"Tch, because you're an idiot."

"Nonsense! It's just that my hand slipped, just wait and see, I will definitely catch it next time!"

"But, Your Highness Satania, you seem to have run out of coins."


Following the prestige, I soon saw Gabriel and Satania grabbing dolls near a claw machine.

"Hey." Gabriel held a bunny doll and handed it to Satania, "here."

"I, I don't want that kind of thing!"

"Really?" Gabriel curled her lips, "You just looked at it a lot, and you really want it."

With tears in her eyes, Satania put her hands on her hips, raised her head, and argued, "It's just because it's so ugly! I'm going to take it back and...destroy it humanely!"

"I'm a great demon who is destined to become the lord of hell. How could I like this kind of soft and soft thing, woo..."

The voice became lower and lower, and at the end there was only a mournful cry like a defeated dog.

"The dead duck has a hard mouth." Gabriel raised the little rabbit doll in her hand, "Do you want it? I'll throw it away."

"Hey, long-winded!" Satania blushed, her eyes were extremely tangled, and she was obviously caught in a dilemma.

Rafael stood beside her with her hands clasped in front of her chest, her face full of joy.

Today is indeed another happy day!

"Xiao Jia, give me the doll." Rafael said with a grin.


Gabriel handed the doll to Raphael casually.

Then the silver-haired angel picked up the label of the doll with one finger, and said with a smile: "Hey, Your Highness Satania, now the ownership of this doll belongs to me. As long as you promise me one condition, I will give you both hands." Here you go."

"What conditions?" Satania looked warily.

"It's very simple, that is..." Rafael stretched out a finger and tapped it on his lips, "It's the condition I put forward when I was staying at your house for a few days."

When Satania heard this, her eyes widened immediately, her face flushed red at a speed visible to the naked eye, and water vapor was almost rising from the top of her head, and she shouted in embarrassment: "Then, how could you agree to such a thing? ?”

Rafael grinned and wanted to talk, when a voice suddenly came from the side: "Lafite, it's hard for everyone to come out to play once, don't bully Satania."

It was Wei Nai who was able to walk nearby who spoke.

Chapter 124 The Showdown of Dark Cuisine

"Too, too foul!" Satania looked with wide eyes, "What did you do secretly while we were away!"

Rafael's eyes lit up, he walked up to Wei Nai, and immediately performed a breast rubbing attack: "Hey, Wei Nai and Liuhua Jiang, these clothes are very beautiful."

"Don't!" Wei Nai's face flew red, she stretched out her hand to resist, "The clothes are going to be messed up."

Although Gabriel didn't speak, a fluctuating light flashed in her eyes.

But most girls have no resistance to cute, cute, delicious, and beautiful things... Even if they have become useless angels, even if they are just a salty fish, even if they are addicted to cultivating immortals, they still have liking and anticipation something!

With a blushing face, Wei Nai pushed Rafael away, pursed her lips and said, "If you want to wear it, you can also rent one. It's in the shop not far in front..."

"Speaking of which, I haven't worn a kimono yet, so it should be interesting?" Raphael said with a smile, "Xiao Jia, let's go together."

Gabriel turned her head away: "Tch, such a troublesome thing, I won't..."

"Hey, Xiaojia, you are so arrogant."

Satania hurriedly followed up with the knife: "That's right, Gabriel! You say no, but your body is very honest."

Gabriel lowered her head, took out a hatchet that came out of nowhere, and said faintly, "I'll kill you~"


On the way back to the kimono shop, I happened to meet Miss Miko and little loli Chiba Hinata.

Seeing Hua Ye and Wei Nai walking together in kimonos, the little loli couldn't help puffing up her mouth: "Damn it! You actually cheated behind our backs!"

Wei Nai was taken aback for a moment, a blush suddenly appeared on her face, and her speech became stammering: "Steal, secretly, stealthily?!"

"My sister and I just went to the side to play for a while, and you changed into couple clothes."

Wei Nai's face was even redder, and the top of her head was almost covered with steam, and she hurriedly explained: "No, it's not a couple outfit, you, you misunderstood..."


Is wearing a kimono a couple outfit? Aren’t the hundreds of people on the square all lovers?

What a bad and chaotic relationship between men and women!

"Hinata." Miss Miko raised her eyebrows and said in a deep voice, "Apologize."

"Oh~ I'm sorry." Little Lolita also came back to her senses, and hurriedly covered her mouth, "I didn't say those words just now! Sister Wei Nai, please forgive me!"

As he spoke, he sniffled his little nose, and his eyes began to sparkle.

"It's okay, I'm not angry." Wei Nai smiled bitterly.

"My lord, I want to wear it too." Hinata Loli raised her hand with a bulging face.

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