"You, why are you looking at me like this! I wouldn't say that I have a coupon from that store!!"


"I have fallen in love with coffee since I came into contact with the high-quality coffee beans in Brazil during the trading company era..."

"That timeless fragrance, that precious quality, that age-precipitated honesty all deeply attracted me..."

"I finally understood my pursuit in life."

"I've since quit my job and used my savings to open this coffee shop..."

"Then I have to go to the place of origin every year to buy high-quality top-quality coffee beans... I personally grind, roast, and brew..."

"I am constantly pursuing the highest state of coffee..."

"Now, I can finally say... I am actually quite confident in blending coffee."

At this time, the store door was gently pushed open, and a team headed by a purple-haired girl walked in.

It was Wei Nai and the others.

"Welcome!" The store manager straightened the bow tie on his chest and said with a smile.

"Good afternoon." Wei Nai replied politely.

Hua Ye planned to go home directly, but was pulled in by Xiaoniaoyou Liuhua. At this moment, he glanced over and found that the environment in the coffee shop was quite good, with slightly dim lights, classic color matching, and melodious music. The sound of Scottish bagpipes makes the atmosphere elegant and dignified.

Several people sat down at a round table in a corner, and the shop manager came over with the menu himself: "What do you guys want to drink? Because it is reopening, you can enjoy a [-]% discount on all purchases."

"Huh? Reopening?"

"That's right, in order to ensure the quality of the coffee, I close the shop for two months every year and fly all over the world to find the best quality coffee beans."

"By the way." The shop manager straightened his tie, with a bewildered smile on his face, "Actually, I'm quite confident in mixing coffee."

Chapter 110 It Really Was Another Beautiful Day

"Can you let me see the menu first?" Wei Nai replied politely.

"Of course." The shop manager handed over the menu.

Wei Nai read it quickly, then handed the menu to Satania next to her, pursed her lips and said, "Then I want a cup of Blue Mountain Coffee, thank you."

As soon as the words fell, Satania's exclamation sounded:

"Eh? Why is this 'civet cat' coffee so expensive!"

"Tch, it's just a cup of coffee, you must not be able to drink it." Gabriel squinted.

"Who, who can't afford it!" Satania raised her neck: "A cup is only [-] yen, so it's not like that..."

Please cover up your expression when you speak!

Obviously distressed tears came out ah!

"Shopkeeper, give me a cup of this..." Satania raised her hand.

Wei Nai hurriedly covered her mouth, and explained in a low voice, "Don't be impulsive! You won't like that civet coffee..."

"Eh? Why?"

Wei Nai pursed her lips, took out her mobile phone to search, and handed it to Satania.

The idiot glanced roughly, and suddenly trembled all over, his eyes widened, and he said in disbelief: "What, what?! You actually used cat feces to pretend to be coffee!"

Shut up!

Don't talk nonsense if you don't understand!

This stuff is a very unique coffee in the world. Although drinking it won't prolong your life and strengthen your body, it won't do any harm.

Although it is true to say that it is cat poop coffee...but the same is true for bird's nest. It is obviously a puddle of saliva, but it can be on the menu of the Manchu Banquet. As long as you put aside your prejudices, you can discover the beauty of it Ah soul!

"You must want to poison me!" Satania said angrily.

"This..." A drop of cold sweat broke out on the uncle's head.

This coffee shop has also been open for [-] years, and this is the first time I have heard such an evaluation. This customer's common sense seems to be a bit wrong...

Wei Nai was also embarrassed to hear it, and stretched out her hand to pull Satanya: "Stop talking, let's get a cup of coffee instead."

"Hmph, then I want a cup of Blue Mountain coffee like Wei Nai's."

"Shop manager, do you have coffee with milk here?" Raphael asked with a smile.

"Yes, there are hot and iced milk coffees. I don't know which one the customer wants?" The shop manager heaved a sigh of relief. This girl with long silver hair seems to be easy to talk to.

"Is that so?" Rafael stretched out a finger, tapped it on his lips, thought for a while and said, "Then let's have a slightly spicy cup."


The store manager's expression suddenly stiffened.

What's up with the slightly spicy coffee!

Could it be that a new genre of coffee emerged in the world when I didn't know it!

"Sorry, this one doesn't..."

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