"Besides, there are so many girls around this kid, and he is not the type that can be cultivated..."

"Wait." Jing Keai suddenly remembered two people, and couldn't help asking, "Ai Igarashi and Hoshino Xia are also Onmyojis?"

Hua Ye nodded: "Yes."

"No wonder the two of them are making trouble at school, and the board members don't care about it. So they are onmyojis?"

While talking, Tian Zhongnao, who went shopping at the convenience store, ran back, "Oni-chan, I'm back."

After speaking, he handed the things to Jing Keai, "Sister, I bought several flavors of bread and milk, which one do you like?"

This bad girl is big as a kid, but she has a sweet mouth. If it were someone else, she should call 'Auntie' at this time.

"Thank you Wen Nai."

Jing Keai was really hungry, took the shopping bag, took out a piece of Baumkuchen, opened her mouth and took a big bite, Tian Zhongnao kindly helped unscrew the cap of the milk bottle beside her.

"Sister, eat slowly."

Jing Keai responded, like drinking vodka, drank half a bottle of milk in one breath, Tian Zhongnai was stunned by the boldness, and then ate half of the bread before finally wiping his mouth with a paper towel , began to eat slowly.

"Sister, here's your change."

Tian Zhongnai took out the remaining change, "There are [-] yen left, and it's all here."

Jing Keai waved her hand: "Here you are."


Tian Zhongnai shook his head resolutely, he must show loyalty when he comes out to hang out, and he can't ask for this money.

While the two were talking, Hua Ye turned around silently and left. After walking a few steps, Tian Zhongnai chased after him: "Oni-chan, where are you going? Don't leave me alone."

Hey, what's wrong with your pitiful expression of being abandoned, let alone wanting to go home with you!

"Oni-chan, take me home?" The unscrupulous girl raised her face and said pitifully, "Daddy won't come back at night, I'm so scared."

Damn it, your sister actually really wants to take you in?

All the lunch boxes you sent were given to your cousin, okay?

Hua Ye's poker face: "No."

"But, but I dare not go back to sleep alone." Tian Zhongnai clasped his hands together and said seriously, "I rarely eat, I know how to clean the house and cook, and I just sleep in the closet. My friends have come and gone, so Oni-chan will take me in?"

This unscrupulous girl's little plan is crackling, as long as she goes to Hua Ye's house, she can fool people with being cute and cute, and then sell some benefits from time to time, find a chance to become Hua Ye's girlfriend in a legitimate way, and then make a lot of money .

Don't think that middle school students don't know anything.

Girls nowadays have computers and mobile phones, which are all channels for obtaining information. Those who say they don't understand anything are either stupid or just pretending.

The second grade of middle school is not too young, and many people have been in love since elementary school.

But we can't let Hua Ye get it easily, the easier it is to get something, the less it will be cherished, the bottom line must be guarded.

If Hua Ye forces her to do that kind of thing, all he needs to do is shed tears... because a real lolicon will not just sit back and watch a loli cry!

That's right, that's it!

Hua Ye looked down: "Are you scared alone at night?"

"Yeah." Tian Zhongnai nodded hastily, and sniffled his nose, but the tears didn't come out, "Oni-chan, take me in, or I'll be homeless."

Hua Ye's heart remained unmoved, and he stretched out his hand and pointed backward: "Follow this road for [-] meters, turn left at the intersection, and there is a pearl milk tea shop."

"Hey, is Oni-chan trying to test my perseverance?" Tian Wennai blinked and asked curiously.

It's like the mission grandfathers in online games, complete each errand mission before you can get the corresponding reward?

"You think too much." Hua Ye looked disgusted, "Your cousin is handing out leaflets at the door of that milk tea shop, go find your cousin."


The sound of vomiting blood sounded.

Tian Zhong was frustrated and bent forward.

Jing is lovely here, ate three breads in one go, drank two bottles of milk, finally stopped, stood up, stretched his hands and feet, waved goodbye to Tian Zhongnao, and prepared to go to the hospital to treat the wound.

Walking on the road, Jing Keai always felt that she had forgotten something, and she finally woke up when a couple passed by.

"That's right...it's a blind date!"

"I came here this time to go on a blind date, but in the end I met an idiot monster, and I completely forgot about the blind date. That man should have left..."

Jing Keai suddenly opened her eyes wide, thinking about why the man just now looked familiar... Isn't the man who walked by the alley the same as her blind date this time!

Is it going to be exposed?

Jing Keai took out her mobile phone, found the man's contact information, and was about to make a call when the phone rang suddenly. Looking at the caller's mark on the phone screen, she couldn't help but sigh.

"Mom, I'm fine..."

"It was a special situation just now..."

"Don't worry, I will never lose face of the Hiratsuka family, and I promise it won't happen again."

"What? One blind date a day for the rest of the week?"

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