Hua Ye took a look, "It's not serious, it's just a bulge."

"It's not serious to have a bulge, so how can it be serious!" Alice couldn't help shouting.

Hua Ye said: "Concussion, cerebral palsy..."

The little bean couldn't help complaining: "I just hit a utility pole, don't say that I was hit by a flower pot falling from a height of ten meters!"

"Shall I rub it for you?"

Alice knew that Hua Ye was very good at treating diseases and saving lives. She could ask him for help if she sprained her ankle, and she could also ask Hua Ye for help when she had a stiff neck. She hesitated for a while, and said with a blushing face, "Then, let's rub it... "

After finishing speaking, I warned: "Only touch the head, not other places!"

Don't worry, I'm not interested in other parts of you at all, flat chested and short legs, carrot head, it might hurt your hand when you touch it!

Hua Ye stretched out his right hand, landed on top of Alice's head, and quickly found the swollen bump that was hit just now.


With tears in her eyes, Alice whispered that the environment can affect a person's character, and this short bean revealed the nature of a soft cat.

Hua Ye said: "Be patient, the pain will soon be gone."

After a while, Alice felt an icy cold air flow replacing the stinging pain just now, and she quietly raised her eyes to look at Hua Ye.

Beside the two of them was an old-fashioned izakaya, with two curtains hanging at the door. At this moment, a warm light shone through the gap between the curtains, and fell on Hua Ye's face, as if the side face had been coated with a mask. Layers of soft golden light.

Alice sniffed her nose, and quickly settled down in her heart, probably the smell of reliability.

It is late autumn, and the temperature at night is getting lower and lower.

In contrast, Alice only felt that Hua Ye's palm was extraordinarily warm and comfortable, and couldn't help rubbing it lightly...

Chapter 1165

"Really..." Alice folded her hands on her chest, turned her face away, and complained with a blushing face, "I told you not to touch my head, do you know that touching it will not make me grow up?"

Hua Ye said, "You won't grow up anymore."

Height is related to many factors, the most important being parents' genes, followed by nutrition, exercise, etc., but it has nothing to do with touching the head.

"You, you dare to say that I won't grow up in the future?" The little bean opened its eyes wide, showing its small canine teeth, and shouted angrily, "Love, I'll bite you!"

It's a pity that Hua Ye held his head with one hand before he got close.

"If you want to be slapped, just say so."


Alice immediately calmed down, and other places are fine, but here is the street, and there are crowds of people nearby, if she is pressed and spanked, she will no longer have the face to live.

The short bean turned his head and walked away, "Hmph, faceless pervert, I don't want to talk to you."

After walking two steps, Alice looked back from the corner of her eye and saw Hua Ye turned around and walked back. She became anxious and followed with short legs: "You, you left me alone?"

You are enough, obviously you ran away when you disagreed, and now you are leaving you alone, don't think that girls can throw the blame unreasonably, they often say that it is okay to get married at the age of sixteen, a People are afraid of shopping, why are you getting married!

Hua Ye looked down: "I think you are messing around."

Alice felt a little guilty: "Forget it, forget it, let's go to Master Bai Yu, if Master Bai Yu can't see me, he will definitely be very anxious..."

Lafite hasn't found it yet, but met Jing Keai first.

"Yo, boy."

The tall and slender Jing Kei came out, but she didn't participate in the Halloween carnival. She was wearing a red sportswear, jeans and white sneakers at the moment. Shi Fendai's pretty and clean face is quite heroic.

"Hello, Teacher Jing." Alice called out in embarrassment. It was really embarrassing to be caught by the teacher while shopping with boys.

"Are you guys out to participate in Halloween?" Jing Keai smiled, "I used to like to come out to play, but now most of my friends are married and start businesses, and I gradually lose interest in being alone."

Hua Ye said: "I am old enough to fail."

"You kid, aren't you looking for a fight?" Jing Keai had a pulsating cross tendon on her forehead, her fingers were crackling, and her smile was dangerous, "Come on, come on, let's see if it's your hard head or my fist."

Alice was a little nervous, and quietly tugged on Hua Ye's clothes, telling Hua Ye not to be impulsive.

Hiratsuka Jing's reputation at the school is very good. Although she has the titles of "weird female teacher" and "iron fist teacher", but more of them are good-hearted complaints. Schools will be completely isolated and excluded.

This is her overthinking. Although Jing Kei likes to use her fists to teach some bad students to be a good person again, she will never use violence against students outside the school. She still has the integrity of a teacher.

"Would you like to go to the izakaya for a drink?" Jing Keai pointed to the izakaya next to her, "I treat you."

"Eh, drink, drink?" Alice hesitated, and whispered, "Well, minors can't drink alcohol, right?"

"Rules are made to be broken."

"Eh eh?"

Alice was shocked. As a teacher, she actually said such things to the students, how good it is!

Jing Keai didn't change her face: "Drinking is one of the great pleasures in life. Teacher, I started drinking when I was in high school."

"This is not something to be proud of!"

"Many of the students I've taught got married after graduating from high school, and the teacher even went to the wedding." Jing Keai waved her hand, "It turned out that the bride and groom didn't know how to drink, and made a lot of jokes... Drinking is a must-learn in life Communication skills, this is the teacher's life experience."


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