Hua Ye said with a straight face: "You can use it to plan your own expenses, and you can manage your own money in the future."

"No." Liuhua shook his head like a rattle, "If you give it all to me, you won't be able to resist buying figurines and gashapons. Let the brave ones keep it for me."

Hua Ye nodded: "Understood."

"Poke poke-"

Liuhua reached out and tapped her cheek, and opened her mouth, revealing a small pink mouth, "Brave man, brush my teeth for me."

I have fed many people, but this is the first time I have encountered a request for help brushing teeth!

"When I was watching a drama, some boys brushed girls' teeth. I heard it was very comfortable..."

How could such an awkward thing be comfortable!

Hua Ye's face turned black and he said, "Stand still."

"Yeah." Liuhua nodded and stood upright obediently.

Hua Ye took Liuhua's toothbrush, squeezed out the toothpaste, and said, "Drink warm water and rinse your mouth first."

"Oh... Gulu Gulu."

"Facing the sink, lean your face forward so it doesn't get on your clothes."

Liuhua supported the sink with both hands, looked into the mirror, and muttered softly: "The brave man is so rough, it doesn't feel exciting at all..."

Brushing your teeth is a very simple thing. It’s normal not to be stimulated. If you want to find stimulation, go to the balcony to play pl/ay.

In "Pseudo-Monogatari", there is an interesting method of teaching/teaching each other by brushing teeth. Although it was popular for a while, it disappeared after all. History has proved that this novel gameplay is not much fun. If the two parties do not cooperate well , People who brush their teeth are uncomfortable, and those who accept toothbrushing pl/ay are also uncomfortable. If they accidentally brush their gums or poke their noses, it may cause bleeding.

Hua Ye stood on the side, brushing Liuhua's teeth with a toothbrush. Because of the angle, it always felt a bit awkward, and even Liuhua's cooperation was a little hard.

"Stay behind you."

Naturally, there was no sense of shame. This decision was only based on the best principles. Hua Ye turned around and walked behind Liuhua, and the two of them appeared in the mirror together.

Because Rokka is leaning forward while supporting the sink with both hands, her posture looks a little bad.

"Well, this, this posture..." Liuhua's moist eyes finally showed a little panic and shyness, and a blush crept up on her little face.

Hua Ye said, "Open your mouth."


Looking at herself in the mirror who opened her mouth and waited for her teeth to be brushed, Liuhua blushed even more, and her eyes began to erratically dodge.

Because of her posture, the hem of her pajamas began to hang open, and a gust of cold wind blew from the outside, flowing through the opening of the clothes and passing through her body, making Liuhua tremble slightly as if she had been electrocuted. Her upper body did not move, but her little butt hit Hua Ye's body was clearly flat-chested and short-legged, but his hips were quite round and upright.

Hua Ye stood behind and ordered: "Lie down, don't move your butt."


The low chirping of the cute little beast sounded, and looking at herself in the mirror with a flushed face, Liuhua suddenly realized that this way of brushing her teeth was not exciting, but rather shameful...

Chapter 1134 Swallowed (Fifth)

I brought it up by myself to help brush my teeth, so I can't stop now, I have no choice but to continue.


Liuhua supported the sink with both hands, slightly opened her mouth, revealing two rows of plaid-like white teeth and a small pink tongue.

The toothbrush that had been soaked in warm water protruded into the mouth with a slight coolness, and a foreign object invaded the mouth, making Liuhua twist her body a little nervously.

"Don't move around." Hua Ye ordered.

"Well, the hero came in violently..."

The mouth is actually a very sensitive place. There are a lot of nerve endings all over the surface, which are very sensitive to cold, heat, touch and pain. There are actually nerves in the teeth. For example, if you wake up in winter and rinse your mouth with cold water without lukewarm water, your teeth will hurt. , Eating lemons will make your teeth sore and so on.

Now that Hua Ye brushes her teeth for help, Liuhua just feels... very comfortable, very comfortable.

The difficulty of brushing teeth between men and women is that both parties cannot cooperate tacitly. If the force is too strong, it is easy to irritate the mouth.

But this problem does not exist here in Hua Ye.

The control of strength is already an instinct, brushing your teeth is just a trivial matter.

Of course, things didn't end that easily.

When people open their mouths, they will unconsciously secrete saliva. Before brushing their teeth, they drool again. Although they spit it out later, the mouth is still very moist. Now with the invasion of the toothbrush, saliva will be secreted in the mouth soon.

Liuhua was able to speak before, but now she could only hold on vaguely, trying not to swallow the mouthwash in her mouth, but the more she endured, the more uncomfortable she became, and she twisted her body slightly uneasily, and her little butt rubbed lightly on Hua Ye's body.


Hua Ye's face darkened slightly, and he patted: "Stand still, don't move around."

"Ahem..." Liuhua said with tears in her eyes, "It's too much for a brave man to actually let me swallow that kind of thing, it will break."

Toothpaste is a thing that goes in and out of the mouth all day long. Every ingredient has been strictly processed and is completely harmless to the human body. In theory, if you are interested, it doesn’t matter if you eat toothpaste as an ointment what!

Words like 'bubble gum can't be swallowed, you will die if you swallow it', 'watermelon seeds will grow in your stomach if you eat watermelon seeds' are all nonsense to fool people.

"What swallowed?"

A curious voice sounded.

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