"I see, you arranged it, and I will go then."

After finally coping with it, Jing Keai just felt more exhausted than the battle just now. Older unmarried young women have no human rights at home.


Corner coffee shop.

"Your blend of coffee."

Wei Nai put down the coffee solemnly and turned to leave.

She was very shy at first and refused to let Hua Ye come to pick her up. Although she is used to it now, she still doesn't want to talk to Hua Ye during working hours.

"Go to my place to rest at night." Hua Ye said.

Wei Nai blushed slightly, and after confirming that Xiaoqian hadn't eavesdropped, she breathed a sigh of relief, cast a stern look at Hua Ye and said, "No."

"Liuhua refuses to go back at night."

"Liuhua..." Wei Nai bit her lip.

Liuhua is a big problem, and it’s not a matter of a day or two. Shihua goes to Italy for a business trip, and the return date is uncertain. It may even immigrate and settle in Italy in the future. For such a long time, Liuhua can’t live in Huaye’s house all the time, just in case If something happens, it's not good for anyone.

"I, let me think about it..."


When Wei Nai said this, it already meant to agree.

He is obviously a devil, but he has a god-level body of holy light. He loves to complain and is willing to help others. If he dared to hold her, or do something more extreme, he would definitely go berserk, and a blackened magic light cannon would kill her to the brim.

Wei Nai's character is not frank, in fact, she is easily shy, especially when it comes to emotional matters.

A girl who has already tacitly allowed you to hold hands, when you say "shameless" when you bully, it feels like licking?


Chapter 1111 The Disaster of Pond Fish

Hua Ye sat in the corner quietly drinking coffee, browsing the news, and waiting for closing time.

The phone vibrated and a message popped up.

"Master Hua Ye, the identity of that man has been investigated, do you want to take a look?"

It was a message from Fatty.

In less than an hour, the identity of the other party was investigated clearly, and the work efficiency was quite high.

Hua Ye was not interested in the man in the windbreaker, but Jing Keai cared a lot. Before going to the hospital, she specifically told Hua Ye to inform her if there was any news, so Hua Ye replied, "Tell me."

"My lord, wait a moment."

Not long after, an investigation report was sent out.

Hua Ye casually clicked on it, and the ID photo of the man in the windbreaker just now came into view.

Takahashi Hayakawa.

Below are the age, family members, parents' names, hometown, and the school they have attended. Hua Ye glanced at it and landed on the information below.

After the other party graduated from university, he once found a job as a clerk, but the income was very low, and he could barely maintain food and clothing. Buying a house and a car was just a dream, but three months ago, after Takahashi Hayakawa changed jobs, he managed to live a bright life. Beautiful life.

It's just that the career is not very glorious.

A bar male PR.

In Japan, where the surname industry is legalized, male public relations and female public relations are legal professions. The poor are forced to make a living to be male public relations and female public relations. Although it is a bit disgraceful, it is not a big deal. A hundred consecutive cuts is better.

The group of "male public relations" often appears in Japanese TV dramas, wearing suits, going in and out of bars, dealing with beautiful women, and being picked up by luxury cars. Many people yearn to become male public relations, thinking that this job is very simple, chatting and drinking with girls You can make money easily, and all you come into contact with are some beautiful girls... Thinking with your toes, the reality can't be so beautiful.

The customer is God, girls pay you to drink, you have to drink, and you have to bear it until you vomit, and you have to wipe it off yourself and greet people with a smile.As for beautiful girls, beautiful girls are scarce resources everywhere, and the number of beauties who go to the store to play with male public relations is even less, most of them are girls who are ordinary or below the standard line. Fortunately, the number of middle-aged women is not small. many.

All in all, male public relations is a profession that pleases women. You have to look good, know how to dress up, and be able to come to affairs. Whether it’s cosmetics or celebrity gossip, you have to be at your fingertips, never lack topics, and even write high-level programming... At first Once the novelty is gone, few people will still find it interesting.

The same is true for Takahashi Hayakawa, who felt that it was not good to just dawdle like this, so he used tricks to successfully become a rich woman on the list.

It's just that this kind of relationship based on the body and money is of course impossible to last, and there is no dignity at all. During the period of being taken care of, there may have been happy episodes such as rich women having fun and rich women's steel balls. When Takahashi Hayakawa gained enough benefits, he was kicked away by the rich woman, and his hard work was wasted. After a few days of decadent life in the rental house, he finally came out to take revenge on the society.

The reason why he fell out with Jing Keai in the alley was because Jing Kei's status as a rich woman reminded him of the fear of being taken care of and washed away.

As for the white bone ring that can turn people into a half-demon, Takahashi Hayakawa himself doesn't remember why the ring was worn on his finger.

The last mark of the file is: The origin is doubtful, temporarily sealed, if there is a follow-up discovery, continue to investigate.


After reading the investigation report, Hua Ye didn't feel any wavering in his heart, and casually forwarded the news to Jing Keai.

Jingai Keai had just arrived at the hospital and was asking the nurse to clean the wound. After seeing the news, her hands trembled and she took a breath of cool air from the pain.

No wonder throwing money at someone turned the other person's face off, did he suffer from a catastrophe?

The same is a rich woman, why is it that everyone else is taking care of male public relations, and the rich woman has fun, but I have to face the hell of a blind date every day (っ*′Д.)っ.

Jing is lovely and has deep resentment.

Eight ten in the evening.

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