"This guy is no ordinary idiot... The strength and speed just now are at least at the level of a professional athlete."

Jing Keai was still guessing the other party's identity, her eyes suddenly focused, and she fell on the other party's right hand, and then her heartbeat suddenly slowed down by half a beat - those thick knuckles and sharp nails were clearly not what a human should look like, and even more so. Like the enlarged claws of some animal.


Jing Keai blurted out.

The man who was sneering suddenly became furious, showing two ferocious canine teeth at the corners of his mouth: "It's a monster! It's not a werewolf! Another stupid human race brainwashed by the invading culture!"

"That's why it's against your will to say the word 'cultural invasion', a monster who changed careers and became an idiot!"

"Since it is a legendary monster, don't be an idiot!"

"It's like having superpowers. My first thought was to rob a bank. However, most banks now use electronic payments, and many banks only have a few million yen in liquidity, okay?"

Jing Keai complained in her heart, and couldn't help but think of Hua Ye.

When I was seeing off Shihua at the airport, I heard about the existence of monsters from Hua Ye for the first time, but I didn't take it seriously. I didn't expect that there were such things as monsters.

That aside.

Importantly, what now?

Jing Keai's first thought was to ask Hua Ye for help. Facing the legendary monster, she had no confidence at all.

It's a pity that the other party won't give him a chance to ask for help, and it's beyond his reach. He probably won't be able to wait until Hua Ye arrives here.

The best way is actually to run away, but Jing Keai doesn't think she can outrun a wolf demon, so she has no choice but to delay as much as possible.

"I think we can talk about it."

"Talk about what?"

The man in the windbreaker turned his head to look over, with a nasty expression on his face like a cat teasing a mouse.

Jing Keai gritted her teeth: "Violence can't solve the problem. You will only attract the police to chase you. Even a monster can't withstand the shooting of guns, right?"

"The city is so big, no one will know when two people disappeared." The man in the windbreaker's eyes flickered, and he replied in a low voice.

"Unless you don't do it, as long as you do it, there will be a day when you will be discovered."

The more Jing Keai talked, the clearer her thoughts became. She looked at the other party carefully for a moment, and suddenly said: "Five million."

"Huh?" The man in the windbreaker looked over in surprise.

"Let me and this girl go away." Jing Keai was inhumane, ready to use money to clear the way, "I can give you five million."

"Without money, it's hard to get anywhere. As long as you have money, you don't have to hide, and you can enjoy a better life."

"I can transfer half of it to you first, and the remaining half will be transferred to you immediately after we leave."

The man in the windbreaker nodded: "It's very interesting, my heart is moved..."

Jing Keai heaved a sigh of relief. Problems that can be solved with money are not problems. Although she doesn't have much money as a teacher, her family has money, and she is actually a rich woman.

"But..." The man in the windbreaker lowered his head, his voice was ferocious, "I hate rich rich women the most!"


One punch.

Jing Keai dodged, the hair around her ears was blown by the strong wind, her skin was slightly aching, and a dent appeared directly on the wall behind her.

"We can discuss what you want." Jing Keai was ready to continue delaying time.

The man in the windbreaker showed his canine teeth: "I forgot to tell you that monsters can make slaves—"


Jing Ke's heart sank suddenly.

After a moment.


Jing Keai gasped for breath, her hair was already wet with sweat.

This wolf demon has a very strong physique. Although he doesn't have any great fighting skills, his strength and speed are beyond the limit of ordinary people. As long as he is punched, he will lose his fighting power and be slaughtered.

During the period of Jing Keai, she took the time to counterattack a few times. Although she successfully hit the enemy, the opponent's anti-strike ability was also too high to cause effective damage at all.

The bad thing is that her physical strength is about to be exhausted now. From noon to now, she only ate one apple. Now under the high-intensity battle, her physical strength is exhausted rapidly, and she will soon lose the strength to dodge.

"Is that not enough?" The man in the windbreaker rubbed the chest hit by Jing Keai, "I hit me three times just now, and I will return it to you slowly when I turn you into a slave."

Jing Keai clenched her silver teeth, a flash of determination flashed in her eyes.

"and many more."

A voice full of air suddenly sounded, attracting the attention of the two of them.

Jing Keai subconsciously turned her head to look, and saw a fat man she didn't know walking into the alley.

"Are you a new monster who came here to mess around? Do you know some rules?" The fat man had a harmless expression on his face, but what he said was shocking, "If you use violence against ordinary people, you will be sent to a monster. Management."

The man in the windbreaker turned his head to look: "You want to scare me?"

"I'm most annoyed by this stupid green monster who doesn't understand any rules." Fatty sighed, "You can meet this kind of monster when you come out to eat, no matter what, you will be held accountable by the association. If you are caught, It will definitely be made miserable, why is life so difficult..."

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