"Will the brave man heal me?" At this point, Liuhua turned to Hua Ye for help immediately.

Hua Ye said, "This is not good."

"No, it doesn't matter, we are comrades-in-arms who have signed a contract." Liuhua sniffled, "It hurts so much, if you don't treat it, you will die."

It's just the tailbone, so it won't die, at most it's the same as flashing the waist, just lie on the bed for a month and it will be fine.

Hua Ye sighed and said:

"You wash off the soap scum on your body first, then get dressed and come out, and talk on the sofa."

"I can't move..." Liuhua moved her right leg slightly, her slender eyebrows were tightly knit together, and she said with tears in her eyes, "Will the brave man help you clean up for nothing?"

Hua Ye said, "Stand still."

If you encounter a problem, then solve it. There is no point in being shy and indecisive.

Liuhua was only halfway through the shower at the moment, and she had to be washed before she could dress, but she had difficulty moving, so she needed help from others.

Although you can call the useless angel next door to come over and help take a bath, but you need to be treated later, and it is definitely not a wise choice to treat Liuhua in front of Gabriel, but it is still in the shameful part.

So after weighing the balance, the easiest way is to bathe Liuhua by himself.

Last night, I took a bath with a group of radish heads. Today, I will help the big loli Liuhua take a bath, which is not a big deal at all.

Hua Ye took down the shower, let Liuhua stand against the wall, and then rinsed the soap off Liuhua's body.

Having said that, Liuhua is also [-] years old this year, and her physical development has almost reached the end. She and Shihua are sisters, so why is there such a big gap?

One is tall, has long legs and big breasts, and the sister Yu is full of aura, while the other looks like a middle school student. Standing together, they look more like a mother and daughter!

"Front by yourself." Hua Ye handed the shower to Liuhua.


Liuhua responded, turned her back to Hua Ye, rinsed the soap scum on her chest briefly, and said, "I haven't washed my hair yet."

Hua Ye said, "Vina will come over later and let Wei Nai wash it for you."


Hua Ye walked out of the bathroom: "Just put on your underwear and come out."

After a short while, Liuhua's pitiful voice sounded again: "Brave man, I can't lift my feet, I can't put on fat times..."


You can't even dress well when you are fat, are you a pet who likes to eat Baumkuchen?

With squinted eyes, Hua Ye pushed open the door and walked into the bathroom. He reached out to take the pink bear's Pangji, then grabbed Liuhua's ankle, lifted it with one hand, and put Pangji inside with the other hand.

"Wait... Is this the fat time I just borrowed from Gabriel?"

Looking at the pink bear Pangci in his hand, Hua Ye fell silent.

Taking Gabriel's panties and helping another girl to put them on herself, no matter how you look at it, it's something only a pervert can do, right?

Hua Ye only felt that his mood was a little delicate, and while experiencing this strange sense of shame, he continued to help him get dressed.But Liuhua had just finished taking a shower, her body was not dry yet, and the posture was awkward, so when it reached her thighs, she couldn't put it on.

"Hmm..." Liuhua groaned and stammered, "Brave man, no, don't touch there..."

Who touched you!It's just to help you wear fat times, it's normal to have a touch!

His fingers brushed against Liuhua's thigh, obviously it was just a light touch, not even a tickle, but Liuhua let out another strange hum that made people blush and heartbeat.


"No, don't! Heroes don't lick...that, there is no way..."

The cross muscle on Hua Ye's forehead was throbbing: "Shut up!"

Chapter 1079 Three People Living Together (Third Change)

"To shut up."

Don't you know the difference between the feeling of fingers and tongue?

Don't think that you can tell nonsense by closing your eyes!

Hua Ye couldn't bear it anymore, and directly picked up Liuhua with one hand.

"Eh eh?"

Liuhua panicked, and the hairs on the top of her head stood up: "Brave man, don't touch me in strange postures..."

"It's enough."

Who wants to use strange postures on you!With a small body like yours, you can't bear the normal posture. If you move a little bit more, you will bleed profusely and pass out.

Like a cat, Hua Ye picked up Liuhua, helped her put on Pangci, then walked to the living room, and put Liuhua on the sofa.

"The brave man is so rough..."

Liuhua lay on the sofa, muttering pitifully in a low voice.

Facts have proved that even a girl in the second year of middle school will blush when encountering such a thing. In a short period of time, Liuhua's little face has turned into a red apple.

"It still hurts..." Liuhua held a pillow in her arms, lifted her little buttocks, and said pitifully, "The brave man rubs it for me."

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