Therefore, Hua Ye began to manually enlarge the breasts of this useless angel. If I use an ancient poem to describe it, it would probably be 'lightly hugging, slowly twisting, wiping and picking'.


A sudden tremor like an electric shock surged up in his chest, causing Gabriel to open his eyes suddenly. The hazy mist in the eyes of this useless angel quickly turned into disbelief, and then he was ashamed and flustered. He bit Hua Ye's lips, Panting and breaking free.

"Hun, Hundan!" The useless angel blushed to the point of explosion, and the white earlobes were already crystal clear and blushing, "How dare you do that kind of thing!"

Hua Ye said, "You can enlarge your breasts."

"Shut up!" Gabriel covered her chest, breathing rapidly, and finally no longer looked like a useless meow in the past, "Today I'm going to smash your dog's head! w(?Д?)w"

Chapter 1133 Brushing teeth pl/ay (fourth more)

After dropping a harsh word, the useless angel turned around and ran, stopped at the door of the bedroom and said, "Wait, wait until I sleep well, and I'll beat you tomorrow."

Silent all night.

Blink to the second day.

At seven o'clock in the morning, Hua Ye opened his eyes on time and went to the bathroom to wash up.

While brushing her teeth, Liuhua came in from the bedroom in a daze, the hair on the top of her head was a little wilted, obviously she hadn't woken up yet, but she didn't forget to put on the blindfold on her face, the dazed look looked very cute, Because of sleeping, there was a light red mark on the face, which made people want to reach out and pinch it.

"Well, brave man, good morning..."

An indistinct cute voice sounded, and Liuhua walked to the toilet, lifted the toilet lid, and then reached out to lift the pajamas...


Hua Ye raised his hand and tapped a chestnut chisel.

Don't go to the bathroom in front of boys, this is the truth that elementary school students know!

"Pain, pain, pain..." Liuhua held her head in her hands, tears streaming down her face, "The brave bully others."

Hua Ye said with a straight face: "If I don't knock you, are you still going to take off your pants?"

"No..." Liuhua finally came to her senses at this moment, a blush flew up on her little face, and the hair on the top of her head stood on end, she pouted her pink lips and looked away, "The brave man, get out..."

"Let's talk after brushing your teeth."

"Oh." Liuhua thought for a while, walked to Hua Ye, and took out her own washing tools, "Then let me brush my teeth first..."

When brushing teeth, some people are used to taking a sip of water to moisten their mouth first, while others think it should not be done. In fact, this is just a matter of personal habit. As long as it is done twice a day for three minutes each time, the teeth will naturally remain healthy.

As a result, when Liuhua was squeezing the toothpaste, she accidentally dropped the toothpaste on the sink. The dull-haired girl puffed up her cheeks and said, "I'm so angry, the evil spirit sealed in the right hand is disobedient again."

This can be blamed on the right hand, your skin is getting thicker and thicker!

After Hua Ye rinsed his mouth and was about to leave, he suddenly felt a small animal gently tugging at the corner of his clothes.


Liuhua looked forward to saying: "The right hand sauce is disobedient again, the brave man will help me brush my teeth?"

Do you need help brushing your teeth?

Why don't you ask someone to help you eat when you eat!

Hua Ye looked disgusted: "Scan by yourself."

"Brave, help me, help me."

"How are you?"

"It's okay, the holy caregiver brushed my teeth for me when he was at home." Liuhua didn't blush at all, "Just now the holy caregiver sent me a message saying that the next month's living expenses will be called to the brave, and he will entrust me to the orphan in the future." The brave..."

It's entrustment, not entrustment, don't use words indiscriminately!

Hua Ye was about to speak when the phone in his pocket vibrated suddenly.

He took out his mobile phone, and there was a bank transfer reminder, showing that he had received [-] yen.

Then came the message from Shihua.

"Have you received the transfer text message?"

"Liuhua has already given you the living expenses for next month."

"Food expenses, water and electricity expenses, accommodation expenses, daily expenses, hobbies and entertainment expenses are all included. When Liuhua wants to buy strange props, you can decide whether to buy them or not."

"In short, I'll leave it to you to take care of Liuhua. I'll go to bed first."

It should be past twelve o'clock in the evening at Yidali's place, and I don't go to bed until now after being busy. It seems that Shihua cares about Yidali and it is also very hard.

"Wow, [-] yen." Liuhua leaned over and saw the text message, eyes wide open and exclaimed, "My sister has never given me so much pocket money, and I can buy so many things."

Two hundred thousand yen is actually a lot for a high school student. Many university students who go to school alone spend an average of only one hundred thousand yen. At the same time, you have to carefully calculate your expenses when you go out to play.

Tokuka gave [-] yen of living expenses with a wave of his hand, half of which was spent on Rokka's "hobby". He knew that the props he bought were useless, but he still silently supported his sister. ten flowers.

Hua Ye thought for a while, and replied a text message: "Got it."

Then he looked at Liuhua, "If you want, I can transfer the money to you."

"Eh?" Liuhua was stunned, her mouth quickly turned into wavy lines, extremely aggrieved, "Could it be that the brave don't want me?"

Does this have anything to do with wanting you?

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