Xiao Qian couldn't let her sister be hurt again, this was what Xiaoqian had in mind.


Xiaoqian gritted her teeth, and accidentally grabbed Hua Ye's hand while swinging her fists. Probably the warmth of Huaye's palm reassured her. She hesitated for a moment, but Xiaoqian didn't let go of her hand.

Hua Ye looked at Wei Nai.

"Let Xiaoqian hold it." Wei Nai shook her head lightly.

Chapter 1222 Playing With Your Sister...

When the taxi arrived at the entrance of the hotel, Xiaoqian paid the fare and hurriedly got out of the car.

Hua Ye and Wei Nai followed behind, and Wei Nai would not let Xiao Qian run slower at this time, but just told her to shout: "Be careful of your feet, don't fall."


As a result, as soon as the words fell, Xiaoqian let out an "oops" and fell flat on the ground.

A row of black lines fell on top of Wei Nai's head, and she quickly took two steps forward to help Xiao Qian up, "Are you all right?"

"No, it's okay." Xiao Qian shook his head violently, but looking at his red forehead and teary eyes, he knew that the fall must have been serious.

This is the trouble of girls with big breasts. They can't see their shoes when they look down, and they can't sleep on their stomachs. After a day, their shoulders are sore. If they run accidentally, they will lose their balance due to shaking and bumps.

Xiaoqian reached out and rubbed her forehead, ignoring the pain: "Let's go in quickly."


Hurrying into the hotel, there is a crystal chandelier in front of you, and the reception desk is on the left. A woman in uniform is standing behind the counter, greeting her with a smile: "Welcome..."

Before he finished speaking, Xiaoqian interrupted directly: "Where's my sister?"

"Huh?" The woman was taken aback, puzzled, "What sister?"

"It's Suguha!" Xiaoqian gritted her teeth and said, "My sister was brought here by a bastard, tell me where they are!"

After figuring out the situation, the front desk lady suddenly had a headache. She is most afraid of people coming to make trouble in this job. Once she makes trouble, she will definitely be reprimanded by the boss in the end, and her salary will even be deducted. Although this short-haired girl has big breasts, she is very short. , looks very small, either a junior middle school student or a high school student, her younger sister must be younger, which makes the situation even more troublesome.

"Sorry." The woman at the front desk took a deep breath and tried to maintain a smile on her face. "The hotel clearly stipulates that the privacy of customers is not allowed. If you want to inquire about check-in information, please call the police."

"The situation is so urgent now, can't we be more flexible?" Wei Nai said, "Please help me."

"I'm sorry, this kind of thing is not within my scope of authority." The woman apologized, but still shook her head, quickly edited the message behind the counter and sent it to the hotel owner, and even a hotel security guard came over.

First of all, it is not sure whether what Xiaoqian said is true or not. Secondly, every hotel has strict protection for the privacy of customers. If she speaks out, she will be fired immediately.

"What, what should I do?" Xiao Qian bit her lip and looked at Hua Ye, her eyes were full of pleading.

He has already found Suguha's whereabouts, knowing that she is in a certain room of this hotel, why should he wait downstairs for the police to come?

At this time, every minute and every second is suffering, if you wait any longer, Suguha will be ruined by others!

Hua Ye looked at Wei Nai, "May I ask?"

Wei Nai bit her lower lip, hesitated for a moment, and was about to nod her head. Although it is wrong to use force to bully ordinary people, one cannot just sit back and watch Xiaoqian's sister be bullied.

Just when he was about to speak, a surprised voice suddenly sounded.

"Master Hua Ye, why are you here?"

Following the prestige, I saw a fat man in a suit and no tie coming from the entrance of the corridor. It was the fat man who had been delayed by Shikigami for a while when Jing Keai was attacked by the half-demon that night.

The fat guy walked up to Hua Ye in two or three steps, smiling all over his face, his eyes were narrowed into a slit, and he slightly bent over and said, "My lord is here, the humble house is full of splendor..."

What surprised Wei Nai and Xiao Qian was that the front desk of the hotel actually shouted respectfully: "Hello boss, these few..."

The fat man interrupted directly, waving his hand and said, "No matter what your lord wants to do, just do it!"

The woman hesitated for a moment, seeing the fat brother looking over sharply, she didn't dare to say anything, "Yes, I'll make an inquiry."

Wei Nai and Xiaoqian were still a little dizzy. They didn't expect the matter to be resolved so easily. They just said that it was a rule that no one is allowed to inquire about the residents' information unless the police come. Why did they change their words in a blink of an eye?

This fat man is quite good at business, knowing that Hua Ye has always been a seldom talker, he quickly looked at Wei Nai and Xiaoqian with a smile on his face: "Hello, sister-in-law!"

A person in his late thirties actually called two junior high school students sister-in-law, and he was completely shameless just to hug his thighs.

Both Wei Nai and Xiao Qian blushed, Xiao Qian took a step back and pushed Wei Nai forward, "This is the sister-in-law, I am not."

"Xiaoqian, don't talk nonsense!" Wei Nai's pretty face was flushed, and she was super ashamed to be called sister-in-law by a stranger.

Wei Nai turned her head to Hua Ye angrily, motioning Hua Ye to speak quickly.

"Today's matter troubles you." Hua Ye said.

"No trouble, no trouble." Fat Brother said seriously, "Your Excellency saved my life last time, this life is yours, and you will go through fire or water!"

As a low-level onmyoji of the Onmyoji Association, hugging the thigh is a professional.

Last week, the Onmyoji Association fell into the sand on the way to crusade against the mountain god. He was caught in the cave because he was too fat to run slowly. When he saw the big monster Yatengu with his own eyes, he was respectful to Hua Ye—such thick thighs , When will you wait if you don't hold on to it at this time?


How much is that thing a catty?

With a blank expression on his face, Hua Ye directly filtered out such meaningless talk, and calmly said, "I'll give you some cookies tomorrow."

I don't like to owe favors, favors that can be resolved with cookies, of course, are directly repaid.

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