"Biscuits?" The fat man was taken aback, thinking of some gossip circulating in the Onmyoji circle, he was overjoyed, his eyes narrowed into slits, and he almost knelt down and hugged his thighs, "Thank you for the reward, sir."

Wei Nai and Xiao Qian looked sideways at that shameless dog-leggedness. They always felt that they were not like the big boss of a hotel, but more like the funny host of a prank show.

The front desk of the hotel quickly used the computer to check the room number: "Well, they are in room 306..."

Hearing the room number, Xiaoqian turned around and ran, instead of taking the elevator, he ran directly to the safety stairs next to him.

"Do you want me to go with you?" The fat man bent over and asked, full of dog legs.

Hua Ye shook his head: "No need."

Wei Nai glanced at Hua Ye and chased after Xiao Qian.

"Sister-in-law walk slowly."

One sentence made Wei Nai stagger and almost fell.

When the three of Hua Ye left the front desk of the hotel, the obsequious smile on the fat man's face disappeared immediately, and he said in a deep voice, "I don't want to hear a rumor about what happened just now, do you two understand?"


"We didn't see anything."

The front desk and the security guard hurriedly shook their heads, feeling uneasy, seeing their big boss with such a dog-legged appearance, would they be put on shoes?

"Have someone delete the monitoring just now." The fat brother thought for a while and said, "Then your salary this month will be increased by [-] yen each."

It's just hugging the thigh, it's not enough to kill people, it's as effective as throwing money at people.

"thank you boss!"


Hua Ye walked unhurriedly behind and reached the third floor, where Wei Nai and Xiao Qian had already stepped outside the door of the hotel room.

"Open the door!" Xiaoqian gritted her silver teeth and raised her hand to knock on the door, but suppressed the force, obviously not wanting to disturb others, and said through gritted teeth, "You have the guts to play with my sister, but you have the guts to open the door!"

Chapter 1223 My sister can't possibly like girls!

"Playing with my sister..."

Even though she knew it was Xiaoqian's unscrupulous words in a hurry, Wei Nai still had the urge to cover her forehead.

There was a sound from behind the door soon.

Not long after, the door of the room "clicked" and a gap was opened. A girl in a bathrobe stood behind the door and looked out suspiciously. Seeing Wei Nai and Xiaoqian outside the door, she froze for a moment, feeling a little guilty. Said: "Sister, how do you..."

"So, is it still late?"

Looking at her younger sister with wet hair and wearing a white bathrobe, Xiaoqian was startled, mist gushed out of her eyes, and the beans fell down uncontrollably.

"Sister, why are you crying?"

Seeing her sister who suddenly dropped beans, Suguha panicked, this big-breasted and brainless sister, except for the one time when the little rabbit she raised died, she had never seen her cry again.

Now I suddenly feel so sad, could it be that something happened to Inu Taro at home?

Xiaoqian wiped her eyes, pushed open the door, gritted her teeth and walked into the room: "I will definitely kick that guy's balls today!"

"Sister, what are you talking about?"

Wei Nai opened her mouth, but still didn't get involved, and followed Xiao Qian into the room.

Then there was Hua Ye, seeing that Hua Ye was there, Suguha blushed slightly, subconsciously covered the bathrobe on her body, hesitated for a moment, but still did not turn Hua Ye away.

Although it's a bit shameful to meet boys in a bathrobe, but the situation of my sister is obviously not right... she must have come to find herself, right?

There is nothing to say about the room. It is not the high-end suite where Igarashi lives. It also has a swimming pool, a small bar, a billiards room, a restaurant and other places. This is a very ordinary hotel room. You can see a white double bed when you enter the door , Behind the frosted glass door of the bathroom, there was the sound of 'crashing' water, obviously someone was taking a bath inside.

The witnesses and material evidence are all there, and the rape is almost missed.

Xiaoqian got angry from her heart, ran to the bathroom door, raised her hand and knocked on the door: "Bastard! Come out!"

"Sister, what are you doing?" Suguha frowned, and dodged to block her sister.

"You, you actually still protect that guy inside?"

Xiaoqian opened her eyes wide, her face full of disbelief, her lips trembling with anger.

Suguha felt a little guilty, "We didn't do anything..."

"You said you didn't do anything!" Xiaoqian raised her voice, "Boys are big pigs, I just hug and don't move, I just keep silent and don't kiss, I just rub and don't go in, aren't you stupid? !"


Wei Nai walked up to Hua Ye, and said in a low voice, "I feel like something is wrong... If that's the case, Suguha shouldn't be so calm."

Hua Ye said calmly, "Because the person in the bathroom is a girl."

"Eh?" Wei Nai opened her eyes wide, this time she was really shocked, "Girl?"

In the business of voice actors and pillows, male bosses usually force female employees. If there are two girls, then a group of me rushing over in a hurry, wouldn't it be a big oolong?

"How could it be girls..." Wei Nai bit her lower lip, and quickly remembered that the hotel receptionist downstairs seemed to be referring to them, not 'them', but at that moment Xiaoqian was so angry that she couldn't Didn't notice it.

"You already knew?" Wei Nai stared at him with a bad expression, "Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

"Even if you say Xiaoqian, you will definitely come up to find out." Hua Ye said speechlessly, "And before I even opened my mouth, you have already escaped."

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