
There are not many styles of kimonos for children, so Kang Na quickly selected one, and then entered the fitting room with Wei Nai and Liu Hua.

Naturally, Hua Ye would not follow, and stood alone in front of the store.

After a while, the voice of the little bird swimming in Liuhua came:

"Brave, brave, it's alright."

Hua Ye looked back and saw Xiaoniao Youliuhua walking out holding Kang Na.

Kang Na was wearing a red and white kimono. Her hair, which was originally loose, was also combed. The bangs were naturally still there, but her long hair was tied into a ponytail. She wore a white flower on the side of her head. It was slightly bulging, and the eyes seemed bigger, as if the sky after the rain was as blue as the sky.

In addition, Kang Na was also holding a small red oiled paper umbrella, which was more decorative than practical. The breeze blew, and the hem of her clothes fluttered. It looked really... cute.

"Brave, isn't it good?" The dumb hair on Liuhua's head swayed slightly, and said, "I found this umbrella after hard work. It is an eternal shield that can defend against all attacks..."

Enough, this is an ordinary umbrella!

Even the monster who likes to stand in the sun flower field to bask in the sun, dare not say that his parasol can defend against all attacks.

Kang Na was obviously in a good mood, although the expression on her face didn't change, there was a faint sparkle in her big eyes.

When he came to the door of the store, he opened the oil-paper umbrella and turned around in front of Hua Ye. Then he raised his face and looked over without blinking his big eyes.


Hey, why are you looking at me with such eyes, do you want to eat again!

"What to eat?" Hua Ye asked.

However, the blue-eyed young dragon didn't open his mouth, nor did he shift his gaze, but continued to look at it without blinking.

Hua Ye was a little puzzled, and a voice sounded from the side:

"Very cute."

The store manager grinned and gave a thumbs up: "This is your sister, she's super cute."


The blue-eyed young dragon continued to look over.

Hua Ye twitched the corner of his mouth, tilted his head and said a shameful sentence: "Ah, it's so cute."

The blue-eyed young dragon blinked before letting him go.

"Brave, brave, what about me?" Xiaoniaoyou Liuhua came over.

"Ah, very cute." Hua Ye replied casually.


At this time, a shy voice sounded from the house:

"Wearing like this...wouldn't be weird, would it?"

I saw that Wei Nai also changed into a kimono with plain and elegant white as the main color, dotted with flowing clouds and patterns on it, and a jade-colored ribbon tied around her waist, which seemed to be an unexpected fit.

Seeing everyone watching, Wei Nai pinched the corner of her clothes with one hand, blushed and said, "Is it weird? If it's weird, then I'll go and change it..."

"Ah." Hua Ye replied subconsciously, "It's so cute."


The air was suddenly quiet.

"You, what are you talking about!" Wei Nai opened her eyes wide, and it took a few seconds before she came back to her senses. She took a step back, clenched her right fist and pressed it on her chest, her face seemed to be burning with flames, "Don't say such things suddenly !"

Hey, what are you so excited about!

Isn't it just a compliment that it's cute? Isn't this a common language for greetings like "beauty, handsome guy"?


"Are you ready? Let's go."

Most of the kimonos here are rented by the day, and the price is not expensive. Hua Ye was just idle and bored, so he also changed one, and now he will pay the bill together.

If it was normal, Wei Nai, who was unwilling to take advantage of others, would definitely say that she would pay back the money later, but this time, for some reason, she just tilted her head and looked distracted.

Several people walked out of the shop, because none of them were talkative people, and the atmosphere on the road was a bit awkward.

I don't know why, ever since she praised Wei Nai, "It's so cute", her expression is a little strange.

"Is there something wrong?" Hua Ye asked casually.

Obviously it was just a simple question, but Wei Nai suddenly stopped, as if Hua Ye was about to do something terrible to her, and said vigilantly: "No, nothing!"

Your flushed cheeks, vacillating eyes, and vigilant tone, no matter how you look at it, it doesn't look like you're okay!

"Yeah." Hua Ye nodded and stopped talking.

Since the other party said it was all right, he wouldn't ask any more questions.

While talking, he wandered around a claw machine unknowingly, and a few familiar voices came to his ears.

"Damn! Why did you fall down again! Gabriel! You must have cheated, otherwise how could you catch so many!"

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