But hot springs are not baths, and clothes are not allowed. Hair, towels, bath towels, etc. are also not allowed to fall into the hot springs.

In other words, no matter if you are a man or a woman, if you want to take a mixed bath, you have to strip naked in a hot spring...

As a result, many male compatriots have fantasies about mixed bathing—maybe they can meet a beautiful, fair-skinned, protruding beauty.

However, the reality is... Even if there are women in the mixed bath, most of them are old women.

Fair-skinned and beautiful young woman?

The good-looking ones have long been famous.

It's ugly...it has nothing to do with you.

The reality is never as beautiful as in anime or some small movies. The so-called mixed bathing will only be discovered when it arrives. It is likely to be just a group of old men who are just bragging and farting.

So Rafael's proposal was unanimously opposed by everyone.

"What a pity." Raphael pouted.

"It's a pity that you can go and see by yourself. Everyone just spread out." Satania's eyes flicked from side to side, obviously still thinking about the hunting plan after Gabriel was ordered.

Look, what did we find?

A single Gabriel.

Although the protein content of this Gabriel is not as high as that of beef, it can continuously replenish milk.

Pay attention to the wind direction, we approached quietly from the downwind direction.

Go slow and don't make too much noise.

In addition, you can use money to set a trap ahead...

OK, successful capture!

You have obtained a diligent cultivator Gabriel!

"Puff puff!"

Thinking of Gabriel tearfully begging for mercy, Satania couldn't help laughing.

Stupid value MAX.

"Hey, His Highness Satania seems to have a plan." Raphael came over and said quietly.

"No, no! You read it wrong!" Satania hurriedly waved her hands, her face full of expressions of wanting to hide, "I didn't intend to capture that Gabriel!"

Shut up!

You've already spoken your mind!

"Tch." Gabriel looked over lazily, "You must be daydreaming."

Satania was furious, "Damn it! I'm going to duel with you now!"

"Okay, don't be noisy, everyone, it seems to be very lively in front." Wei Nai covered her forehead and changed the subject.

Everyone wandered around following the sound, and soon came to a large square.

I saw a lot of people and tourists in the square, and there was a lot of laughter and laughter.

"Hey, so it's a sacrificial event? Shigure Festival? I don't think I've heard of it."

There are many folk gods in Japan, and many sacrificial activities are held throughout the country every year. There are fireworks displays and folk dances in summer, and ice and snow festivals in winter, etc. Basically, every month has its own sacrifice.

But now, the sacrificial activities have gradually turned into festive festivals. They are less solemn and solemn, but more approachable. The sacrificial activities in front of them are held in hot spring resorts, and the atmosphere of business is more intense.

On the current stage of the square, there are two women wearing traditional kimonos and masks dancing folk dances, expressing emotions by singing, gestures and body movements. Next to them are more than ten people wearing white shirts and holding long streamers. Some people are walking, and some people are playing musical instruments, the sound is melodious, drifting with the wind.

On both sides of the square, stalls have already been set up, selling a wide variety of goods, such as beautiful masks, exquisite fans, and various dough-made sugar figurines, etc., and the atmosphere is quite lively.

"It looks very fun, let's play together!" Wei Nai's eyes sparkled, obviously very interested in such a sacrifice.

Rafael said with a smile: "It's rare that Wei Nai is so interested."

Gabriel yawned: "I can't help it, I'll just play with you for a while."

Satania: "Hmph, I just reluctantly promise you."

Connor: "Oh—"

In such a big square, there are too many people walking together, so everyone dispersed and started to wander.

Hua Ye was walking casually by himself, and after a while, the hem of his clothes suddenly tightened.

Turning around, he saw the little bird You Liuhua standing behind him, his eyes sparkling.

"Brave, come with me!"


"Secret!" Xiaoniaoyou Liuhua pulled Hua Ye through the crowd and came to an inconspicuous building.

"Is this the kind of place you want to come to?" Hua Ye slightly twitched the corner of his mouth.

"That's right." The dumb-haired girl nodded, a blush quietly appeared on her face, "Today is the first time the brave man and I have come out to play, so we need to find a commemorative place..."

"I would rather not have such a commemoration!" Hua Ye couldn't help complaining.

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