"Alice, classmate Bai Yu is at the door of that convenience store." Jing Keai stretched out her hand and pointed forward, "Go over."

Alice turned her head to look, and sure enough, she saw Lafite standing in front of the convenience store, and then looked up at Hua Ye.

"The teacher told him to drink a glass of sake." Jing Keai waved her hand, "You go first."

"Then, that's fine..."

Alice hesitated for a moment, then walked towards Lafite.

"Let's go." Jing Keai glanced at Hua Ye, folded her hands on her chest, and looked more slender and curvy, and walked to the izakaya first, "Teacher has something very important to tell you."

Hua Ye stepped forward to follow. He was going to buy a drink just now, so it's no problem to drink instead, and after going back, he will be caught in the middle again, even if he is a little bit dizzy.

Walking into the izakaya, the guests only took half of the seats, so Jingai went to order two sakes, a stack of salted edamame, and then sat opposite Hua Ye.

"Dong dong dong."

Jing Keai crossed her chest with one hand, tapped her fingers on the table, and looked at Hua Ye, but it was a pity that it could make ordinary boys stare at Hua Ye, but it didn't have any effect on Hua Ye.

"It won't work like this." Jing Keai said suddenly.

Hua Ye looked up: "Huh?"

"Let me recommend you two movies." Jing Keai crossed her arms, "You finish watching the movies this weekend, and then write me an after-view review for each movie."

Want to write a review after watching a movie?

This is the routine for elementary school students to write essays!

Hua Ye said blankly, "I refuse."

"Well, it's okay if you don't write, but on Monday, you have to tell me about the after-view in the office." Jing Keai originally used retreat as a way to advance. She reported the names of the two movies, and then said He said deeply, "The teacher hopes that you will watch it carefully and study hard."

A row of black lines fell over Hua Ye's head, "Closer Love" and "The Life of the Disliked Pine Nut". Although he has never watched these two movies, he has heard the names. If there is something in common, there are teachers and students in them. The plot of falling in love!

"I do not watch."

"You don't have to look at it. Your current state is very dangerous. If you take the right step, you will become a superhero. If you take a wrong step, you might become a villain."

I'm sorry, I'm a villain in the first place!

Jing Keai came closer, smelling the scent of sweet-scented osmanthus, and said in a low voice, "Only after watching a movie can you realize how terrible social death is. The teacher must guide you on the right path."

When I came back last night, Hua Ye actually did something indescribable to Igarashi in front of so many people. If he was an ordinary person, he would have tolerated it, but the relationship between the two is a teacher-student relationship, although it is not as serious as a brother and sister. , is still a taboo relationship that cannot be touched.

When high school students fall in love, the school neither opposes nor supports it, but no matter which school they are in, they will not allow in-service teachers to fall in love with students. This is even more extreme than politicians' unspoken rules for female subordinates. May suffer social death.

So, for the sake of world peace, it is necessary to teach problem students what it means to respect teachers.

Chapter 1166

"All in all, before teachers Ai Jiang and Xia Jiang leave, you must not do excessive things at school." Jing Keai put her hands on the table and made a conclusion.

Hua Ye said, "What do you mean by excessive things?"

"H's business." Jing Keai didn't change her expression, took the wine bottle and poured herself a glass of sake, "Is there something in the student rules of the student union? Holding hands is not allowed, if there is more than holding hands, just 'click' it away, no discussion. "

It's too late for you to say this now, haven't you noticed that the star with the poor breasts has been walking with his head held high recently?

She regained her confidence only by helping her to manually enlarge her breasts on the rooftop!

"Why don't you talk?" Jing Keai opened her eyes wide, with an unbelievably shocked look on her face, "Could it be that you guys..."

"No." Hua Ye shook his head.

When I help Igarashi breast enlargement, it is usually through the clothes. From this perspective, it is not comparable to the skin-to-skin kiss holding hands, let alone negative distance contact.

"Scared me." Jing Keai raised her hand to cover her forehead, then gritted her teeth and said, "It is forbidden to do that kind of thing in school in the future. If someone finds out, you will be finished, don't you know?"

Hua Ye said, "You tell Igarashi about this."


Jing Keai was taken aback, and quickly realized that Igarashi actually initiated this matter?

Eyes above the top, personality is awkward, Igarashi, who looks like a queen who is always eleven years old, would take the initiative to seduce others?

"What did you do?" Jing Kei lowered her voice and asked curiously.

Hua Ye shook his head: "Don't tell me."

"Don't talk if you don't say it." Jing Keai didn't force it, she still understands the truth of 'the more you know, the faster you die', "You can watch a movie when you go back at night, and understand what it means to make money together , accumulate and destroy bones, the teacher will follow up immediately and teach you what it means to respect a teacher."

After finishing what she wanted to say, Jing Keai exhaled: "Okay, hurry up and drink, and leave after drinking."

After a pause, Jing Keai said with disgust in her eyes: "I don't want to wait for a bunch of girls to find someone to ask for someone."

"You think too much."

Except for that filthy loli who loves to be clingy, no one else will hang around him, and they can play as they like, at most they just send a message to ask about the situation.

"Don't drink all the time." Jing Keai pushed the plate over, "Eat edamame."

A bottle of sake and a plate of edamame is one of the most common configurations in izakaya. It is cheap and can kill time. Many uncle-level office workers are unwilling to go home immediately after get off work. They usually come to izakaya and sit for a while. When I was young, because in Japan, going home without working overtime after work would be considered a symbol of worthlessness.

Needless to say, sake is the most common drink in Japan, second only to beer. It is fermented and brewed only with rice and water. The color is clear and bright, and the aroma is clear and sweet. It is not as hot and bold as vodka. Have a drink.

Hua Ye picked up an edamame, tasted it briefly, and found that the taste was average.

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