Taplis is the happiest. The heaven is an era behind the human world, and entertainment methods are even more scarce. Even handheld phones are not allowed to be brought in. When you are bored, you can only play games such as Pacman and Jumping Grid. The lively Halloween carnival felt a bit like Grandma Liu entering the Grand View Garden.

Machiko and Wei Nai were walking together. The squad leader planned to go home around [-] o'clock in the evening. After knowing that there were some real monsters hidden in the street, he was too scared to take the tram back at night alone, and planned to go back with Wei Nai. .

"I really want to go home and play games. There is no need for such a boring festival as Halloween..." Gabriel whispered.

In her opinion, all Halloween celebrations are evil ways, and the only way to gallop in the game is the kingly way. Unfortunately, in front of Jiaairu, he dare not say this at all.

Walking slowly to the pedestrian street, many businesses are performing Halloween performances, most of which are singing and dancing shows by idol girls.

Hua Ye had no interest at first, but when he turned his gaze, he saw three girls bouncing around on the temporary stage, and a man with a cigar in his mouth was standing next to him, with a ferocious expression, not looking serious The manager, in a short period of time, has said three times 'I'm not a devil either'.

It's just that Hua Ye always felt that the three idol girls who were dancing were a bit out of harmony, and instinctively told him not to delve into it.

What was even more lively was the female idol band called 'Saga Legendary Idol Team' next to it. Hua Ye glanced at it and was immediately shocked.

Those dancing girls are all zombies!

It doesn't refer to the zombie makeup painted on purpose, but the dead species 'zombies' with pale faces and stiff movements.

Hua Ye didn't have any prejudice against zombies, but seeing a group of zombie girls dancing and singing, performing in their true colors, and the living people below shouting wildly, he suddenly felt that the world was eating jujube pills.

Jia Ailu also discovered the true identities of those zombie girls, with a messy expression on her face, but she didn't move in the end. After all, Halloween is a festival for worshiping demons and ghosts. It seems that a group of zombie girls perform as idols. Question... huh?

"Brother Xiaoye." The dirty loli Hinata ran over and hugged Hua Ye's arm, her cheeks puffed up, "You actually left me and my elder sister, there are so many people on the street, what if we are picked up by someone?" How should we go?"

You are a big kid, the person who picked you up should be more worried about whether you will sell it backhanded!

Before Hua Ye could speak, a delicate voice sounded.

"I will silently pray that the person who picked up Hinata-chan will not be bullied."

"Hmph." Hinata, who was about to take advantage of the situation to act like a spoiled child, immediately diverted his attention and stared at Lafite with wide eyes, "Squint eyes, brother Xiaoye belongs to my sister and me, you go away."

Lafite was not angry, and said with a smile, "Don't leave."

Hinata puffed up his cheeks, trying to defeat Lafite with his age: "Such an old man, how dare he have the nerve to rob Brother Xiaoye from me?"

It's a pity that the Tao is one foot tall and the devil is one foot tall. This black-bellied girl actually nodded and said solemnly: "I'm so sorry."


Chapter 1172 Be Graceful and Smile

The previous confrontation has proved that, no matter how thick-skinned or black-bellied, Hinata is no match for the Great Demon King Lafite.

So Hinata rolled her eyes, and was about to cut the bottom line: "Brother Xiaoye, I want to eat apple candy, why don't you go buy candy with me?"

Hua Ye said: "Eating too much sugar is not good for your teeth."

"No." Hinata showed two rows of small white teeth, "I brush my teeth every morning and evening."

"You can't eat too much apple candy." Lafite put his hands behind his back, like a wolf grandma tempting Little Red Riding Hood, "Do you know why Snow White and the Queen made apple candy?"

"Eh?" Hinata was a little dazed, and subconsciously asked, "Snow White also made apple candy?"

"Some say." Lafite stretched out a finger and started the story mode, "After the wedding, Snow White and the prince lived happily together.

But Snow White is not a fool, she knows that all the attention and praise come from her beauty.

The only reason why a prince would kiss a person sleeping in a coffin awake was because of his beauty, not his character or anything else.

Every morning when she wakes up, Snow White can't help but look carefully in the mirror to see if there is a wrinkle or a white hair, and she is always worried whether the prince will meet a younger and more beautiful girl.

Finally one day, Snow White couldn't help asking: "Mirror, mirror, who is the most beautiful person in the world?"

One day, the mirror finally said the name of a strange girl, and Snow White put on the costume of the magical girl Merlu, and silently began to make apple candy..."

Hua Ye twitched the corner of his mouth, the story of Snow White was changed by you, and it was full of love and hatred in an instant.

"Melulu wouldn't do that kind of thing." Hinata couldn't help justifying Melulu's name, she was wearing a change of clothes for Melulu at the moment, and she obviously liked it very much.

Kang Na likes to watch "Chibi Maruko-chan", probably because she thinks the ordinary and trivial life of the family is very warm, or like Chibi Maruko, she likes to be in a daze.

Hinata prefers to watch "Stardust Little Witch Merlulu". This is a sub-song, following the routine of a magical girl, but there is no such plot as a beheaded senior sister. The whole story is about elementary school students in love and justice. Under the faith, fight against evil and save the world.

Lafite stretched out a finger and put it on his lips: "But I remember that in the third season, Merlu has already become the big villain, the Dark Witch."


Hinata was speechless and could only resort to rogue means, saying pitifully, "Brother Xiaoye, I want candy."

"Go back and eat."

It sounded like the evening wind blowing through the bamboo forest.

Miss Miko, who was wearing a red and white Miko costume, floated over, and the noisy crowd couldn't hide the dusty temperament. Behind her, followed by the kitten girl and two rabbit maids.

"Hua Jun, Hinata has caused you trouble."

When Miss Witch was speaking, her eyes were clearly looking at Lafite.

Lafite looked back with a smile, and the two people's gazes intersected, as if invisible swords were clashing in the void... No wonder!

The two of them don't have the ability to turn their eyes into reality!

What is the war between girls like?

Fighting and arguing over something?

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