay on the table and touched the fish for a long time with a tired face.

Lunch break.

"It's so troublesome, there's no way to sit outside in this weather." Gabriel complained.

Wei Nai pursed her lips, and said helplessly, "No way, let's eat lunch in the classroom."

Those who have a special club activity room can naturally go to the club to eat bento, but for members of the home club like Hua Ye and Gabriel, there is nowhere to go in this humid and rainy day.

"Vinette, where should we review in the evening?" Satania asked.

After school in the evening, it was cleaning time, so of course they couldn't stay in the class, and the activity room had nothing to do with them.

"Where is the best place to go?" Wei Nai fell into deep thought.

Xiaojia’s place definitely won’t work, the cockroaches from yesterday still left her with lingering fears, if a few more cockroaches came out, maybe she would be so scared that she would completely lose her mind and take out the trident to destroy everything.

That shameful thing must never happen again!

As for going to Hua Ye's room...Of course not.

Yesterday was a special situation, how can there be any reason for girls to go to boys' room to review every day?

It seems that you can only go to your own place?

While thinking about it, Satania suddenly raised her hand and said, "Vina, do you still remember the coffee shop we saw on the road yesterday?"

"what happened?"

"We can go over there and drink coffee and read a book."

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