"I know, I know." Liuhua raised her hand and said, "Don't drink too much water, too much will cause water poisoning!"

After finishing speaking, he opened his eyes wide and looked at Hua Ye. The stupid hair on the top of his head swayed happily, obviously waiting for Hua Ye's compliment.

Hua Ye said with a straight face, "Take off the blindfold and contact lenses at home."

"It's too much to be a brave man." Liuhua raised her hand to cover the blindfold, "This is the only thing that won't work, the true eye of the evil king will go berserk and destroy the world."

"Hmm..." Satania looked up at the sky and pondered, "You can't eat too much, because if you eat too much, you will be full?"


It seems that you have a deep understanding of the feeling of being full!

Hua Ye said, "You two go take a shower."

"Hey, don't do it." Liuhua tried to pass the test with coquetry and cuteness, lying on the kotatsu and said, "I can't get up after being sealed."

Hua Ye walked over and picked up the two idiots, "Hurry up and take a shower."

Liuhua and Satania had no choice but to reluctantly enter the bathroom.

Hua Ye was not interested in kotatsu, so he sat on the sofa and took out his mobile phone to watch the news, planning to take a shower later.

A moment later, a painful low hum sounded.

Hua Ye looked up, and saw that the useless angel beside him had a yellow face, raised his hand to cover his stomach, and frowned his slender eyebrows.

That's right, it's not that the little face is pale, but the little face is yellow.

Anyone who eats a lot of oranges knows that this is a fruit that can make people 'turn yellow'!

Oranges are rich in carotene. If you eat too many oranges at one time, the carotene will slosh under the cortex before it can be metabolized, making the subcutaneous fat stain, especially the face, palms and soles of the feet, which will be extraordinarily yellow.

This useless angel has eaten so many oranges, it has already eaten itself into a 'minion'!


Chapter 1250 Gabriel Never Surrenders

"Ah, Gabriel, why did you become a yellow-faced woman?!"

Satania, who came out of the shower, shouted in shock. She didn't even care to wipe her hair. She ran over and said with wide eyes, "I really became a minion."

"go away."

Gabriel lay on the kotatsu, her small face turned yellow, she covered her stomach with one hand, and looked at Hua Ye with a frown: "Stomach hurts."

Hua Ye said, "I've eaten too many oranges."


Gabriel gritted her silver teeth and repeated.

Hua Ye said speechlessly, "Knead for you?"

"hurry up."

The useless angel turned his face away, pressed his chin on the kotatsu, and continued to play the role of a useless cat.


Satania looked around with wide eyes.

"What are you looking at?" Gabriel's eyes were not friendly, her stomach pain made her feel unhappy, and she wanted to punch someone to vent her anger when she felt unhappy.

However, Satania had no eyesight at all, so she leaned forward eagerly, and asked curiously, "Gabriel, why did you suddenly become so yellow?"

"You want to know?" Gabriel narrowed her eyes, waved her hand, and said with a smile, "Come here, come here with your ear, I will only tell you this secret."

"I always feel that you have bad intentions..."

Satania became vigilant, the idiot's intuition was always sharp.

Gabriel turned her face away: "Tch, forget it if you don't listen."

"Tell me, tell me." Satania turned her ear, her curiosity about the secret overwhelmed her vigilance.



Gabriel's yang finger flicked on the forehead of Silly Meow.

"Oh." The little red-haired devil leaned back, covered his forehead with his hands, puffed up his cheeks, "Gabriel, you did it on purpose!"

"Have you ever heard that the Dharma is not taught to the six ears?" Gabriel pouted, as a bad girl, she would not feel any pain in her heart when she bullied Satania, "Tang Sanzang went to the West to seek the scriptures. Ninety-eighty-one is difficult, if you want to know the secret of becoming stronger, of course you have to pay the price."

Satania pinched her waist with one hand, and Gabriel had degenerated into a useless cat with no power to restrain the chicken. Even if she succeeded in a sneak attack, she would not be able to deal any damage: "It's the secret of turning yellow, not the secret of becoming stronger. Don't do it!" Wrong."

"Go blow your hair." Hua Ye walked from the sofa to Gabriel and sat down next to Gabriel, chasing away the idiot who didn't have a long memory at all, "Eat more oranges, and it will also turn yellow."

Gabriel should have come over after taking a shower. Right now, she is wearing an exclusive red otaku suit, the kind that can be used as a skirt by pulling down the clothes.

Although the kotatsu can warm your feet, the air conditioner is not turned on in the living room, and the air is quite cold. This useless angel pulled the zipper up to his chin to keep out the cold. Hua Ye thought about it, and instead of trying to get the zipper, he reached out to get under it. Rub your belly.

The right hand landed on the smooth and delicate thigh of the useless angel, and was about to explore upwards, but Gabriel, the useless meow, turned into a cute tiger in an instant, gritted her teeth and said, "Where are you touching?"

Hua Ye was not afraid at all: "Rub your belly."

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