The fat man sighed, wiped the ring on his finger, the light in front of him distorted for a moment, and a shikigami appeared out of thin air.

From a quiet and cute perspective, a shikigami with the appearance of an ancient samurai appeared out of thin air, but the body of the samurai shikigami is translucent, and the corners of his clothes are like smoke, floating in the air , and there is no head at the head position, only a group of blue flames fluttering gently.

"This fat man is... an onmyoji?"

An extremely absurd feeling rose in Jing Kei's heart.

I just came out for a blind date, but I met monsters and onmyojis one after another?

This unscientific!

The contempt and disdain on the man in the windbreaker disappeared, replaced by vigilance and seriousness. Ordinary people are no match for monsters, but Onmyoji is the enemy of monsters.

Facing the onmyoji who was enough to threaten him, the man in the windbreaker would of course not play cat and mouse like he did just now, but use all his strength to kill the danger.


The man in the windbreaker stepped on a foot, and a wave of air exploded directly under his feet. Like a preying cheetah, he flew out at an indescribable speed. In just one breath, he spanned a distance of more than ten meters and appeared at the In front of the fat man, he swung his claws, and the sharp claws that popped out cut the air with a shrill sound.

The headless samurai shikigami took a step forward in silence, the long knife in his hand was covered with a strange luster like flowing water, and he chopped off his head.

Blood splattered.

Facts have proved that the monster's body can't stop Shikigami's sword, and the wolf monster's arm was directly cut open with a foot-long wound, dripping with blood.


The man in the windbreaker tore off the windbreaker on his body, revealing his distorted body with gray hairs. He put one hand on the ground, and let out a low-pitched angry roar.


The man in the windbreaker kicked hard on the ground with his feet, creating two shallow craters on the ground. The tiny cracks spread like spider webs, wrapped in howling wind, and rushed out again.

A few small stones hit her body, and Jing Keai woke up from the unreal trance. She bit her lip, first took out her mobile phone, and quickly sent a message for help to Hua Ye, and then walked to the woman from the country. Zhong Sheng's side pulled him up.

Right and wrong place, can not stay long.

Jing Keai actually believes in a six-character motto that I haven't used much

If you can't beat it, run away.

Chapter 1106

"Come with me."

Jing Kei gritted her teeth, and pulled the junior high school girl whose hands and feet were weak to back away quietly.

Although this junior high school girl was quite frightened, she knew how to keep quiet. She didn't yell like the pig teammate in the movie. She covered her mouth and followed behind Jing Keai, holding back her tears.

It's a pity that she didn't go far, and Jing Keai exhausted her little physical strength, so she could only rest with her back against the wall, panting softly, and looking behind her.

After tearing off the windbreaker, the idiot monster became taller and stronger, running and jumping on the wall, more and more like a real monster. Every time the claws swiped, the hard ground and walls were directly cut into deep holes like dirt. Deep cracks, debris of stone and concrete flying everywhere.

Jing Keai silently bit her lip.

This kind of power undoubtedly surpassed the limit of human beings. If the man in the windbreaker hadn't been playing cat and mouse just now, and didn't really do anything, he would have been defeated in one round.

The monster running around on the wall can smash the ground and the wall with every blow. The fat onmyoji took out a strange talisman, and the flames burned out of thin air. As a fighter, while being vigilant, he endured Can not help dazzled.


Jing Keai's gaze focused on that fat onmyoji.

Sweat came out of the opponent's face, and his feet were quietly retreating backwards.

"That guy... wants to run?"

Jing Keai's heart sank, and she quickly recognized the situation.

That fat onmyoji is probably no match for idiots and monsters...

"No, you have to keep going."

Jing Keai took a deep breath, squeezed the last bit of strength from her body, and pulled the junior high school girl to continue to escape along the wall.

Just a few steps away, a gust of wind brushed past in front of her, blowing her hair into a mess.


The shikigami with the appearance of an ancient samurai flew in front of him like a shooting star, and his whole body was firmly embedded in the wall. The wall was split open by the splash of rubble, and shocking cracks appeared one after another.

The man in the windbreaker's eyes had changed from a faint green to a dangerous dark red. With a roar, he flew towards the wall directly, wrapped in a suffocating manic smell of blood, his whole body was steaming white, and he pinched him. It grabbed Shikigami's neck that had just broken free from the wall, and then lowered his head and bit it amidst a roar.

This headless shikigami was originally a spirit body, and there was no blood to speak of, but strands of black air were torn out from the body by the man in the windbreaker, and the whole body became darker and darker, and finally turned into a black light suddenly, flying To the fat man's ring.

"No, I can't beat it, so hurry up and slip away."

Seeing that the situation was not going well, the fat man turned around and was about to slip away.


The scorching bloody smell mixed with a bad smell rushed to the face, making people tremble all over.


The junior high school girl was blown by the stench of heat, and couldn't help screaming. Although Jing Keai covered her mouth, she still attracted the wolf demon's attention.

The man in the windbreaker had obviously lost his mind and fell into a state of madness. His blood-colored eyes turned his head to look at it, and then he tore it with his claws without hesitation.

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