Or you come and go, tongue gun lip sword?

Ms. Miko has cultivated a disposition of 'being elegant and smiling' since she was a child. Her own pride and restraint prevent her from arguing endlessly with others.

The same is true for Lafite, although she loves to make trouble and always wants to follow the method in the "Boyfriend Training/Teaching Manual" to train/teach Hua Ye, but she is also a proud girl, and it is impossible to fight and tear her face occur.

and so……

The two girls glanced at each other and looked over.

Hua Ye, who was playing with his mobile phone, slightly twitched the corner of his mouth, what are you two looking at?

Are you waiting for yourself to make a choice?

That being the case...

"Brave, brave!"

Liuhua trotted over, the hair on the top of her head swayed from side to side, her face was flushed, she panted slightly and said, "Guess what I saw just now?"

Hua Ye shook his head: "No guess."

"It's a tomato monster." Satania followed, and she and Liuhua could be said to be "like-smelling". It was obviously a shameful remark in the second class, but the two were able to discuss with relish, "A huge tomato."

Liuhua grabbed Hua Ye's sleeve: "Brave man, brave man, shall we hunt down the tomato monster?"

The ingredient she fears the most is tomatoes, followed by green peppers. Even though Huaye's tomato and egg soup has been well received by everyone, Liuhua never takes a sip.

"It's time for the world to feel our pain... oops!" said the middle school girl with a serious face.

"The brave bully people." Liuhua squatted down with her head in her arms, tears streaming down her face, "Every time you hit your head, you will become a fool."

It seems that you will become smarter if you don't make mistakes, but you are already an idiot now!Take more notes, maybe you can suddenly get enlightened!

Hua Ye said with a straight face, "Speak well."


Hallow's Eve activities are quite lively. At this time of year, there will be a large number of people making noise until the next morning. Revelers who have not returned all night will help clean up the streets before going home.

Of course, Hua Ye and his party wouldn't play until the next morning.

"Huh, I'm going back..." Wei Nai stretched lightly, "It's already past nine o'clock, monitor, shall we go back?"

"Yeah." Machiko nodded slightly. She actually wanted to go to Huaye's place to rest, but she couldn't open her mouth at all. As for going home alone... After knowing that the girl dressed as a snake demon was actually a real monster, the squad leader turned off her voice. I have thought about going home by tram alone. In places like subways and trams, spooky and terrifying things often happen.

"Sister, shall we go back too?" Gabriel had already run out of strength after wandering around for a long time. Now that she heard that she could go back, she immediately regained her energy. Although she couldn't play computer games when she went back, she took advantage of her sister's time watching TV. , It’s okay to sneak around and play Monster Hunter on the handheld for a while.

Of course, it would be best if Jiaailu returned to the heaven.

Jiaailu responded, "Go back."

"Tap sauce." Wei Nai looked over, "Do you want to rest at my place?"

"Eh?" Taplis opened his small mouth, his eyes rolled into circles, showing a hesitant and tangled expression. Although Wei Nai is a demon, but after so long contact, she has already become the one in Taplis' mind. Reliable senior - at least much more reliable than Gabriel who fell into a useless angel.

Tapless made a quick decision.

"Thank you, Senior Wei Nai." The idiot school girl pinched the hem of her clothes and whispered, "I won't go... I have to teach the seniors tonight."

Hua Ye was confused: "What?"

Taplis said: "It is to teach seniors how to stick to their hearts, refuse temptations, and have pious beliefs... Only in this way can seniors enter heaven in the future."


Chapter 1173 Newborn Calf Tap Sauce

"I will sleep with brother Xiaoye at night!"

Hinata raised her small face and looked at Lafite triumphantly, repeatedly defeating and fighting.

She is a small ghost, and she has roughly understood the current situation - Taplis is the youngest, and is the descendant of everyone, while Jiaeru is the predecessor of everyone, and has a cold personality and is not easy to speak. In this case, Hinata Of course, I don't believe that Lafite will come and sleep together.

"Sleeping with children is of course no problem."

Alice crossed her arms and put the accent on the word 'children'. Although she always said to defeat the facial paralysis and take back Lord Baiyu, at critical moments, she would still stand in the same camp and fight back against the enemy.

"Okay." Lafite smiled and was not angry, but waved his hand and said, "Hinata-chan, rest well tonight."

"You, what do you want to do?"

Hinata took a step back and hugged Hua Ye's arm, the combination of squinting eyes + attributes of a black-bellied girl was really scary.

"It's just saying goodbye." Lafite showed a hurt expression of disgust, "It's obvious that I fed you so much..."

"I didn't let you feed it!"

Lafite raised his hand to cover his mouth: "So Hyuga-chan is the kind of person who would throw away others after eating it up?"

"You you you..." Hinata was defeated again, turning her head and humming with puffed cheeks, "I don't want to talk to you."

Lafite waved his hand: "Alice and I will leave first."

She really didn't intend to go to Hua Ye's place to rest, and she checked her eyes. Miss Miko is obviously a proud person, and it is impossible to do excessive things with a group of younger sisters, and there is...

"Brave, brave, let's go back?" Liuhua stood in front of Hua Ye, with his hands behind his back, the hair on his head was swaying in the evening wind, sweat appeared on his forehead, but his smile was extraordinarily bright, obviously having a good time. "I haven't watched any TV shows yet."

"Wait." Hinata felt something was wrong, "Brother Xiaoye, why did she talk about us?"

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