Salted edamame is a very common side dish in Asia. It seems that there is no difficulty in making it. Cut off the ends of the edamame, add salt to boil, and then take it out and put it on the plate. However, if you want to eat delicious, the cooking time and the amount of salt are different There is a lot of attention, the edamame in this store can only be said to be average, although ordinary people can't taste any difference.

"By the way, there should be many monsters haunting the street with their real bodies tonight, right?" Jing Keai asked curiously, taking a sip of her wine.

Hua Ye nodded: "It's here."

"Huh?" Jing Keai was taken aback, her eyes lit up quickly, and she said in a low voice, "Where is it?"

Hua Ye said, "The person at the fifth table on your right."

Jing Keai turned her head and saw an office worker in his fifties sitting on that table with a bald head and a typical Mediterranean hairstyle. The shochu is very leisurely and self-satisfied. If there is any violation, it means that the waist is straight.

"Who is that?"

Hua Ye shook his head: "Not human."

"Nonsense." Jing Keai rolled her eyes and turned angrily, "What kind of monster is that?"

Hua Ye said, "Kappa."

Kappa is a well-known monster in Japan. It is often regarded as a river god and worshiped by the people. In fact, it is just a kind of monster living in the river.

Jing Keai muttered to herself: "No wonder that person's waist is so straight, is it because he is afraid that the water on top of his head will flow out?"

According to legend, there is a depression on the top of the kappa's head that is similar to a saucer, and there is water in it. If you bend down to let the water flow out, you will lose strength and fall to the ground.

Probably after watching for a long time, the man disguised as a kappa suddenly looked up.

Jing Keai withdrew her gaze with some guilt, and asked nervously: "That kappa seems to have found us... Will he come to kill us at night?"

Hua Ye looked disgusted: "You think too much."

"How to say?"

"The kappa is a monster in the water. There is a time limit for going ashore. If there is no supplement, the power will be weaker every time you use it. This kappa is just a little kappa. It is probably a greedy one who ran ashore to steal food. Such a weak monster hides It’s too late, it won’t attack humans.”

Jing Keai breathed a sigh of relief, and couldn't help asking curiously: "So I can have a [-]/[-] split with it?"

Hua Ye looked disgusted: "It can hit you two."

"If you can beat me two and still say you are weak, then am I fighting the five scum!" Jing Keai started to complain, "I'm so sorry for being so weak!"

She has practiced karate since middle school, and has not given up all these years. In the blink of an eye, more than ten years have passed, and she has become a fifth-degree black belt.

I thought that I was at the pinnacle of force value, and I would have no pressure to beat three or five adults by myself, but now I realized that I was a frog in a well, and any monster could beat myself three or five.

"Last night, Ms. Yai gave me the method of how to sense 'qi', saying that it is the first step in the practice of an onmyoji. Only by sensing the existence of qi can one go further." Jing Keai was a little disappointed, "But Until now, I have not sensed what Qi is..."

"Is it because I have too many distracting thoughts in my mind, that's why I can't sense it?" Jing Keai looked over and asked humbly for advice.

Hua Ye finished the last glass of sake: "No, because you..."

"If you dare to mention your age again, I will lose my temper!" Jing Keai clenched her fist and warned with an iron fist.

Hua Ye twitched the corner of his mouth, and decided not to give her a chance to get mad: "Don't be anxious, don't be impatient, practice slowly, and you will feel it later."

"How long will it take?"

"One month..."

"That's good."

Hua Ye continued: "It's possible from one month to several years."

Jing Keai: "..."

Raising her hand to cover her forehead, Jing Keai said that she suddenly wanted to beat someone up, "One month is fine, but a few years is too long."

She is now twenty-nine years old and several months old. Every day she wakes up, she is forced to go on a blind date by her parents. She might not be able to withstand the pressure anytime soon. A few years is really too long.

"I'm done." Hua Ye was about to leave.

"Wait a minute." Jing Keai raised her hand to stop her, "Do you have a quick way?"

Hua Ye nodded: "Yes."

"What is it?" Jing Keai's eyes lit up, "Let's talk about it for reference."

Hua Ye said, "Help you replenish your demons."


Chapter 1167

"Fix the devil?"

Jing Keai stopped drinking and looked over with a frown.

She has never eaten pork, but she has always seen pigs running. Although she doesn't like to play games, she still knows the concept of replenishing magic.

To put it simply, it is to transmit magic power through physical contact, and generally it is inseparable from H.

"How do you want to mend the demon?" Jing Keai folded her chest with one hand, leaned back, pressed the other hand on the table, lightly touched the table with her pale fingers, her pretty face was covered with a layer of frost.

Hua Ye said, "You only need to take a bite..."


There was the sound of tapping the table.

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