"It hurts so much." Liuhua looked up at Hua Ye, pursed her mouth, and said with tears in her eyes, "I can't get up..."

A row of black lines fell on Hua Ye's face: "You don't take off your contact lenses when you take a shower?"

"The eyes and the blindfold have been taken off." Liuhua argued, "The seals cannot be untied all at once, otherwise the world will be destroyed by the magic power of rampage."

Wearing colored contact lenses in the shower must be because my eyes are uncomfortable, so I fell down!

Recently, some merchants have used the "preservation trick" of putting colored contact lenses on fish. Do you also want to keep yourself fresh?

Hua Ye stretched out his hand and said, "Get up."


Liuhua hesitated, "Should I stretch out my left hand or my right hand?"

Chapter 1078 Pet Liuhua

Hua Ye stretched out his hand and said, "Get up."


Liuhua responded pitifully, but did not move. Instead, her little face slowly turned red, and soon turned into a ripe red apple.

Raise the left hand or the right hand?

The left hand blocks the body, and the right hand covers the chest. No matter which hand is raised, it will be exposed. The second disease is not a serious obstacle. You should be shy or shy.

"That..." Liuhua said with tears in her eyes, "Will the brave man pass me the towel?"


Are you shy now?

Don't let me in to help just now!

With a carrot head like you, it doesn't matter if you don't cover it up.

With disgust in his eyes, Hua Ye took a towel and handed it to Liuhua.

"Thank you brave."

Liuhua wrapped her body with a towel, and then handed her right hand to Hua Ye.

Hua Ye used all his strength to pull Liuhua up, but before he could stand still, the dumb-haired girl kept saying, "It hurts...it hurts..."

When Liuhua spoke, her body trembled, her little face turned pale, and tears were rolling in her eyes, obviously she wasn't lying.

"Where does it hurt?" Hua Ye raised his eyebrows, "Is it sprained?"

"It's not feet." Liuhua shook his head like a rattle, and said tearfully, "Yes, it's the butt pain!"


The towel only covered Liuhua's chest and front body, and the back was naturally exposed to the air. Hua Ye looked down and found that although Liuhua had a flat chest, short legs, and a turnip head, her little butt was quite upright.

"Why does the butt hurt?" Hua Ye asked.

The gluteus maximus is the largest muscle in the human body, and it has very few capillaries. Therefore, no matter in winter or summer, the buttocks are generally cool and have a high pain tolerance. A fall should not be painful enough to cry.

Looking at Liuhua who was about to burst into tears, Hua Ye suddenly pulled the corner of his mouth: "Did you fall to your tailbone?"

Liuhua nodded: "That's right there!"

The tailbone, also known as the tailbone, is the tailbone left over after the degeneration of the human tail. Generally speaking, it is useless, but it cannot be cut off if it is useless like the appendix.Compared with men, girls are more likely to injure their tailbone when they fall down due to their wider and flatter pelvic cavity.

The pain level of falling to the tailbone is slightly lower than the pain of kicking the toe to the corner of the table, but it is more durable. It hurts to turn over, walk, sit, and stand. The pain will last for at least a few days.

"Brave, brave, will you break your bone?" Liuhua panicked.

Hua Ye said, "I'll check it out."

"Eh eh?"

Liuhua opened her eyes wide, her face flushed red again.

She is not wearing any clothes now, if Hua Ye checks it, wouldn't it be, wouldn't it be...

However, the pain in the tailbone quickly subsided into embarrassment, and Liuhua said with tears in her eyes, "Then, let the brave man check it."

As he said that, he stretched out his hand to support the wall of the bathroom, and bent down with a blushing face.

Hua Ye looked down, and what he saw was pink, but there was no wavering in his heart.

After a simple inspection, Hua Ye gave the inspection result: "The bone is broken."

Fractured tailbone is one of the most common injuries in daily life. The bathroom is a place where fractures and fractures occur frequently, but generally the elderly fall more often. so.

"Then, what should I do then?" Liuhua covered her body with her hands and leaned her back against the wall, "Do you want to go to the hospital? Will you get a plaster cast?"

"You can't put a cast on your butt." Hua Ye shook his head, "It's best to go to the hospital to have a look."

"Do you need to be hospitalized?" Liuhua asked pitifully.

Hua Ye nodded: "I'm going to be hospitalized."

"Don't go to the hospital!"

Liuhua shook her head like a rattle again, living alone in a strange hospital, it was scary to think about it.

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