The entrance to the cafe.

"Vina sauce, I'm going back first." Xiaoqian waved her hand, dejected and out of spirits.

Wei Nai nodded, and said: "Be careful on the road, take the main road, don't take the alley."

It is difficult for an upright official to break up housework, and it is still unknown whether Xiaoqian's sister can be straightened out, anyway, he will never agree to it.

"I know, you don't need to say it every time." Xiaoqian made a fist and made a Popeye pose, "If anyone dares to bully me, I'll kick his ass off!"

Wei Nai put on a pretty face: "Don't swear."

"What's the matter?" Xiaoqian muttered, "You already have a boyfriend..."

Wei Nai glanced at Hua Ye, blushed slightly and said, "Not yet."

"Eh?" Xiao Qian was surprised, "What is that?"

"It's a reserve." Wei Nai turned her face away, her face flushed even more, "I have to observe again."

Xiao Qian hit the nail on the head and said, "Vina, you are so arrogant."


Vaina narrowed her eyes.

"It's scary!" Xiaoqian stuck out the tip of her tongue and fled, "I'm going back!"


Hua Ye looked at Wei Nai: "I..."

"Don't talk." Wei Nai came over annoyed, and admitted that her boyfriend's identity was too shy to do it, and her boyfriend's reserve was already at the limit. At this moment, she only felt her face was hot, and she felt like she could cook eggs.

"Freedom of speech is a basic right of every citizen," Hua Ye said.

Wei Nai complained: "There is a punishment called deprivation of political rights."

Hua Ye said speechlessly, "Why didn't you use a scarf?"

"The weather isn't that cold yet." Wei Nai shook her head, breathed a sigh of relief, and found that white mist appeared under the light, "Well, it's actually a bit cold, and I've washed it and put it away, so I can use it when it really comes winter." ...By the way, where has Satania been with you for the past two days?"

Hua Ye said: "Eat enough, sleep soundly, and smell like Liuhua, it seems happy..."

"That's called congeniality." Wei Nai interrupted, casting a blank look at Hua Ye and said, "Do Liuhua and Satania sleep in the bedroom together at night?"

"Yeah." Hua Ye replied, "Last night, they called me to sleep together, saying that it was cold, and it would be warmer if we huddled together."

"Don't bully Liuhua and Satania." Wei Nai pursed the corners of her lips, with a rare mischievous smile on her face, "It's against the law to bully idiots."

"No bullying." Hua Ye said, "They should be sleeping on the kotatsu right now, go to the apartment and try it?"

"No." Wei Nai paused, "We'll talk about it on the weekend."


When Hua Ye returned to the apartment, he could see a ray of light shining through the crack of the door, so he knocked on the door without taking the key.

It's a pity that there was no sound of footsteps coming from inside the door, only a feeble voice shouted: "I can't get up, use the key to open the door."

Hua Ye was speechless, took out the key to open the door, walked into the entrance, glanced over, and saw that the kotatsu had been moved from the corner to the middle of the living room, Liuhua and Satania lazily looked like cats without bones. Lying on the kotatsu, my face was flattened.

Gabriel was also there, but there was a laptop in front of her, and she was playing games with her hands on the kotatsu.

"Brave, you're back?" Liuhua's face turned red, and the hairs on the top of her head were all wilted, "The kotatsu is so powerful, my body is so limp, I can't get up..."

"It is indeed something more terrifying than the hell dog." Satania raised her hand between her eyebrows, "I, the future ruler of hell, Your Highness Hutazawa Satania McVay, would like to honorably call the kotatsu For the evil of the world..."

Your uncle's evil in this world is just an ordinary kotatsu, and your performance is too exaggerated!

"You guys shut up."

Hua Ye thought of the other names of the kotatsu as 'abandoned house maker', 'a thing that devours people when you enter it', 'a wonderful place with magical power', it seems that these nicknames are not made up, Liuhua and Satania has a clear tendency to abandon the house.

"You two haven't taken a shower yet?" Hua Ye asked, Liuhua and Satania didn't change their clothes, obviously they didn't take a shower.

Liuhua shook her head, her small face flattened: "No."

Satania was weak: "I don't want to take a bath, a kotatsu is enough."

Hua Ye straightened his face and said, "Get up and take a shower."

Gabriel is enough for waste cats and lazy cats, if there are two more, they will be bored to death!

Hua Ye sat cross-legged next to Gabriel, "Is the kotatsu really so comfortable?"

"The kotatsu is the best in the world!" The useless angel slapped his hands on the table, speaking for the kotatsu, "The weather is getting colder and colder recently, and I can't bear to turn on the air conditioner. When I play games, my legs and feet are always cold and uncomfortable. Now I have Kotatsu, you don’t have to worry about playing games in winter anymore.”

Hua Ye squinted his eyes: "The kotatsu is not for playing games."

Gabriel disliked it: "Tch, I have to use it anyway, lying in a daze is a waste of life, why not use it to play games."

Hua Ye glanced at the orange peels in the trash can, and gently pulled the corner of his mouth: "How many oranges have you eaten?"

"I don't know." Gabriel tapped the mouse with her fingers, "Chocolate goes better with rainy days, and kotatsu and oranges are also a perfect match."

Hey, Dove Chocolate's advertising line is "Rainy days, music and chocolate are more suitable", instead of rainy days and chocolate, rainy days have nothing to do with chocolate!

Hua Ye said, "You can't eat too many oranges."

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