The useless angel turned his head and looked at it with gloomy eyes. He did not know when he held a utility knife with a cold light in his hand: "...kill you."

"Okay, so scary!"

"Anyone who disturbs my score, there is no need to exist!"

Satania shivered, then turned around and ran to Hua Ye's side, whispering: "Employee, attendant! I have something to tell you~"

"Huh?" Hua Ye narrowed his eyes.

"Well, classmate Hua Ye, do me a favor." Satania glanced left and right, and saw that no one was paying attention to her, so she showed her little tiger teeth, "This is the fateful battle between me and Gabriel, this time I must beat her!"

However, Hua Ye didn't believe it at all.

Who was punched down in the coffee shop two days ago, and then thrown out of the shop like garbage.

"Hmph, that's just my carelessness!" Satania blushed, her little tiger teeth gleamed coldly, and she was full of fighting spirit, "But this time is different, I have made all the preparations, and I have a secret weapon! "

Your so-called secret weapon is actually the suitcase!

On the way here, I guarded it like a baby so that no one could see it, and from time to time, a person let out a foolish laugh of "puff puff puff", thinking that no one noticed...

In fact, your boring calculations have already been written on your face, it's obvious, everyone knows it!

Especially your squinting and whistling expression, it's so silly and cute!

Didn't you notice that everyone looked at you like a fool all the way!

"Hmph, that Gabriel must have taken it lightly now, think that His Royal Highness Satania will enjoy this hot spring well!"

"But it's not!"

"I've prepared a perfect countermeasure, this time she will definitely be my defeat!" The idiot didn't know what to think of, and laughed like no one else.

Stupid value MAX.

Hua Ye remained expressionless: "It's okay, I'm leaving."

"Don't go! I have something to do!" Satania held Hua Ye and said in a low voice, "There are too many people here, and I can't use it at all. I have to wait until Gabriel is alone before I can defeat her... So, go ask her out."

"No date, get out."

Chapter 121 Time Rain Festival

After rejecting that idiot's request from Satania, Hua Ye was about to sit down when he felt someone tugging at the corner of his clothes.

Turning his head to look, he saw the blue-eyed young dragon standing behind him, with his small face upturned, and a slight grievance in his big eyes.

"what happened?"

Kang Na puffed up her cheeks slightly: "Go out and play."

Was it boring?

It's true, everyone else is playing games or reading comics and chatting, and you are the only one sitting on the sofa alone, you will really feel bored.

After all, I brought it here by myself, so I can't let it go.

So Hua Ye nodded lightly: "Okay, let's go out and play."

"Hey, do you want to go out to play? I'll go too!" The eyes of the little loli sitting next to her lit up, "My lord, brother Xiaoye and I will go out to play."

Miss Miko nodded lightly: "Yes, but be careful."

She is now at the critical moment of the team battle, and she can't get away for a while.

"Take Kangna out to play?" Wei Nai pursed her lips and glanced at Hua Ye, "Then I'll go too, I won't worry about you taking me with you."

Xiaoniaoyou Liuhua raised her hand, "And me."

As a result, the team that originally had only two people quickly expanded to five people.

Rafael said with a smile: "Hey, how can such an interesting thing be missed."

Satania: "Hmph, I'll try to play with you for a while."

"You guys have a cup of tea first, and I will end this round in three minutes." Miss Miko narrowed her eyes and said so.


three minutes later.

All set off.


The air in the afternoon is very fresh. Looking around, many people are wearing bathrobes and clogs, walking leisurely on the path paved with bluestone slabs. Time seems to slow down.

This resort is a hot spring tourism brand, and the infrastructure is quite complete. Along the way, you can see many leisure and entertainment places, such as izakaya, Internet cafes, gift shops, etc., and even lakes for people to go boating.

The breeze blows, bringing a little bit of coolness.

"Hey, Brother Xiaoye, where shall we go to play?" Little Lolita Chiba Hinata asked with her head raised.

"Why don't you go to the mixed bathing hot spring?" Rafael pointed his lips with a finger, and suggested, "It should be very interesting."

"Lafite!" Wei Nai gave her an angry look, "How could you go to...that kind of place."

For islanders, there is a very old tradition of bathing in hot springs, that is, mixed bathing for men and women. Even in today's families, many fathers and daughters will take a bath in the same bathtub.

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