"Can't it be done through clothes?"



The crippled angel hesitated for a while, but didn't stop it, but said fiercely: "If you dare to touch you, you will die."

It's not like she's wearing nothing under her clothes, but it's just a girly developmental bra. Although she doesn't care much about it, it's a bit embarrassing after all.

After getting tacit approval, Hua Ye stretched out his hand from the crippled angel's thigh all the way up, because he had been sitting in the kotatsu, didn't he feel cold and warm all over his body, which was quite comfortable.

The fingertips soon reached the base of the thigh, and the fingertips touched the soft and delicate fabric, which was obviously fat.

Gabriel lay on the kotatsu, staring fiercely at Hua Ye. If there is a slight movement, it is estimated that there will be a double blow of rocket head hammer + holy angel sanction. You can see the little face of this useless angel. A faint blush floated up - I think when I first came to study in the world, I would blush when I saw the cover of a fashion magazine that was a little bolder, but now I blush slightly, time really is a butcher's knife, red cherries, green plantains what.

Not long after, Rokka also came out of the bathroom after taking a bath, and the middle school girl let out the same exclamation as Satania.

"Wow, Xiaojia, how did you become a minion?"

"The attendant said that this will happen if you eat too many oranges."

"It turns out that eating too many oranges will turn you into a minion?" Liuhua counted on her fingers, "Xiaojia came over at seven o'clock, and then played games while eating oranges...ten or twenty? Anyway, I ate a lot."

"Others still eat three hundred lychees a day, but I just ate some oranges." Gabriel retorted with a guilty conscience.

Satania pinched her waist with one hand: "How much? Not much."

"Come here." Gabriel waved with a smile, "I'll give you a buff."

Hua Ye said, "Litchi disease, let's find out."

Lychee disease is a real disease, which usually occurs when lychees are on the market. Nosebleeds are mild, and can even be fatal. If Su Dongpo really "eating three hundred lychees a day", his body would not be able to bear it at all. what!In fact, this poem was a mistake made by Su Dongpo who could not understand the Lingnan dialect.

"Xiaojia, how about I take a photo?" Liuhua took out her phone and asked for advice.

"Don't shoot."

Gabriel shook her head and refused, raised her hand to touch her face, is it really yellow?

Picking up the phone and looking at the screen, the effect is not very good. I can't tell if I have turned into a minion. I am still a little concerned. After the stomach pain is gone, this waste of heaven uses great perseverance to lift the kotatsu. Wearing slippers, 'slapping' and walking to the bathroom.

Walking into the bathroom and standing in front of the mirror, the little useless angel's face suddenly turned black...well, it turned yellow.

Just now, Gabriel thought that Liuhua and Satania were somewhat exaggerated, but now she stood in front of the mirror and found that it was not an exaggeration at all!The self in the mirror has indeed become a little yellow man!

Because he stays at home and plays games every day, never goes out to run around, getting up at noon is a daily routine, and has no interest in sunbathing and tanning. This useless angel has exceptionally fair skin, and is occasionally said to be sickly pale, so I don’t bother to refute it , but minions or something, super mind!

It is a girl's nature to love beauty, and Gabriel is no exception.

The useless angel pursed his lips and walked out of the bathroom, searched on his mobile phone about the fact that eating too many oranges turned yellow, skimmed over the scientific explanations such as carotene, and saw the final sentence directly: "Don't worry, become a little girl!" Yellow people have no effect on the body, as long as you stop eating oranges, you will be able to recover after two to six weeks."

"Two to six weeks..." Gabriel almost dropped her phone, "The soul is light! There are only four weeks in a month! It's winter vacation after six weeks!"

Although he doesn't pay attention to his appearance and image, and often goes to school with disheveled hair, Gabriel doesn't want to appear in school with this appearance at all. If the melon-eating girl in the class sees him, the title of Minion will definitely spread throughout the school. I can't even wash it off!

"Huh..." The useless angel took a deep breath, turned to look at Hua Ye, "How do you get rid of the yellow color on your body?"

Hua Ye said seriously, "Let's take a bath together."


Chapter 1251


Gabriel gritted her teeth and refused.

This facial paralysis has completely evolved into a carnivore. Two days ago, he himself said that he is more interested in pushing down. How could he take a bath with him!In case the beast suddenly becomes violent, terrible things will happen!

Hua Ye shrugged: "It will fade naturally after a while."

"I know this."

Gabriel gritted her silver teeth, if her color faded after six weeks, would she have to go to school for six weeks in the appearance of a minion?

Absolutely no.

The useless angel glared at Hua Ye, "Is there any other way?"

Hua Ye responded: "Kissing is fine..."

"go away."

It is agreed that kissing can lose weight, and when kissing can also fade, it is simply taking advantage of the opportunity!

Gabriel realized that the matter of eating too many oranges and becoming a minion, for ordinary people, can only wait for time to slowly subside, but for Hua Ye, it is estimated that it can be solved by touching it with hands for a while.

After thinking this through, Gabriel immediately felt relieved, and sat lazily on the kotatsu—she had hundreds of ways to make Hua Ye submit obediently.

Hua Ye glanced at the crippled angel, not sure why she suddenly relaxed, but he didn't care, the dominance of the market has always been in the hands of the monopolist.

"Brave, brave, let's play a game?" Liuhua dried her hair, sat next to Hua Ye, put her feet into the kotatsu, and said expectantly.

"what game?"

"Hey, that's it."

Liuhua lifted the thin blanket covering the futon stove, revealing a LCD screen underneath, and then touched a switch somewhere, the screen lit up quickly, and a familiar window interface appeared on it, which turned out to be an oversized flat!

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